Astronomické vzdělávání a popularizace astronomie: aneb v Plzni to vše začalo... Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
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Zychová, Lenka
Popularizace astronomie a FameLab International FameLab competition aims to find new talents among scientists, students and teachers who can present the latest scientific results in entertaining way. Competition has more than ten years of tradition and successfully spreads scientific knowledge among the non-scientific... |
Wolf, Marek
Výuka astronomie a astrofyziky pro obor učitelství na MFF UK v Praze The paper summarizes long-time experience in lectures on astronomy and astrophysics devoted to students of teaching combined with physics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at the Charles University in Prague during years 1985–2016. |
Urban, Jan
Astronomická pozorování a astronomická olympiáda v podmínkách venkovské školy Two interesting astronomical phenomena (partial solar eclipse on 20. 3. 2015 and transit of Mercury on 9. 5. 2016) across the Sun offered an opportunity to carry up observations for all pupils from our school. Except of personal experience for pupils it allowed to... |
Štefl, Vladimír
Zychová, Lenka
K mezinárodní spolupráci ve výuce astrofyziky na středních školách A comparative survey of astrophysical knowledge and skills of secondary school pupils in the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia and other countries will be briefly described. In summary, the main results will be highlighted. The paper deals with the current state of the te... |
Šolc, Martin
Astronomie ve vzdělávání seniorů – univerzity 3. věku v České republice a ve světě Since the beginning in France in 1973, the idea of the Universities of the Third Age (U3A or UTA) expanded to almost all developed countries of the world. U3A became an important tool for a systematic education of seniors, and problems of exploring the Univer... |
Suková, Zuzana
K čemu mi to bude? “What good will it be?” is a question teacher has to answer all the time. “Why should I learn astronomy when it will be of no use?” You may have encountered this question as well. The contribution illustrates an example of utilizing astronomic knowledge in ... |
Srba, Jiří
Lenža, Libor
Využití odborných astronomických pozorování ve vzdělávání na hvězdárně ve Valašském Meziříčí Since its founding in 1955, the Valašské Meziříčí Observatory, contributory organization of the Zlín Region, has been involved in special-interest education focused on the natural sciences with a close relationship to astronomy. Through astronomical observations, the observatory is also... |
Richterek, Lukáš
Rádiová komunikace studentů SŠ s ISS In March 2016, the first radio interview of high school students with the ISS from the Czech Republic took place in Olomouc. This contribution describes the preparations, the event and corresponding activities at participating schools. As the ARISS project of NASA continues... |
Ondřich, David
Astronomické časopisy v 21. století |
Lenža, Libor
Srba, Jiří
Vzdělávání v astronomii a jeho propojení s jinými obory Development of audiovisual technology and the capability of visually attractive presentation allows in specialized facilities (such as planetariums or educational centers) to implement attractive programs for students and the public. Apart of this "fun education", there are also ... |
Kříček, Radek
Jak zkoumat spojitost astronomického vzdělávání s volbou VŠ The ongoing research focuses on several questions related to the work of astronomical educators. Do they play an important role for children in exploring the wonderful world around us? Do they support them in further studies of science? Do they prepare them well f... |
Kožuško, Jan
Astronomická olympiáda Astronomical olympiad broadens conventional educational and popularization activities for youths to a possibility of comparing skills and knowledge both on national and international level. Contestants learn to use and combine information in a variety of sciences. It supports developing... |
Kočvara, Jaroslav
Potěšení z astronomie – interaktivní exponáty s astronomickou tematikou The topic covers examples of the most widespread and interesting interactive exhibits with astronomy themes from selected Science Centers in German-speaking European countries (mainly Germany but also Austria and Switzerland). |
Kočvara, Jaroslav
Astronomické práce v SOČ Based on the statistical analysis of Student research activity (SRA) archive papers from last eighteen years (from 21st year in 1998/99 until 38th in 2015/16), the paper illustrates exceptional success of studies with astronomy topics. Last part of the paper discusses&... |
Kéhar, Ota
Randa, Miroslav
Astronomická výuka The paper was prepared as an introduction to the discussion about Education in astronomy. First part shows unfavorable results from questionnaire survey of university students about their fundamental knowledge from astronomy. Possible ways what to do with this situation will be&... |
Kéhar, Ota
V Plzni to vše začalo This conference continues with its focus on astronomy education to the conference "Astronomical Education at Elementary and Secondary Schools in the 21st Century" held in June 2013 in Ruzomberok and conferences dealing with the teaching of astronomy held since the 1960... |
Hofman, Jiří
Astronomické knížky z mládí seniorů v kurzech U3V It is in our elder hood, that we tend to reopen the books; we used to read as children. Indeed, we may go as far as to seek them in such places as libraries or antiquarian shops. It is thanks to the authors, that we can once again relive th... |
Halousek, Milan
Projekt „do kosmu s krtkem“ a další vzdělávací projekty CSO a jejich využití ve vědeckém a technickém vzdělávání dětí a mládeže The journey of the Czech puppet "Krteček – Little Mole" to the International Space Station in 2011 by the American astronaut Andrew Feustel started a long-term educational project. The Czech Space Agency and Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the... |
Grygar, Jiří
Současné nároky na popularizaci a popularizátora v astronomii n 1976, a panel discussion about the popularization of astronomy was held in Brno under the auspices of the Czech Astronomical Society. Since then enormous changes in the technical possibilities and scope of popularization occurred. Expansion of internet advances of search ... |
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- Astronomické vzdělávání a popularizace astronomie
- 27 2018