Název: CFD prediction of flutter of turbine blades and comparison with an experimental test case
Další názvy: CFD predikce flutteru turbinových lopatek a srovnání s experimentem
Autoři: Sláma, Václav
Rudas, Bartoloměj
Ira, Jiří
Macálka, Aleš
Eret, Petr
Tsymbalyuk, Volodymyr
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: SLÁMA, V., RUDAS, B., IRA, J., MACÁLKA, A., ERET, P., TSYMBALYUK, V. CFD prediction of flutter of turbine blades and comparison with an experimental test case. In: XXI international scientific conference: the application of experimental and numerical methods in fluid mechanics and energy 2018 (AEANMIFMAE-2018). Cedex: EDP Sciences, 2018. s. 02005, 1-8. ISSN: 2261-236X.
Datum vydání: 2018
Nakladatel: EDP Sciences
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: 2-s2.0-85048355552
ISSN: 2261-236X
Klíčová slova: turbinová lopatková kaskáda;flutter
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: turbine blade cascade;flutter
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: Last stage blades are a key element of steam turbines and in many ways determine the turbine configuration alongside with the overall turbine performance. The total efficiency of the low pressure turbine section can be increased by extending the last stage blades. The design process of such long blades involves a flutter analysis using CFD tools which have to be validated by measurements in test facilities under various operating conditions. Experimental data obtained from a subsonic wind tunnel with an oscillating turbine blade cascade, which is available at the Department of Power System Engineering at the University of West Bohemia, was compared with simulations in ANSYS CFX currently used in the Doosan Skoda Power. The paper provides a brief summary of experimental rig description, CFD tool setup and the results for the case of a travelling wave mode with the pure torsion motion of amplitude of 0.5 degrees, Ma = 0.2, reduced frequency of 0.38 and angle of attack +5 degrees.
Práva: © EDP Sciences
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