Applied Electronics 2016 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Uzel, David
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Steady state torque optimal operating point control for wound rotor synchronous motors This paper discusses steady state optimal control of the motor from the maximum torque point of view. The motor behavior is researched with a vector control supply in the full speed range. The optimal considerations are compared with a behavior of the classical control structu... |
Tolar, David
Štork, Milan
Monitoring of a skin temperature in vicinity of a surgical wound This article describes experimental measurements of a skin temperature in vicinity of a surgical wound. Measurements were carried out in collaboration with the orthopedic department of the University Hospital Olomouc, Czech Republic. A system used for sensing, transmission and visualization of... |
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai
Dascalescu, Lucien
Statistical characterization of images — Anisotropy The purposes of the paper are to contribute to the understanding of the notion of anisotropy of images and to expose details on a method for deriving global and local statistical features on materials, based on anisotropy. We introduce a definition of anisotropy related to... |
Szabó, Roland
Gontean, Aurel
Industrial robotic automation with Raspberry PI using image processing The aim of this paper is to present a system powered by a Raspberry PI and an industrial robotic arm, which can execute numerous task in a factory. The used robotic arm and imaging devices are industrial type, but the control system it's a simple development micr... |
Štork, Milan
Weissar, Petr
Kosturik, Kamil
Novák, Jaroslav
Zeman, Václav
Use of accelerometer for walk-run or shot analysis for sport and rehabilitation purposes Human movement analysis is a research field with clinical and biometrics application. It has been shown useful in the objective measurement of gait, balance, falls risk assessment and mobility monitoring. Running and/or walking are also integral activities to most athletic disciplines. ... |
Štork, Milan
Mayer, Daniel
Hrušák, Josef
Generalized tellegen principle used for energy method for systems modeling This paper deals with dissipativity, stability, chaotic behavior and related structural properties of a relatively broad class of finite dimensional strictly causal systems. The class of nonlinear systems under consideration is described in the state-space representation form. System properties are... |
Šťastný, Jakub
Stochastic arithmetic complex number operators This work presents a simple study of stochastic arithmetic complex number operators for addition and multiplication. Their usage is demonstrated by design of a sum of product circuit As the stochastic complex number operators need more control random streams than stochastic rational num... |
Srinivasulu, Avireni
Dipankar, Pal
CCII+ based novel waveform generator with grounded resistor/capacitor for tuning This paper presents a new topology for waveform-generation using two current conveyors, and a grounded capacitor or a resistor for tuning. It uses current-conveyors in place of voltage op-amps to offer better linearity, bandwidth, slew rate and thermal stability. Measured results obtained... |
Špánik, Pavol
Frivaldský, Michal
Piri, Marek
Jaroš, Viliam
Kozáček, Boris
The most preferable working point investigation of the serial-serial system of wireless energy transfer in term of high efficiency The efficiency is the most important factor which is to maximazed during the wireless energy transfer system development but also at the other electronics devices. Therefore this artice deals with the most suitable working point analysis of such a system. The center of the art... |
Šotner, Roman
Jeřábek, Jan
Petržela, Jiří
Dostál, Tomáš
Voltage differencing current conveyor based linearly controllable quadrature oscillators This paper presents two new applications of modified version of the voltage differencing current conveyor (VDCC) active device in electronically linearly controllable quadrature oscillators. In this particular case, VDCC element is modified in such a way that it uses electronically adjustable... |
Soker, Burak
Kurt, Sinan
Selcuk, Gokhun
A quadrature modulator based scheme for frequency hopping applications In this study a new frequency hopping scheme which relies on digital up-conversion of baseband data is proposed. Since the frequency of the local oscillator is kept constant and hopping is achieved in the baseband, the time required for the frequency jump is independent of... |
Škrabánek, Pavel
Vodička, Pavel
Magnetic strips as landmarks for mobile robot navigation In this paper, a low-cost localization system designed for mobile robots is introduced. The system has been developed for a teaching aid where a mobile robot operates in a maze. The mobile robot is navigated by a high level control system where path-planning is executed; ... |
Mora Sierra, Yesid
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Mora Sierra, Yesid
Readout interface for strip detectors with spectrometry applications In the present paper a preliminary design and implementation of a readout interface for strip detectors, using Applied Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) is discussed. Key issues are the parameters and features of the main constituent parts of the system: strip detectors, ASICs and... |
Musala, Sarada
Srinivasulu, Avireni
FinFET based 4-BIT input XOR/XNOR logic circuit In this paper a structure for direct 4-BIT XOR/XNOR logic cell is proposed. This structure is proposed using pass transistor logic with FinFETs. This structure has less delay for the reason that its critical path consists of a minimum number of transistors. The basic adva... |
Plaga, Sven
Tatschner, Stefan
Newe, Thomas
Logboat — A simulation framework enabling CAN security assessments Traditionally, fieldbus networks are operated in closed environments, where all communication nodes are assumed to be trustworthy. Therefore, the corresponding standards do not consider any security requirements. New technology trends, such as the upcoming Internet of Things (IoT), demand an inte... |
Pilato, Luca
Saponara, Sergio
Fanucci, Luca
Performance of digital adder architectures in 180nm CMOS standard-cell technology In this paper, we present and compare the design and the performances of ten different implementations for a 16-bit adder in a 180nm CMOS standard-cell technology. Ripple carry adder, increment adder, triangle adder, uniform and progressive carry select adder, uniform and progressive ca... |
Petržela, Jiří
Šotner, Roman
Guzan, Milan
Implementation of constant phase elements using low-Q band-pass and band-reject filtering sections This paper briefly describes possibility to use band-pass and notch filters with low quality factors for straightforward synthesis of the so-called constant phase elements. These filters connected in cascade can form desired alternation of transfer function zeroes and poles. Using proposed a... |
Peniak, Peter
Franeková, Mária
Model of integration of embedded systems via CoAP protocol of Internet of Things This article deals with Internet of Things as an integration platform for embedded systems. The problem of traditional hierarchical communication is challenged by direct peer-to-peer communication model among various embedded devices. CoAP protocol is selected as a potential candidate to meet... |
Pančík, Juraj
Kukučka, Marek
Internet protocol based digital counters for legacy fatigue testing machines In presented paper we describe a design and implementation of an information system based on base of embedded client and Linux application server architecture. Presented information system serves for remote collection, storing and processing information on the number of carried out mechanica... |
Nagy, Lukáš
Arbet, Daniel
Kováč, Martin
Stopjaková, Viera
Towards automatic gain control low-power amplifier in 130 nm CMOS technology The paper addresses the design of a bulk-driven variable gain amplifier (VGA) in 130 nm general purpose CMOS technology. The VGA is intended to be employed within a low-power automatic gain control (AGC) block, which requires an examination of possible gain setting approaches. The&... |
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