Diplomové práce / Theses (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vovk, Aleš
Simulace vlivu zástavby reproduktorů Loudspeaker installation is defined as a mechanical circuit attached in some way to the loudspeaker. Presented thesis is dealing with such circuits, mostly defined as a short tube with perforated plates attached to it. The loudspeaker installation examined in this thesis is trying ... |
Kordík, František
Návrh aktivní reproduktorové soustavy pro multikanálový poslech Thesis describes design of active loudspeaker monitor for multichannel reproduction in professional applications (listening rooms, sound studios). Technical requirements are specified by standards ITU-R BS.1116-1, EBU Tech. 3276, EBU Tech 3276-E and AESTD1001.1.01-10. Thesis deals with selection of speaker... |
Manda, Lukáš
Vzdáleně řízená průmyslová komunikační jednotka na platformě STM32 This diploma thesis is focused on design and realization of communication unit for remote device management. The communication unit is based on the development board NUCLEO-F429ZI from the manufacturer STMicroelectronics. The created communication unit allows to monitor communications of&... |
Semenov, Dmytro
Digitální rozhlasové vysílání DAB+ a možnosti jeho realizace v laboratorních podmínkách This diploma thesis deals with the issue of digital radio broadcasting DAB+ and the possibilities of its realization in laboratory environment. Using a set of freely available software tools ODR-MmbTools and SDR platform LimeSDR-mini was created and put into operation workstation for DA... |
Mošna, Michal
Optimalizovaný návrh trakčního pohonu elektrického silničního vozidla The presented diploma thesis deals with the design of an electric vehicle traction drive. The first theoretical part discusses the basic division of electric road vehicles. This part is followed by information about CHAdeMO charging processes. In the next part, four seriesproduced BEV... |
Houzar, Josef
Variabilita tepové frekvence - zpracování sígnálu This diploma thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part of the thesis is devoted to a theoretical description of heart rate variability. The methods of ECG measurement and the most common types of interference occurring in ECG signals are discussed. Then the ... |
Vanc, Miroslav
Návrh bluetooth přijímacího modulu pro bezdrátový poslech hudby The master thesis presents the matters of the wireless data transmission. For the demonstration of related issues and suggestions of appropriate solutions, the thesis also incorporates making a layout of and constructing a bluetooth module, which should be connected to headphones. |
Zvonař, Filip
Softwarové vybavení autonomního prostředku This master thesis is about the design of hardware and new software for a PC controlled autonomous platform which is at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of West Bohemia. The platform features and changes of its periferies are described, including new spe... |
Očenášek, Jiří
Návrh software pro jednotku řízení akumulátorů (BMS) The main focus of this thesis is design of software for Battery Management System working with Lithium accumulators. Few of the available solutions on the market focused on automotive are described and one chosen afterwards. There is description of program creation including detailed... |
Peroutka, Jan
Inerciální stabilizace sférického kyvadla This master thesis deals with the inertial stabilisation of an inverted pendulum. The goals of the thesis are to describe mathematical models of planar and spherical inertially stabilised pendulum, to design a suitable controller and to create a real life model of pendulum for ... |
Švajner, Michal
Měnič pro malou solární elektrárnu This thesis deals with the complete design of a converter for a small solar power plant. A system is designed for charging a 12 V lead-acid battery from a photovoltaic panel in the voltage range 14-50 V. The maximum charging current of the battery is 10 A. The... |
Jára, Jakub
Ovládací jednotka pro vzdálené řízení audio systému automobilu The diploma thesis is focused on the creation of a control unit for remote control of a car audio system. The aim is to evaluate the possibilities and create a functional prototype of the control unit, which will have a user interface with a touch screen and a... |
Kučera, Patrik
Aktivní balancér Li-Ion The master thesis presents design and construction of the active balancer for Li-Ion cells. Balancers are part of batteries because they have a positive effect on their life. The first part describes the types of the cell imbalances and their consequences. The following deals ... |
Miesbauer, Petr
Systém snímání polohy řidiče automobilu The master theses is focused on the solution of sensing the driver's position for possible use as an assistance service in the vehicle. It deals with various options for sensing the driver's position using a camera system. It also describes the design of the came... |
Koníček, Jakub
Systém akumulace elektrické energie pro elektrická vozidla The presented diploma thesis contains a simulation of a hybrid vehicle, measuring the fuel consumption of the vehicle and the possibility of reducing it. It presents a control algorithm in order to operate the drive of hybrid vehicles with the highest possible efficiency. |
Štěpnička, Pavel
Software pro kalibraci částicových detektorů The diploma thesis deals with the description of design and development of software for calibration of particle detectors from Medipix family. It explains the software algorithms and numeric methods used to calculate the calibration function. The calibration software makes it po... |
Chuman, Vladimír
Komunikační systém pro bezpilotní letouny založený na mobilních sítích This thesis is dealing with an issue of the wireless communication system for unmanned vehicles. It describes basic requirements on communication modules, and the system from point of views of a ground station and an autonomous vehicle. Subsequently, it depicts a draft of a fu... |
Půta, Martin
Návrh akustických úprav poslechové místnosti Goal of this master thesis is to design and partially realize acoustic treatments of a room in the apartment so it can be used as a listening room. The aim is to deliver high quality music in the planned listening spot. Despite the small size of the chosen ... |
Cassier, Quentin
Design of Inverter for Hand Tools Wireless Charger This paper goes through the design of an inverter for hand held tools wireless charger. The resulting device should be compact and able to recharge devices at up to 600W with a high efficiency. Such system could be used to recharge cordless power tools but could also... |
Balíček, Michal
Elektronický řídicí systém pro inteligentní domácnost The master thesis focuses on the definition of a smart home and it's function. This is followed by a design of a functional concept and implementation of a home automation control system. The control system includes lights control and environment values measurement as well ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
- 18 microcontroller
- 14 mikrokontrolér
- 10 ethernet
- 10 FPGA
- další >
- 269 diplomová práce