Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KEI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Mareš, Tomáš
Chytrá aplikace pro zrakově a sluchově postižené jedince The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a mobile application for a tablet that deafblind people are able to use and read from, and to create another application to which this reading will be sent. This thesis will consist of two parts, one will be theoretic... |
Kněžourek, Martin
Inteligentní metronom A metronome is a device that helps musicians, especially drummers, keep a steady tempo throughout the duration of a song. A variety of metronomes are available on the market in different designs, from mechanical to electronic. However, their function is usually simple - just t... |
Urban, Tomáš
Řadiče pro malé LCD zobrazovače The bachelor work analyses controllers designed for LCD displays. Specifically, it focuses on controllers KS0108, ST7565, ST7066, HD44780, ST7735, IL9163, ST7789 and GC9A01. The focus is on the characteristics of each controller, which are then compared. For each controller, demonstration example... |
Sládek, Lukáš
Monitoring polohy sedačky simulátoru padákového kluzáku The bachelor thesis is focused on the presentation of a solution for sensing the position of a prototype paraglider simulator and controlling its movement based on real-time simulation data. The first part is devoted to the introduction of a real paraglider. The second part is... |
Linhart, Martin
Měření vlastností BLDC pohonu This bachelor thesis deals with the measurement of three-phase and multiphase BLDC motors. In the first part, the theoretical knowledge of BLDC motors is presented in comparison with other types of electric motors and the basics of energy balance of BLDC motors are mentioned. ... |
Tolar, Tomáš
Měření tepové frekvence pomocí optického senzoru The bachelor's thesis deals with the measurement of heart rate using an optical sensor. The aim of this work is to get acquainted with the principle of measuring pulse using light absorption. The beginning of the work is devoted to heart activity and methods of its... |
Noháč, Petr
Řídicí SW pro DMX controller s využitím Raspberry Pi This bachelor thesis is focused on studying different ways of controlling stage lighting, single chip computer Raspberry Pi, communication protocol DMX512, design and implementation of controlling software. Communication with the stage lights is provided by the DMX512 protocol, which is widely... |
Krabec, David
Návrh a realizace experimentů pro výuku elektromagnetismu The goal of this bachelor thesis is to present experiments and demonstrations of electrostatics and electrodynamics. Individual phenomenona are set into historical context to form the whole picture of development of the theory of electromagnetism. These phenomena are then explained using pre... |
Bílek, Vojtěch
Elektronický fonendoskop Heart diseases remain a pressing issue in human civilization, emphasizing the importance of early detection. Current technologies, even the cheap ones, are already capable of detecting such diseases. Electronical phonendoscope built on a microcontroller unit that digitalizes the sound of human... |
Drtina, Filip
Regulace tlaku plynu v nádobách This thesis deals with the testing of the functions and control principles of several electrically operated pneumatic valves, which may find application in, for example, the medical field. The thesis introduces the principles of blood pressure measurement and the use of pre... |
Třasák, Lukáš
Monitorování letu padákového kluzáku This bachelor work solves a proposition and a realization of hardware for measuring real paragliding. There has been elaborated a recherche of Aerodynamic and kinematics paragliding. within the framework of this work. Then there is described a problematic of hardware and software for... |
Müller, Ondřej
Vyhodnocení přesnosti satelitního určování polohy z měření na pseudonáhodných posloupnostech One of the basics of the worldwide system navigation in which belong civilians, traffic infrastructure and army sectors isthe accurate identification of position of determined object. As for today, the global navigation systems called GNSS are used for finding the location of the r... |
Samuel, Adam
Přípravek pro výuku Automatizační a řídicí techniky This bachelor thesis deals with brief introduction into problematics of programmable logic computers and into TIA Portal IDE. Simultaneously this thesis deals with design and practical implementation of the educational unit for teaching PLC programming, especially Siemens Simatic S7-1500. Another ... |
Viktora, Tomáš
Kompaktní IO modul distribuovaného systému s komunikací MODBUS The content of the work is an analysis of IO modules and design of a compact IO module working with the MODBUS communication protocol. The design of the compact module itself is analyzed in detail in the work, starting with the diagram through the design of the ... |
Tomášek, Martin
Ukázka kooperativního příjmu rádiových signálů pomocí sítě softwarově definovaných přijímačů This bachelor thesis aims to demonstrate spatially diverse receivement of radio signal via network of software defined radios. Introduction contains information concerning all available sources of broadcast stated in work tasks. After the radioamateur sattelites being chosen as usable source of... |
Novotný, Pavel
Modulární proudový zdroj pro elektromagnetické aktuátory This bachelor's thesis is about design of modular current source. The goal was to design a single channel current source module, which could work independently, or could be put together with other modules to make a multichannel current source. These modules are going... |
Štefl, Hynek
Zkušební stanice na bázi PLC This bachelor thesis deals with the design and implementation of the multitester - a test station designed for testing engine systems, optical sensors and pneumatic valves. The manufacturer of the machine is the company SIM Technologies s.r.o., which is dedicated to industrial automatio... |
Sviták, Václav
Připojení zvukového generátoru AY-3-891x nebo YMF262 (OPL3) k mikrokontroléru The paper deals with the problem of sound generators used in 8-bit and 16-bit computers and their control by a modern microprocessor. The aim was to design a suitable HW and SW solution to connect any programmable sound generator from the AY-3-891x or YAMAHA OPLx series.&... |
Mixán, Martin
Ovládací systém pro víceosý pozicionér The aim of this work is to assemble a multi-axis positioner for remote control of the position of the ionizing radiation detector, which is enclosed in a shielded chamber. The device is designed using IoT elements using Python language and OpenHAB automation system. The soluti... |
Pillmann, Jan
Použití FLIR Lepton modulu This thesis aims to analyze the use of modern thermal camera modules Lepton by the FLIR Company. These modules can be widely used due to their universality, small size, low power consumption, and affordability. The goal was to create and describe a communication i... |