Konferenční příspěvky / Conference papers (KTV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Salcman, Václav
Benešová, Daniela
Valach, Petr
The effect of the quality of stereopsis to coordination abilities in children at the age of 6-11 At present, spontaneous physical activities in younger school children are decreased, while the movement behaviour of man is one of the determining prerequisites for its success in dayto- day activities. The goal of our pilot study is to determine whether there exists a relationshi... |
Salcman, Václav
The risks associated with the progression of time spent by using mobile multimedia in after-school time among older school-age children Modern multimedia, specifically tablets and mobile phones, are currently an integral part of the everyday life of older school-age children (12-15 years). Intensive use of multimedia is associated with a great number of positive aspects (quick source of information, social contacts, etc.),&#... |
Salcman, Václav
Impact of intervention on the development of balance skills in children of younger school age The development of versatility in children in the period of their younger school age is an important part of their motion activities. Among other things, co-ordination skills play a significant role in the formation of motor skills in children. The pilot study is intended to&#... |
Salcmanová, Eva
Salcman, Václav
New experiences in language preparation of the double degree programme students In the academic year 2018/19, the Faculty of Education (University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic) and the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences (TU Chmenitz, Germany) opened the first year of the Doublee Degree study programme in the field of study titled ... |
Valach, Petr
Establishment and comparison of the current levels of acquisition of selected gymnastic skills in primary school 6th year pupils in the Czech Republic and Poland Although the current researches confirm that gymnastic training is connected with success in many sports subjects, gymnastics, unfortunately become still less favoured by both pupils and teachers and tend to be replaced by other types of physical exercise less demanding of means, organi... |
Benešová, Daniela
Švátora, Karel
Development of motion prerequisites of physically active and inactive younger school-age pupils The lack of spontaneous physical activity in children and young people has become a very serious social problem in recent years, which negatively intervenes in a great number of areas of children's development. The movement regimen of children is influenced by a whole range... |
Valach, Petr
Švátora, Karel
Analysis of the level and structure of physical activity and inactivity in adolescents in the Czech Republic in the context of all-day regimen and of the level of motivation to physical activity Physical exercise is the fundamental quality of humans which helps keep the organism in balance whether in the physical or mental point of view. Physical activity (PA) and the school regimen are connected inherently. It is just the school regimen that may take considerable par... |
Valach, Petr
Jakubec, Lukáš
Benešová, Daniela
Švátora, Karel
Čechura, Petr
Frömel, Karel
Difference between Czech boys and girls in implementing the recommendations for physical activity, sleep time, and screen time Physical activity (PA) belongs among the basic life activities which are necessary for favourable human development [10]. At present, focus on recommendations to fulfil only the PA level (such as MVPA - moderate to vigorous physical activity) is gradually moving towards a so-called ... |
Benešová, Daniela
Valach, Petr
Development of somatic characteristics among younger school-age children with respect to their physical activities The body health-related fitness consists of the following four components: cardiovascular fitness, muscle fitness, flexibility, and body composition. Our research focuses on the last named component of body health-oriented fitness, namely body composition. The level of this component highly correlates... |
Švátora, Karel
Benešová, Daniela
Vliv předchozí informace na výkon v senzomotorickém testu The objective of this study was to find out whether the different previous information, said to a subject standing before learning an unknown motion task, can influence the subject´s result in the given test. For the purposes of this study, as sensomotor test was used mir... |
Votík, Jaromír
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