Číslo 1 (2018) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hieu, Vu Minh
Rašovská, Ida
A proposed model on stakeholders impacting on destination management as mediator to achieve sustainable tourism development This paper aims to propose a conceptual model of impacts of stakeholders to destination management of which destination management is seen as a mediator for sustainable tourism development. Various databases including Google Scholar, Scopus, Science Direct, etc. for peer reviewed journals, b... |
Matejov, Ľubomír
Vaňová, Jaromíra
Vyber a implementacia dokument manažment systemu pre riadenie dokumentacie v spoločnosti Mlyn Pohronsky Ruskov Document management of the 21st century means, in particular, a fully automated system that, after being installed on a corporate server, is capable, after setting up according to user preferences, to manage the documents separately, to work with these documents, upload them to the... |
Papp, Imola Csehné
Juhász, Timea
Tóth, Arnold
Kálmán, Botond
The career concepts of women in Hungary The aim of this study is to get to know the career concepts of women in Hungary. The public opinion is to expect double sets of obligations of women; they need to take part in the traditional family role, while parallel women have to be active on labor mark... |
Navrátilová, Denisa
Kratochvílová, Michaela
Janošová, Lenka
Národnostní diverzita ve vybraném týmu mezinárodní firmy With an increasing globalization of the world labor market, a frequency of occurrence of foreign employees in the Czech working teams is growing. Diversity in the workplace can be an advantage, mainly due to creative approaches to solving situations and problems, but it also b... |
Říha, David
Stros, Michael
Linear models based on business data from the pharmaceutical industry This article describes the analysis of heterogeneous market data. For this purpose, the most relevant methodological aspects are discussed and analyses using a hierarchical linear model and multiple regression are presented. In the first step, the applied data set is presented, and the&... |
Obunike, Chinazor Lady-Franca
Moderating effects of cross-border entrepreneurship on innovation and growth: a study of medium enterprises in south-west, Nigeria The study focused on moderating effect of cross-border entrepreneurship on the relationship between innovation and firm growth using medium scale techno-based manufacturing firms in South-West geo-political zone of Nigeria. Beyond determining this general objective, the study also sought to establish&... |
Dvouletý, Ondřej
Forman, David
Machalický, Jakub
Kinda, Ladislav
Havlíček, Robin
Hanuš, Adam
Zahájili by podnikatelé svojí činnost i bez poskytnutí veřejné podpory? Ohlédnutí za programem start The study was focused on the Czech public programme START that was implemented in the EU Programming period 2007-2013 as a part of the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation (OPEI). The main aim of the programme START was to support new entrepreneurs through the finan... |
Andrlík, Břetislav
Kováčová, Kristina
Daňové aspekty zamestnaneckých benefitov na Slovensku The article deals with the issue of employee benefits under the conditions of the Slovak Republic. The importance of employee benefits has increased very recently. Current economic developments increase the pressure on employers to provide benefits for their employees to get them for... |
Málek, Jiří
Tran, Van Quang
Investments in cryptocurrencies: how risky are they? The article analyzes the probability distribution of returns of the daily data of four cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple,Litecoin). Alpha-stable distribution and normal inverse Gaussian distribution (NIG) are used as approximation of the empirical distribution of log-returns as they allow to... |
Janeček, Petr
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- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
- Publikace FEK / Publications of FEK
- Trendy v podnikání
- 2018
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