Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2019 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Planinšek, Aljaž
Petrov, Nikola
Milinčič, Oliver
Štemberger, Klaudio
Šiška, Jožica Bezjak
Projectwork of model PUD-BJ: from idea to the product: wirelless Every year, about 4 million pacemaker surgeries are performed around the world, 1 million of which has to do with pacemaker batteries. The main goal of our project is to create a way to recharge pacemaker batteries, which would greatly reduce the number of operations and&... |
Brišnik, Benjamin
Goran, Tomáš
Jožica, Bezjak
Vasle, Andrej
Project work on the model work-based training PUD-BJ: from idea to product: early deployment technique using learning models that show how the tires fitted into a simple toys, learning tools primary and secondary schools The purpose of our project is to present invention as a teaching aid in teaching techniques and technology to show the operation of the tire models, through experiential learning. Our work by model work-based training PUD-BJ – from concept to product is useful and dedicated&#x... |
Tuček, Daniel
Trash to treasure: new life of a vintage computer This work is dealing with an interesting topic which is partly historical, partly educational, although it is mostly about a renovating process of a vintage computer built and used in the 80s of the previous century. Obviously, refreshing these old computers have no commercial ... |
Fiala, Jan
Vaňková, Petra
The development of algorithmic thinking among the pupils of lower secondary schools The diploma thesis deals with the development of algorithmic thinking among the lower-secondary students as one of their digital competences. It is based on the principle of algorithmic thinking related to the concept of computational thinking and it searches for the ways how to&#x... |
Burdová, Ingrid
Enabling the future:alternative view of project teaching with 3D printing support This device is the result of participation in an international project “Enabling the future”, which connects people who have access to 3D printer and people who are in need of an upper limb prosthesis. Our goal is to raise awareness of this project in schools as the&... |
Hubený, Pavel
Audiovisual didactic tool for manual metal forming Audiovisual didactic tool for Manual metal forming includes 4 videos that describes the first 4 thematic units of manual forging. The first video deals with the basic metal tools, the types of forge and the position of blacksmith ahead of anvil. The second video describes ... |
Cvíčelová, Daniela
Terminology dictionary for electropneumatic systems The aim of the bachelor thesis is to acquaint students with the electro-pneumatic systems. In this work we analyze in details teaching aids, from which the main object of the research was a specific electro-pneumatic kit called UniTrain-I. The kit manufacturer is Festo - the&#... |
Mišeková, Rebeka
Teťáková, Diana
Vrbiniaková, Viktória
Huľová, Zlatica
Gašparová, Miroslava
Technical activities in the world fairy tales The authors in work present the essence and importance of technology and technical activities in the education of preschool and school children. Thematic activities are of interest to both children in kindergarten as well as primary or secondary school pupils. Technic and technical ... |
Hric, Karel
Anchor soccer goal In 2006, I witnessed an accident where the fall of an unsecured football goal killed a 13-year-old boy. Since then, a lot of work has been done on the issue of securing sports facilities, the goal against falling. Goals are much more secure against falls than before.... |
Dušková, Natálie
Interaktivní box Interactive box is intended to be used as a tool in all classes at school. Pupils can try to recognize variety of objects by touch and thereby their fine motorics, imagination and asociation improve. The biggest advantage of the box is its wide use across school clas... |
Benešová, Eliška
Zíka, Miroslav
Development of digital literacy: photography Work is focused on the developing of pupils' digital competences which are provided by a set of worksheets. Its contains activities focused on the use of digital camera in classes. These are available in electronic form on a freely accessible web portal. Each activity incl... |
Dmitrieva, Tat´jana Vladimirovna
Chabibullina, Al´bina Al´bertovna
Simulation game in career-oriented activities An important stage in the life of every person is a professional choice, on which his future will depend. What you first need to decide what you're interested in, then "try on" the image itself. To do this, we offer a game that will allow you to &q... |
Vonásková, Kristýna
Time-didactic board The teaching aid is made of plywood. It is an A4-size cutting board. To help the pupil enter the bag. A timeline with blank boxes is shown on the board. Timeline means capturing individual events on a straight line at appropriate distances. You can delete the timelin... |
Katsika, Maria
Koutroulis, Ilias
Zotos, Christos
Mitroulia, Maria
Armakolas, Stefanos
A social approach to teleconferencing Teleconferencing is becoming increasingly popular within the educational community. This paper attempts to approach the phenomenon with regards to the human side and explores the social factors that arise and appear to influence the process of teleconferencing. This is accomplished and achie... |
Slavík, Jakub
Folding spray box This product is mainly made of plexiglass, PVC, wood and electronic components. The entire box can be folded and unfolded for better storage. The box is used to spray models. His job is to drain the excess aerosol out of the box. |
Sýkorová, Kristýna
Botanic domino The product is designed to teach biology at primary and secondary schools. This didactic tool is designed to make it easier for students to learn about botany. Students can test their knowledge of growing plants in Czech Republic. Each wooden plate contains a QR code. Stu... |
Pechová, Radka
Selected specifics of creative pupil product and its evaluation This diploma thesis is focused on selected specifics of the creative pupil product and its evaluation. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the creativity of first degree pupils without submitting a sample of the product or its workflow. The work will also evaluate the&... |
Kučerová, Hana
Verification of the evaluation protocol of the functional creativity of the pupil product The presented thesis is focused on the evaluation of products from hours of practical activities for children at primary schools and on evaluation of these products by different groups of evaluators. Furthermore, the comparison with previously conducted research with pupils of the 2nd&#... |
Gabrielová, Veronika
Experimental house model for thermographic measurement The aim of my work was to create a didactic model for pupil experiments with a new thermographic measurement kit. When creating the model, we used several methods, which we combined so that we showed more variants of the thermal insulation of the house on this model.... |
Kubaňová, Petra
Simbartl, Petr
Experimental work for pre-school children: water The aim of this paper is to acquaint readers with the project-based learning and the incorporation of science experiments into the educational framework programme for pre-primary education. It pursues to introduce the collection of the water-related science experiments suitable for the pre-p... |
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- Olympiáda techniky
- 41 2019