Rigorózní práce / Rigorous theses (KOP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Beneš, Petr
Vývoj právní úpravy institutu oddlužení The thesis focuses on the development of the legal regulation of debt relief in the Czech Republic. By chronologically comparing the key amendments, we try to find out how the institution of debt relief developed over time and what are the barriers to debt relief for ... |
Korbelová, Petra
Směnka vlastní a její interpretace soudy The purpose of this essay is to provide a whole comprehensive view on a Promissory note. Carefully go through every requirement, clause or every occurence to be found in bill common practice. to add a rich practice of the court and a diverse specialised literature to ... |
Blafková, Kristýna
Zkrácené režimy oddlužení Submitted rigorous work deals with issues of shortened systems of debt relief. The target is to describe and analyze different types of debt relief, which is already possible to fulfil in three years. Main attention is primarily focused on explanation of individual conditions how... |
Kraus, Libor
Ochrana proti nesprávnému postupu zadavatele veřejné zakázky In this work author focuses on the means of protection against improper conduct of contracting authority. |
Kurz, Patrik
Pohledávky v insolvenčním řízení ve světle judikatury This qualifying work deals with issues of debt recovery to the creditor in insolvency proceedings. The main focus is on the impact of the jurisprudence on the legal regulation of insolvency law in relation to receivables and on the actual process of recovery of debts to... |
Štekl, Vilém
Nesprávné postupy v zadávacích řízeních ve světle nového zákona o zadávání veřejných zakázek This thesis is divided into five main thematic parts. The reader goes through an introduction and historical part, which presents wider contexts and origin of public procurement in the context of understanding the contemporary legal regulation. Practical topics are offered in chapter fo... |
Hodina, Lumír
Oddlužení se zaměřením na společné oddlužení manželů The presented thesis aims to describe and analyze one of the institutes of insolvency law, debt relief. Special attention is paid to the issue of joint redress of spouses. In the introduction are presented basic concepts that are related to the given issue and at the ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra obchodního práva / Department of Commercial Law