Title: Senzibilizační profil u pacientů s alergií na břízu
Other Titles: Sensitization profiles in birch pollen-allergic patients
Authors: Bouzková, Nikol
Advisor: Vlas Tomáš, Ing. Bc.
Referee: Bršlicová Kateřina, Ing.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/44195
Keywords: senzibilizační profil;specifické ige protilátky;immunocap isac;alergie;alergeny;zkřížené reakce
Keywords in different language: sensitization profile;specific ige antibodies;immunocap isac;allergy;allergens;cross-reactions
Abstract: Tato bakalarska prace se zameruje na sledovani senzibilizacnich profilu pacientu s alergii na nektere brezove alergeny. Senzibilizacni profily byly sestaveny na zaklade vysledku retrospektivni analyzy souboru dat namerenych pomoci metody ImmunoCAP ISAC. Nasledne byly porovnany s homologii 20 nejfrekventovanejsich alergenu senzibilizacniho profilu. U senzibilizaciho profilu Bet v 1 byly nejfrekventovanejsimi alergeny liskovy orech (Cor a 1.0401), jablko (Mal d 1) a bojinek (konkretne alergen Phl p 1). V senzibilizacnim profilu Bet v 2 to pak byl alergen latexu (Hev b 8), jeden z alergenu bojinku (Phl p 1) a pyl bazanky (Mer a 1). U alergenu Bet v 4 se v senzibilizacnim profilu nejcasteji vyskytovala precitlivelost na alergeny bojinku (konkretne Phl p 1 a Phl p 7) a alergen troskutu (Cyn d 1). Bylo potvrzeno, ze u nekterych alergenu je pozitivita vazana na homologii v ramci jejich rodiny (konkretne rodiny PR-10 proteinu, profilinu nebo polkalcinu). Pokud alergen nepatri ani do jedne z techto rodin, jedna se nejcasteji o kosenzibilizaci.
Abstract in different language: This bachelor thesis focuses on monitoring the sensitization profiles of patients with allergies to some birch allergens. Sensitization profiles were compiled based on the results of a retrospective analysis of the data set. The results were measured using ImmunoCAP ISAC method. Then they were compared with the homology of the 20 most frequent allergens of the sensitization profile. The most frequent allergens in the sensitization profile Bet v 1 were hazelnut (Cor a 1.0401), apple (Mal d 1) and timothy (specifically allergen Phl p 1). In the sensitization profile Bet v 2 it was an allergen of latex (Hev b 8), timothy (Phl p 1) and pollen from annual mercury (Mer a 1). In the case of the allergen Bet v 4, hypersensitivity to the timothy allergens (specifically Phl p 1 and Phl p 7) and debris allergen (Cyn d 1) were most common in the sensitization profile. It has been confirmed that the positivity of some aller- gens is linked to homology within their family. (specifically the PR-10 proteins, profilin or polcalcin family). If the allergen doesn't belong to any of these families, it is most often cosensitization.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KAZ)

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