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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorZavřel Martin, Ing.
dc.contributor.authorCassier, Quentin
dc.contributor.refereeStreit Luboš, Ing. Ph.D.
dc.description.abstractThis paper goes through the design of an inverter for hand held tools wireless charger. The resulting device should be compact and able to recharge devices at up to 600W with a high efficiency. Such system could be used to recharge cordless power tools but could also be applied to most other battery powered device like laptops or drones. Such charger can also be useful in case of harsh environment which prohibit the use of connectors like in explosive or medical area. The first part of this paper focus on component choices to fulfil requirements such as space constraints, heat dissipation and electromagnetic compatibility. The second part is about printed circuit board layout and the issues encountered during the design. The third part cover the possibility of control and the programming of the inverter. And finally, the last part describes the realisation and testing of the inverter.cs
dc.format50 s.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectinduction chargercs
dc.subjectsingle-phase full bridge invertercs
dc.subjectresonant transformercs
dc.subjectsilicon-carbide mosfetcs
dc.subjecthigh frequency switchingcs
dc.subjectelectromagnetic compatibilitycs
dc.subjectwireless power transfer.cs
dc.titleDesign of Inverter for Hand Tools Wireless Chargercs
dc.title.alternativeDesign of Inverter for Hand Tools Wireless Chargeren
dc.typediplomová prácecs
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta elektrotechnickács
dc.thesis.degree-programElectrical Engineering and Informaticscs
dc.description.abstract-translatedThis paper goes through the design of an inverter for hand held tools wireless charger. The resulting device should be compact and able to recharge devices at up to 600W with a high efficiency. Such system could be used to recharge cordless power tools but could also be applied to most other battery powered device like laptops or drones. Such charger can also be useful in case of harsh environment which prohibit the use of connectors like in explosive or medical area. The first part of this paper focus on component choices to fulfil requirements such as space constraints, heat dissipation and electromagnetic compatibility. The second part is about printed circuit board layout and the issues encountered during the design. The third part cover the possibility of control and the programming of the inverter. And finally, the last part describes the realisation and testing of the inverter.en
dc.subject.translatedinduction chargeren
dc.subject.translatedsingle-phase full bridge inverteren
dc.subject.translatedresonant transformeren
dc.subject.translatedsilicon-carbide mosfeten
dc.subject.translatedhigh frequency switchingen
dc.subject.translatedelectromagnetic compatibilityen
dc.subject.translatedwireless power transfer.en
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Diplomové práce / Theses (KAE)

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