Applied Electronics 2017 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Yermolaev, Denis Mikhailovich
Khmyrova, Irina
Polushkin, Evgeny
Kovalchuk, Anatoly
Gavrilenko, Vladimir
Maremyanin, Kirill
Maleev, Nikolai
Ustinov, Victor
Zemlyakov, Valeriy
Bespalov, Vladimir Alexandrovič
Egorkin, Vladimir
Popov, Viacheslav
Shapoval, Sergei
Detector for terahertz applications based on a serpentine array of integrated GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs-field-effect transistors Performance of a detector based on AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs-material system was studied. The detector was comprised of large serpentine array of high-electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) connected in series. The floating drain contact of each transistor (except the last one) served as a sour... |
Wang, Meng-Hui
Hsieh, Meng-Ju
Lu, Shiue-Der
Ye, Guang-Ci
Yu, Kuo-Nan
Lai, Hsiang-Yueh
Using chaos eye method to diagnose power capacitors This study focused on the measurement and diagnostic analysis of partial discharge in power capacitors operating under prolonged periods of high voltage. An off-line test was conducted on two power capacitors, which were subjected to defect preprocessing before the experiment. The partial... |
Vítečková, Slávka
Kutílek, Patrik
Krupička, Radim
Adamová, Barbora
Szabo, Zoltan
DAngeles Mendes de Brito, Ana Carolina
Kopecká, Jana
Evaluation of movement of patients with Parkinson's disease using wearable MoCap system and bilateral cyclograms The article focuses on a method of quantifying movement of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) using wearable motion capture (MoCap) system and bilateral cyclograms. The method uses cyclogram characteristics such as the slope, second moment of area and the area of the cyclogram... |
Veřtát, Ivo
Linhart, Richard
Dudáček, Luděk
Dániel, Vladimír
Svoboda, Petr
Autonomous and semi-autonomous radio commanding of VZLUSAT-1 nanosatellite from ground control station in Pilsen Nano- and pico-satellites are currently used as low cost in-orbit-demonstrators of new technologies or for the university research. These satellites are launched to the low Earth orbits and radio commanded from the ground control stations. Most of them are equipped with narrow band ... |
van Wagensveld, Remko
Margull, Ulrich
Experiences with HPX on embedded real-time systems Recently more and more embedded devices use multi-core processors. For example, the current generation of high-end engine-control units exhibit triple-core processors. To reliably exploit the parallelism of these cores, an advanced programming environment is needed, such as the current C++17 Stan... |
Turčaník, Michal
Using recurrent neural network for hash function generation Effective generation of hash function is very important for an achievement of a security of today networks. A cryptographic hash function is a transformation that takes an input and returns a fixed-size value, which is called the hash value. A recurrent neural network, as a... |
Tsai, Ming-Tsung
Chu, Ching-Lung
Jiang, Ming-Dong
Siow, Char-Yong
Switching strategy comparison of SP compensated inductive power transfer system This paper presents a wireless power transmission system which is consisted of a full-bridge converter, two resonance circuits and a diode rectifier to obtain the desired output voltage. The focused topology is based on SP compensation circuit, where S denoted the primary coil is... |
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai
Simple nonlinear circuits and applications to chaotic sensors and chaos generators Several simple circuits with rather complex nonlinearities are presented, essentially based on diodes and varistors. These circuits are believed to extend the family of chaotic circuits based on diodes, as illustrated by the literature. Potential applications to chaotic sensors are briefly d... |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Zeman, Václav
Dynamic models of some physiological parameters in response to exercise The study of physiological parameters dynamic is currently the main area of research in exercise physiology. Finding dynamical models of heart rate, oxygen uptake, pulmonary ventilation and other parameters is fundamental for training methodology in sport, as well as for our knowledge o... |
Štork, Milan
Mayer, Daniel
Electronic system for reactive power compensation of sampled resistive load Although the mechanism of electric energy flow for nonsinusoidal conditions is well described today, so fare is not yet available a generalized power theory, and theoretical calculations for the design of such devices as active filters or dynamic compensators. Therefore the task of ... |
Šostronek, Mikuláš
Matejček, Miroslav
A stability evaluation of W-band direct detection radiometer This paper deals with a stability evaluation of a direct detection radiometer based on a model in Matlab Simulink. The model results were compared with a real radiometer output. Based on stability evaluation we try to predict an unstable radiometer output by an easy method.... |
Skarolek, Pavel
Lettl, Jiří
Current limiting driver for GaN half-bridge This paper presents a GaN transistor half-bridge prototype with robust pulse by pulse current limiting drivers designed to turn off safely the transistor for the rest of the PWM period when the drain current exceeds the set value. The half-bridge is intended as the key pa... |
Schramm, Martin
Reiner, Dojen
Heigl, Michael
Experimental assessment of FIRO- and GARO-based noise sources for digital TRNG designs on FPGAs The quality of TRNG designs mainly depends on the grade of the noise source from which the entropy will be harvested to extract randomness. Especially for purely digital noise sources suitable for FPGA implementations the use of Ring Oscillators is suggested in many scientific ... |
Schmidt, Michael
Brockhaus, Albrecht
Butzmann, Stefan
Aliman, Michel
High voltage RF generator and compensation network for a FFT ion trap mass spectrometer In this work we present two electronic key components to operate a quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer. Radio frequency high voltage generation is mandatory to create a trapping field. Our trap works in the Fourier transform mode, consequently very small induction currents have t... |
Sefa, Ibrahim
Altin, Necmi
Ozdemir, Saban
Balci, Selami
Baha Bayram, Mustafa
Kelebek, Hasan
Design and loss analysis of LCL filter inductors for two-level and three-level inverters Grid connected inverters with LCL output filters are widely used in exporting energy generated from renewable energy sources. The LCL filter and inductors used in this filter has important effect on inverter performance. Although it is different in high power levels nowadays, powder... |
Sedlák, Vladimír
Stopjaková, Viera
Brenkuš, Juraj
A real-time method for smoke detection in monitored forest areas An improved real-time method for smoke detection based on motion and color analysis is presented. Smoke detection in video surveillance is very important for early fire detection. In general, it is assumed that smoke is a low frequency signal, which may smooth the background. ... |
Carvalho, Jose Pacheco
Reis, Antonio Domingo
Ferreira da Rocha, José
Gameiro, Atílio
Groups of synchronizers for communications by fiber optic This work studies a digital transmission system by fiber optic. We give special relevance to the synchronism block. The fiber is a transmission medium with large bandwidth and low attenuation. These characteristics allow high speed and long distances. The transmission, instead asynchronous,&... |
Rehman, Sami Ur
Kamboh, Awais
Yang, Yuning
A 79μW 0.24mm28-channel neural signal recording front-end integrated circuit This brief presents a new architecture for an ultra-low power and area-efficient 8-channel prototype of a neural signal recording front-end circuitry. For implantable neural recording circuits, low power and low area are two of the most critical requirements. In contrast to architectures... |
Rehman, Sami Ur
Accuracy analysis of a new reference-free digital temperature sensor in CMOS A CMOS digital temperature measurement technique is reported, which doesn't require an explicit reference voltage during temperature to digital conversion. Instead, one of the inputs from the sensor core serves as the reference. After eliminating the need to use an external reference,... |
Rath, Gerhard
Harker, Matthew
Global least squares solution for LTI system response Linear time invariant (LTI) systems are the most important method to describe dynamic systems for the purpose of modeling, simulation and design of controllers. Dynamic systems are a process developing over time, hence the solution is an initial value problem (IVP). Solvers for ord... |
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