Preprinty / Preprints (KKY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Goubej, Martin
Vyhlídal, Tomáš
Schlegel, Miloš
Frequency weighted H2 optimization of multi-mode input shaper An optimization-based design of a robust multi-mode input shaper is presented with an embedded weighting of the frequency response. By prefixing the delay length in the shaper, the optimization design task is formulated as a standard quadratic programming problem. The shaper robustness ... |
Zajíc, Zbyněk
Psutka, Josef
Müller, Luděk
Diarization Based on Identification with X-Vectors In this paper, we describe a diarization of mono channel telephone recordings from The Language Consulting Center providing the Czech language consultancy service. In our proposed approach to a diarization, we use information about the known identity of one speaker (the language counsel... |
Diviš, Václav
Hrúz, Marek
Evaluation of Image Synthesis for Automotive Purposes The aim of this article is to evaluate a state of the art image synthesis carried out via Generative Adversarial Networks (conditional Wasserstein GAN and Self Attention GAN) on a traffic signs dataset. For the experiment, we focused on generating images with a 64×64-pixel res... |
Duník, Jindřich
Kost, Oliver
Straka, Ondřej
Blasch, Erik
Covariance Estimation and Gaussianity Assessment for State and Measurement Noise |
Hromádková, Věra
Kolingerová, Ivana
Vaněček, Petr
A unified curvature-driven approach for weathering and hydraulic erosion simulation on triangular meshes The significant properties of the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate are consistency, normality, and efficiency. While it has been proven that these properties are valid when the sample size approaches infinity, the behavior of an ML estimator when working with small sample sizes is ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra kybernetiky / Department of Cybernetics
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