Astronomické vzdělávání a popularizace astronomie
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Zychová, Lenka
Popularizace astronomie a FameLab International FameLab competition aims to find new talents among scientists, students and teachers who can present the latest scientific results in entertaining way. Competition has more than ten years of tradition and successfully spreads scientific knowledge among the non-scientific... |
Wolf, Marek
Výuka astronomie a astrofyziky pro obor učitelství na MFF UK v Praze The paper summarizes long-time experience in lectures on astronomy and astrophysics devoted to students of teaching combined with physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the Charles University in Prague during years 1985–2016. |
Urban, Jan
Astronomická pozorování a astronomická olympiáda v podmínkách venkovské školy Two interesting astronomical phenomena (partial solar eclipse on 20. 3. 2015 and transit of Mercury on 9. 5. 2016) across the Sun offered an opportunity to carry up observations for all pupils from our school. Except of personal experience for pupils it allowed to... |
Štefl, Vladimír
Zychová, Lenka
K mezinárodní spolupráci ve výuce astrofyziky na středních školách A comparative survey of astrophysical knowledge and skills of secondary school pupils in the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia and other countries will be briefly described. In summary, the main results will be highlighted. The paper deals with the current state of the te... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Sborníky ZČU / UWB Proceedings
- 27 2018