Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KVD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Kohout, Jiří
Buršíková, Dana
Frank, Jan
Lukavský, Jindřich
Masopust, Pavel
Motlíková, Iva
Rohlíková, Lucie
Slavík, Jan
Stacke, Václav
Vejvodová, Jana
Voltrová, Michaela
Factors Influencing Effectiveness of Pandemic Distance Learning – Preliminary Findings From a Complex Survey This study is focused on identification of factors affecting the effectiveness of pandemic distance learning both on the side of students and teachers. The attention is devoted also to prevalence and perceived usefulness of the individual distance learning ap... |
Duffek, Václav
Fiala, Jan
Hořejší, Petr
Mentlík, Pavel
Polcar, Jiří
Průcha, Tomáš
Rohlíková, Lucie
Pre-Service Teachers’ Immersive Experience in Virtual Classroom In this paper, the results of two pilot studies, carried out in a 3D classroom simulator (based on the Unity 3D engine), will be presented. A virtual classroom user uses a virtual reality headset, and teaches virtual learners (didactic-controlled), who report, ask, and answer ... |
Caldeiro-Pedreira, Mari-Carmen
Havránková, Tereza
The Use of Educative Videos to Develop Critical Competence Abstract: The technology society and the increasing number of communication tools have given a rise to the development of new forms of teaching. Nowadays it is practically impossible to teach using traditional approaches. The media world requires implementation of new teaching-learning metho... |
Grolmus, Petr
Rohlíková, Lucie
Learning analytics at UWB - first approach The focus of this paper is the first look and interpretation of learning analytics data from learning management system (LMS) at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (UWB). We claim that there are three types of granularity of LMS data. The first type is top-level,... |
Průcha, Tomáš
Rohlíková, Lucie
Filipi, Zbyněk
Computer Science Teacher Preparation Practices In connection with the integration of CS (Computer Science) into the curriculum of primary and secondary schools there is an increasing interest in improving the quality and increasing number of the CS teachers in the countries around the world. Innovation in the university CS ... |
Benediktová, Lenka
Socrative app in natural sciences on elementary schools Modern technologies are nowadays a usual part of elementary school's lessons. They are involved in all parts of the lesson. The help the teacher to expose the curriculum, the students to fixate it and they are even usable in testing the knowledge. In this article we... |
Benediktová, Lenka
Application of stickaround app in natural history lessons in grammar schools Interconnections of modern technologies and educational system are increasing. Use of mobile devices in education is not and exception. Pupils either use their own devices (BYOD) or they borrow it from a school. The developers of educational apps are still introducing new tools to&... |
Honzík, Lukáš
Frank, Jan
Mathematical courses on Children's University at Faculty of education Game-based learning is a relatively important part of the learning process. The game itself is a strong motivational factor for the children. They are not only informed about new facts, learns new skills and gets him new experiences, but the experience of the game also wo... |
Gangur, Mikuláš
Svoboda, Milan
Grolmus, Petr
A comparison of different approaches used in the learning process by means of the moodle data analysis The contribution deals with the application of data mining methods in the log data of the Moodle learning management system. In the first step the attention is paid to the pre-processing of data cleaning, transformation, and aggregation. This pre-processing of data preparation focuses... |
Baťko, Jan
Rohlíková, Lucie
Frank, Filip
Robotic kit LEGO as a means of getting acquainted with educational robotics This article introduces a part of the research in the field of educational robotics implemented in the Czech Republic. The aim of the research was to explore how elementary school pupils solve some simple tasks. Within the research a set of fifteen simple tasks designed f... |
Jakeš, Tomáš
Baťko, Jan
Frank, Filip
LEGO robotics textbook: solutions for creating constructions and manuals This article deals with LEGO robotics textbook developed at the Department of Computer Science and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. The textbook is focused on the support of developing computational thinking of pupils in the upper prima... |
Frank, Jan
Honzík, Lukáš
Positivity of polynomial in the context of Czech education Decomposition of a polynomial as a Sum of squares of polynomials (SOS) is one of the classical methods how to prove that certain polynomial f is a positive semidefinite polynomial. At present, this is a technique that is not usually taught at Czech high schools or in... |
Frank, Filip
Frank, Jan
Honzík, Lukáš
Jakeš, Tomáš
Safety of Czech elementary school pupils on the Internet The safety of elementary school pupils on the internet (especially on social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) is a current and often discussed problem. In previous decades, attackers (e.g. pedophiles) usually lured children with sweets or puppies. It was risky becau... |
Lomička, Zdeněk
Horváthová, Dana
Michalíková, Alžbeta
Filipi, Zbyněk
Škrinárová, Jarmila
Voštinár, Patrik
Řešení úloh v blokovém programování jako součást projektového dne založeného na deskoherních principech |
Průcha, Tomáš
Computer science teacher preparation in an international context : a comparative study |
Kubíková, Kateřina
Lukavská, Kateřina
Boháčová, Aneta
Mainz, Denis
Svobodová, Sandra
Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI): validization and psychometric properties of Czech version This study details the development and validation of a Czech language version of the Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI). The TAI instrument has been created to allow acquisition of empirical evidence on the two above-mentioned components in practical situations. This measurement tool addresses... |
Konopásková, Anna
Filipi, Zbyněk
Informace k projektům PRIM a DG In line with the prerequisites of the Digital Education Strategy by 2020, work is underway on projects focusing on the development of information thinking and digital literacy also in upper secondary education. In the project called Support for the Development of Information Thinking,... |
Pospíšilová, Linda
Elektronické portfolio jako nástroj rozvoje autonomie a jazykových kompetencí vysokoškolských studentů ve výuce odborného anglického jazyka Nowadays, there is a frequent call for paradigm shift in education heard. The centre is moving from a teacher to a learner, from content to knowledge and skills, from memorizing to active learning and the 21st century skill development. In literature we can encounter a cl... |
Průcha, Tomáš
Horváthová, Dana
Filipi, Zbyněk
Rohlíková, Lucie
Problémy v přípravě učitelů informatiky: případová studie In the Czech Republic there is a growing discussion about thepreparation of CS (Computer Science) teachers, especially inconnection with the integration of CS into the curriculum ofprimary and secondary schools. The aim of this paper is to describeproblems in the preparation of CS ... |
Rohlíková, Lucie
Flexible forms of learning as a challenge for higher education This paper will discuss current trends in the development of lifelong and online education through the eyes of universities. Given the demographic situation and progressive automation, significant changes in demand for education can be expected in the near future in individual and flexi... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra výpočetní a didaktické techniky / Department of Computing and Didactic Technology