Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KEI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 41
Dehghani, Nikzad
Diverzitní kombinování signálů ze všesměrových satelitních pozemních stanic

A typical ground station consists of a high directional antenna placed on the antenna rota-tor. The solution has disadvantages like the high cost of antenna or low-reliability of an-tenna rotator, and the capability to track only one satellite at a time. It can be replaced...

Chestikov, Ignat
Měření elektromagnetických polí dle legislativy o bezpečnosti a ochraně zdraví

This undergraduate thesis aims to present material on what an electromagnetic field is, its types and effects on the human body, examining health and safety legislation and measuring electromagnetic fields in accordance with it. The first part of the paper is devoted&...

Brichta, Jakub
Víceúrovňový napájecí zdroj

The thesis generally deals with the design of linear power supplies. The aim of the work was to design and practically implement a multilevel power supply intended to power the devices under test during EMC tests. The content of the thesis are a theoretical introduction&...

Jacquot, Guillian
Software pro analýzu dat pixelových detektorů částic

This bachelor thesis is focused on the implementation of software for more detailed statistical analysis of partially processed data from Timepix semiconductor particle detectors. The software is built on the Microsoft .NET platform in the Microsoft Visual Studio integrated development environmen...

Chlad, Lukáš
Spínané napájecí zdroje

The aim was to design dc-dc switching power supplies for educational purposes. The power supplies are implemented with the possibility of changing the load, capacity or other parameters. The circuits that are currently available were selected for the solution, therefore no attention was...

Trávníček, Pavel
Balistický chronometr

The goal of this bachelor thesis was the implementation of a ballistic chronometer. It is an electronic device that can measure the speed of a projectile fired from a weapon. The device is consist of two optical barriers, which form two essential components, namely transmitter...

Mathauser, Tomáš
Kolové robotické platformy pro výuku

The thesis deals with the electrical part of wheeled chassis available at the Department of Electronics and Information Technology. Firstly, information about used motors, motor drivers, sensors and microcontroller is summarized. Subsequently, initialization and control functions are created for indiv...

Lukášek, Libor
Vícekanálové ozvučení v automobilu - realizace

The bachelor's thesis deals with the multi-channel sound system of the Škoda Superb 2nd generation. This car model was available for this work. The first part of the work deals with the theory of sound, especially the car cabin and the parameters of the speakers. The&...

Procházka, Vojtěch
Přehled haptických senzorů a jejich použití

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to focus on the category of haptic sensors and actuators, to describe their meaning, types, constructions, properties and uses, and to make their selection from the point of view information transmission for deafblind. Furthermore, the direction o...

Beran, Petr
Realizace audioefektů pro kytaru

The submitted bachelor's thesis deals with the description of principles and realization of the most widely used effects for electrophonic guitar, and the division of effects into categories according to the way they work with sound. After processing an overview of the principles&#x...

Lodr, Jakub
Měření útlumových charakteristik síťových filtrů

This thesis deals with the solution of the design of jigs for measuring the individual modes of the line filters insertion loss. In the theoretical part of the thesis can be found a brief description of the individual modes of interfering signals, the definition of insert...

Růžička, Ondřej
Metodika správy otevřené knihovny součástek

Open-source PCB design tools are very popular nowadays and they may be employed in diverse workflows. This can lead to inconsistency and insufficient specification of use inside organizations. This thesis is focused on a library management methodology, which leads to a proposal, definin...

Přibyl, Zdeněk
Gondola pro lety stratosférickým balónem

The aim of this work was to get acquainted with the technical solution to the current stratospheric balloon probe PilsenCUBE-Strato and modify the electronics in order to improve the reliability of sensors and allow the main computer probe to collect data from various sensors ...

Trkovský, Kryštof
Řízení kolejiště pomocí webové aplikace

The thesis is focused on implementation of a web application. The purpose is remote control of model railway. The application provides compact solution for traffic monitoring, timetable definition and direct control of the track. Selected technologies follows current trend in development of&...

Ovsiienko, Mariia
Analýza telemetrických dat z mise satelitu VZLUSAT-1

The goal of this thesis is analysis of telemetry data that characterise the current state of the internal systems of the nanosatellite VZLUSAT-1. The introduction includes technical information about the satellite and a description of the experiments it is in charge of. It al...

Mulák, Tomáš
Detekce ionizujícího záření s využitím PIN diod

The goal of this thesis was to study the principles of detection of ionising radiation with the use of PIN diodes, selection of suitable commercially available PIN diodes and designing an electronic circuit, which is able to detect ionising radiation. Commercially available detectors&#x...

Brož, Filip
DMX controller s využitím Raspberry Pi

This thesis is focused on studying different types of scenic lightning, serial communications protokol DMX512, a single-chip computer Raspberry Pi and the design of a controller, that enables the control of scenic lightning in a cinema setting, all controlled by a software. The sim...

Studnička, Jiří
Elektronická časomíra pro požární sport

This bachelor's thesis is focused on the realization of a stopwatch timer for fire sports. The goal of this work was to create hardware and software for measuring and processing times. The basic prerequisite for the preparation was an initial analysis of possible variants ...

Růžička, Jan
Elektronická demonstrace třídění

The thesis deals with the visualization of sorting algorithms by using PC simulation and by controlling multi-color RGB LEDs. For visualization on RGB LEDs was chosen the Neopixel stick set from Adafruit. For controlling the set of RGB LEDs was used a Nucleo STM32 F411RE ...

Šanda, Jakub
FM radiopřijímač řízený mikrokontrolérem

The presented bachelor thesis is focused on integrated FM receivers that can be controlled by a microcontroller. After the introductory part where the band of very short radiowaves and the history and future of radio station transmission are briefly described, a general description ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 41