Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KTO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kubátová, Dana
Kaufnerová, Aneta
3D SCANNING - ACCURACY OF A VOLUME MODEL TRANSFORMED FROM SCANNED DATA Quality control is one of the most important areas in the production process. Quick inspection requires the most efficient techniques for comparing and inspecting manufactured parts with CAD design. One of the methods for evaluating product quality is to compare the CAD model with&... |
Skřivanová, Nikola
Melichar, Martin
EVALUATION OF EFFECT OF ATTRIBUTIVE MEASUREMENTS IN A CLIME COMPARTMENT ON THE VALUE OF DIMENSIONAL MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY IN AN ACCRETED TEST LABORATORY In the field of precision measurement and testing by state-accredited laboratories, the area of measurement uncertainty has a clear and indispensable role. This article builds on a 2018 study (The Influence of Humidity on ABS Plastic Measurement Result). This study addressed the variabi... |
Kroft, Luboš
Sýkora, Jindřich
DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION OF PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY OF THIN-WALLED VANADIUM PARTS This article deals with one of the research directions solved at the Department of Machining Technology of the University of West Bohemia in the field of thin-walled parts machining technology. The main objective of this research was to find suitable conditions for machining parts&... |
Antoš, Jakub
Duliškovič, Josef
Šulcová, Petra
Lencová, Kateřina
Cohesion strenght test of selected commercial HVOF coatings High velocity oxy-fuel spraying (HVOF) being one of thermal spraying techniques, is deployed in many commercial applications mostly for very hard wear and/or corrosion resistant coatings. Supersonic speed of the spraying jet combined with temperatures around 5500 K is utilized to spray&... |
Yanovych, Vitalii
Duda, Daniel
Uruba, Václav
Dimensional analysis parameters of turbulence in the wake of a square cylinder In this article, we show the results of a study of the structure of a turbulent flow behind a square cylinder. Namely, for the series of points that have the highest standard deviation value. During the experiment, we were changing the position of the square cylinder ... |
Bricín, David
Ackermann, Michal
Jansa, Zdeněk
Kubátová, Dana
Kříž, Antonín
Špirit, Zbyněk
Štafka, Jiří
Development of the structure of cemented carbides during their processing by SLM and HIP The study focuses on microstructural evolution in a WC-Co powder mixture during Selective Laser Melting (SLM) and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) processing. This powder mixture contained a 13 plus/minus 0.6 % weight fraction of Co binder and WC particles of mean size of 3.0 ... |
Bricín, David
Votava, Filip
Kubátová, Dana
Kříž, Antonín
Influence of the quality of models made by additive technologies on the quality of castings cast by investment casting The article deals with the use of additive technologies (AM) to produce a fusible model for a casting. AM technologies SLA, FDM, or PolyJet have been used to create models of castings of musical instrument keys from various polymeric materials. The roughness profiles of the... |
Syrovátka, Šimon
Martan, Jiří
Hydrophobic and antibacterial properties of laser micromachined steel surfaces One of the main benefits of ultrashort laser micromachining is the possibility of preparing various surface structures, including a diversity of shapes and dimensions. The goal of this paper was to fabricate hydrophobic surface structures and to study coherency between the wettability a... |
Skřivanová, Nikola
Melichar, Martin
Validation of process stability in the aviation industry The article deals with the validation of the stability of the process of inspecting aircraft components in the aviation industry. During the experiment, the X-ray and CT control system SCIOX Cabinet was used, which allows nondestructive testing in the form of CT models. The ex... |
Farský, Jindřich
Daňa, Milan
Zetková, Ivana
Optimizing the design of a holder in metal additive manufacturing Additive technologies have given us a new approach to designing because we can create very complex shapes that cannot be achieved with conventional machining methods. Also, using additive technologies provides us with the possibility of weight reduction while maintaining the rigidity of ... |
Bícová, Kateřina
Kroft, Luboš
Milsimerová, Aneta
A contribution to the capability of the measuring device used in the automotive The automotive sector places high demands on the quality of products and services. The paper focuses on evaluating of the measuring equipment capability, which is used to verify the accuracy of parts for the automotive industry. It is mainly about verifying the suitability and ... |
Kaufnerová, Aneta
Stability measurement – Comparison of measured values with the regenerative theory of self-excitation oscillations This paper deals with self-excited oscillations arising during the turning process. Several theories are known which attempt to explain the cause of self-excited oscillations. One of the most advanced theories is the reproduction of previous surface waviness. A simplified mathematical description... |
Kroft, Luboš
Bícová, Kateřina
Milsimerová, Aneta
Use of 3D printing technology in teaching the basics of milling technology This paper deals with current possibilities of the utilization of the 3D printing technologies in the area of schooling and education. The main idea is to use current rapid development of the technique and technology of creating 3D models to improve better interaction with stu... |
Zatloukal, Tomáš
Řehoř, Jan
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Povolný, Michal
Optimization of the machining process of NiCrBSi thermal spraying Nowadays, the requirements for the properties of machine parts are increasing. With this trend, the application of thermal spraying is also growing. The main reason for the use of thermal spraying in industry is to increase the resistance to mechanical wear, corrosion and oxidation... |
Melichar, Martin
Skřivanová, Nikola
Foreign object damage issued by industry 4.0 In the field of aerospace inspection, the prevention of damage caused by foreign objects is a very serious topic, as in the past the FOD has caused a number of accidents. The FOD itself can be divided into many types but this article deals with foreign objects t... |
Kubátová, Dana
Problems of defining and subsequently measuring surface roughness in aperiodic surfaces The concept of surface roughness plays an irreplaceable role in technical practice. It has been evaluated by various techniques and various mathematical procedures since the 1920s. However, the evaluation is often underestimated and reduced to finding the parameters Ra or Rz. This is... |
Farský, Jindřich
Bakša, Tomáš
Zetek, Miroslav
Grinding maraging steel VACO 180 with SIC grinding wheels - grinding force and wheel wear Grinding is a technology which is used as a surface finishing operation. Therefore it is important for achieving good dimensions of accuracy. This accuracy can be affected by the size of wear of the grinding wheel. The size of the grinding wheel wear can be affected ... |
Zatloukal, Tomáš
Gombár, Miroslav
Fulemová, Jaroslava
Řehoř, Jan
Povolný, Michal
Optimization of the thermal spraying process depending on the surface roughnes Nowadays, the requirements for the properties of machine parts are increasing. With this trend, the application of thermal spray coatings is also increasing in practice, with the aim of increasing resistance towards mechanical wear, corrosion, and oxidation, even at elevated temperatures. Re... |
Šambergerová, Štěpánka
Bícová, Kateřina
Analysis of time fluctuation on selected workplace in terms of automotive industry This paper focuses on time analysis and optimization of selected process, which is subject to IATF 16949 standard for automotive industry. Each company has its own production system, according to which it tries to optimize production and thus meet the requirements of ISO 9000 ... |
Skřivanová, Nikola
Melichar, Martin
Comparing the time-consumption of destructive and non-destructive forms of measurement in the automotive industry The article presents a comparison of the time-consumption of destructive and non-destructive forms of measurement in the automotive industry. X-ray, CT control system Y. Cougar SMT which allow non-destructive measurement, and CMM-Vertex 311 UM, in which the measured dimensions are not always... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra technologie obrábění / Department of Machining Technology