Title: Analýza kampaně v prezidentských volbách 2018 v ČR: Klíčová témata
Other Titles: Analysis of the 2018 presidential campaign in the Czech Republic: Key themes
Authors: Šturcová, Nikola
Advisor: Krčál Petr, PhDr. Ph.D.
Referee: Naxera Vladimír, PhDr. Ph.D.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/37915
Keywords: prezidentská kampaň;politický marketing;volby;česká republika;2018;miloš zeman;jiří drahoš;pavel fischer;marek hilšer;michal horáček;mirek topolánek;petr hannig;vratislav kulhánek;jiří hynek
Keywords in different language: presidential campaign;political marketing;elections;czech republic;2018;miloš zeman;jiří drahoš;pavel fischer;marek hilšer;michal horáček;mirek topolánek;petr hannig;vratislav kulhánek;jiří hynek
Abstract: Tato bakalářská práce se zaobírá prezidentskou volbou v ČR z roku 2018, zejména pak jejími klíčovými tématy. Dále řeší způsob, jakým jednotliví kandidáti ke kampani a k tématům přistupovali a zda se snažili o vlastní nastavení agendy. K pochopení tématu bylo třeba do práce zahrnout i teoretickou část zaobírající se zejména politickým marketingem a agendou setting. Aby bylo možné klíčová témata rozklíčovat, bylo třeba analyzovat jednotlivé programy kandidátů. Po jejich analýze bylo zřejmé, že mezi klíčová témata patřila: role prezidenta ČR/ postava Miloše Zemana v této roli, zahraniční politika - v čele se vztahem k EU a NATO, bezpečnost a migrace a téma Česká republika, zahrnující jednotlivé představy kandidátů o zlepšení situace v zemi. Tato témata se objevovala v každém z programů ve větší či menší míře. Někteří kandidáti (jmenovitě například Marek Hilšer či Michal Horáček) se snažili na veřejnost zapůsobit individuálními tématy - v případě Hilšera se jednalo například o tématiku životního prostředí, Horáček hovořil o problematice rovnosti žen a mužů.
Abstract in different language: This bachelor thesis is focused on the 2018 presidential campaign in the Czech republic, its main subjects and the way how all of the candidates took their chances to set their own individual agenda. I claim that there were only few candidates who even tried to find any other agenda than the commonly known and were set either by media or public opinion. I think, that if you want to underestand the way how and why did the candidates choose the themes of their campaign, you have to firstly underestand what f.e. agenda setting or political marketing is. The explanation is therefore included in this thesis as well. To achieve my goal of finding out the main themes, I had to exemine each programme of every candidate in the campaign and see if there is any subject similiar to the other. I claim that there are similar subject which were talked about - the role of president in the Czech republic/the role of Miloš Zeman during his governance, security and migration, foreign policy and the Czech republic. In my personal opinion, the main subject was the persona of Miloš Zeman, the claims, that he is not suitable to be a president anymore, claims about his health, which forced other candidates to give comment on their own health status etc. In recent years, Europe has been struggling with migration and many people see it as a problém caused by the EU. Even in the Czech republic, there have been some parties that wanted "Czexit" - so the Czech republic would leave EU. This issue of ealving the EU ort he EU as a whole was also put forward by all presidential candidates. The EU was mentioned in "foreign policy" and even in the "security and migration" theme. Last but not least of the common subjects was the Czech republic as a whole. In this theme the candidates somehow distinguished, but basic substance was the same - make Czechia better country f.e. in education or health care. With the themes, which were somehow different from the others came out Michal Horáček (focusing on gender equality), Marek Hilšer (with environment protection) and Vratislav Kulhánek with health care (also mentioned by Hilšer). Those were mentioned very briefly.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAP)

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