Postprinty / Postprints (KIV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Lenc, Ladislav
Martínek, Jiří
Král, Pavel
Nicolaou, Anguelos
Christlein, Vincent
HDPA: Historical Document Processing and Analysis Framework Nowadays, the accessibility of digitized historical documents is extremely important to facilitate fast and efficient retrieval of historical information and knowledge extraction from such data. To provide such functionality, it is necessary to convert document images into plain text using optica... |
Šmolík, Michal
Skala, Václav
Majdišová, Zuzana
A new simple, fast and robust total least square error computation in E2: Experimental comparison Many problems, not only in signal processing, image processing, digital imaging, computer vision and visualization, lead to the Least Square Error (LSE) problem or Total (Orthogonal) Least Square Error (TLSE) problem computation. Usually the standard least square error approximation method is... |
Boček, Martin
Do zámoří s Austro-Americanou Croatian is poorly resourced and highly inflected language from Slavic language family. Nowadays, research is focusing mostly on English. We created a new word analogy dataset based on the original English Word2vec word analogy dataset and added some of the specific linguistic aspects&#... |