Applied Electronics 2018 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ždánský, Peter
Balák, Jozef
Rástočný, Karol
Safety Integrity Evaluation of Safety Function For a possibility of using the safety relevant system in practice, it is necessary to prove, that safety requirements, which are defined based on results of risk analysis, are fulfilled. Part of proving the safety of safety relevant system is also quantitative evaluation of sa... |
Ždánsky, Juraj
Valigurský, Jozef
Time response of safety function realised by decentralised SRCS with safety PLC Guaranteed response time of a control system is a primary assumption for correct function of the system. This parameter is ever more important in case of a safety related control systems (SRCS). We have to determine a maximal response time of the realised safety functions ... |
Yazdani, Mohammad Rouhollah
Ariyan, Ali
EMI Reduction of a Soft-switched High Step-down Converter Using Passive Compensation Method In this paper, an EMI reduction method is applied to a new high step-down converter which has a coupled inductor, a synchronous rectifier and method with an auxiliary soft-switching cell. The freewheeling diode is replaced with a synchronous rectifier (SR) and zero-voltage-transition (Z... |
Vrba, Jan
Adaptive Novelty Detection with Generalized Extreme Value Distribution This paper introduces the new adaptive novelty detection method. The proposed method is using generalized extreme value distribution to evaluate the absolute value of adaptive system weight increments in time. The detection of novelty is threshold-based and the threshold ζ corresponds to... |
Vitner, Jan
Pavelka, Jiří
Lettl, Jiří
Experimental Verification of the Hybrid Magnetic Bearing Operation This paper discusses the proposal, realization, controlling system implementation and function verification of a hybrid magnetic bearing. The hybrid magnetic bearing in comparison with active and passive magnetic bearings exploits both passive and active magnetic fluxes. This type of bearing is... |
Voborník, Aleš
Veřtát, Ivo
Linhart, Richard
Experimental Electric Power System for Small Satellites with Independent Supply Channels Small satellites such as CubeSats are not adequately protected in the cosmic environment from ionizing radiation due to the low weight limit, which does not allow the use of heavy shielding materials with the high atomic number. Therefore, the power supply system of such small... |
Veřtát, Ivo
Fiala, Pavel
Compensation of Industrial CMOS Camera and Image Enhancement for Sounding Rocket Astrophysical Experiments Suborbital missions of sounding rockets along the parabolic trajectory are commonly used for the Earth's near space environment research or for the astrophysical observations with the time duration only in the order of several minutes. Such short-term missions are usually performed with&... |
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai
Wiener Filters for the Reconditioning of Old Speech Recordings Under Uncertainty The article revisits the design of optimal Wiener filters under uncertainty, specifically under limited information and imprecision of the available data on the noise and signal spectra, as in case of old speech recordings. The derivation of the filters is based on a few reaso... |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Patient Model and One New Possibility Evaluation of Anaerobic Test The Wingate Anaerobic test (WAT) is the most popular test for estimation a person's anaerobic capacity. Because anaerobic performance is important for many athletes, the most well-known application of the Wingate test is in sports medicine. But there is also more. The Wingate t... |
Štork, Milan
Mayer, Daniel
RLC Ladder Oscillators Controlled by Energy Approach The following topics are dealt with: artificial satellites; CMOS integrated circuits; switching convertors; reliability; DC-DC power convertors; failure analysis; oscillators; capacitors; solar power satellites; network topology. |
Šovčík, Michal
Stopjaková, Viera
Arbet, Daniel
Nagy, Lukáš
Kováč, Martin
Digital Calibration of Operational Amplifiers and Influence of Calibration Circuitry This paper presents the implementation of a digital calibration method for a variable-gain amplifier (VGA), where the amplifier input offset voltage is the calibration target. The whole system is implemented in 130 nm CMOS technology using the supply voltage of 600 mV. Firstly,fundament... |
Skarolek, Pavel
Lettl, Jiří
GaN Quasi Z-Source DC/DC Converter for Electric Vehicles with Redox Flow Batteries Redox flow batteries mounted on the vehicle chassis behavesbetter at low voltage and high current while the tractive system of electric vehicles is more efficient at high voltage and low current. The proposed DC/DC converter provides the necessarytractive system isolation from the ... |
Potočný, Miroslav
Šovčík, Michal
Arbet, Daniel
Stopjaková, Viera
Kováč, Martin
New Input Offset Voltage Measurement Setup for Ultra Low-Voltage Fully Differential Amplifier This paper deals with the measurement of input offset voltage of a fully differential low-voltage variable gain amplifier intended for on-chip systems. A new measurement setup that effectively separates the output common and differential mode signals was developed. By only using the dif... |
Pichlík, Petr
Implementations of UKF and EKF for Wheel Slip Control Purpose to Locomotive Computer Modern electric locomotives have to transfer high tractive effort between wheels and rails. Therefore, they have to be equipped with slip controllers that enable to achieve required force and keep wheelsets velocity in the acceptable value. The slip controller is a part of thelocom... |
Petržela, Jiří
Chaotic Oscillator Based on Mathematical Model of Multiple-Valued Memory Cell This paper describes development of analog chaotic oscillatorbased on mathematical model of static multiple-valued memory system. Underlying dynamics is covered by set of three ordinary differential equations without driving force and stochastic processes. Existence of chaos is proved both numerically... |
Peniak, Peter
Franeková, Mária
Extended Model of Secure Communication for Embedded Systems with IoT and MQTT This article deals with a model of secure communication for embedded devices via Internet of Things. The main focus is paid on MQTT application protocol, which is well known and broadly used. New extended model is based on the new cryptographic methods and optional additional&... |
Ondraczka, Lukáš
Portable Ultrasonic Thermometer with Humidity Correction and Audible Sound Thermometry This paper presents portable ultrasonic thermometer developments in humidity and transducer inertia correction. It describes humidity effect on the speed of sound and a method for it correction. Transducer inertia is also described and shown on real measurements, along with a corrective ... |
Marek, Jan
Hospodka, Jiří
Šubrt, Ondřej
A Program Procedure for Estimation of the Cross-Coupled Charge Pump Properties This paper presents the computional algorithm that is used for prediction of the cross-coupled charge pump static and dynamic properties. The calculation method is based on the state-space model of the charge pump for each phase of the clock signal. State equations are drawn f... |
Linhart, Richard
Voborník, Aleš
Veřtát, Ivo
Communication Subsystem for PilsenCUBE Nanosatellite This paper presents a design concept of new radio communication subsystem, intended for use on the PilsenCUBE nanosatellite. The hardware and software solution is based on previous experiences with the VZLUSAT-1 setup and operation. Our aim is to overcome weak points which were fou... |
Linhart, Richard
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Berretti, Mirko
Bozzo, Marco
Last Upgrades of Roman Pot Electronics This article presents the recent (2017-2018) electronics modifications for the upgrade o the TOTEM roman pot detectors at the CERN LHC. To improve the timing accuracy and reliability the new Roman Pot detector configuration utilizes both DSDD (Double Side Diamond Detector) an silicon... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Applied Electronics
- 42 2018