Název: Praktické aplikace studentských podnikatelských nápadů (příklad konkrétního projektu)
Další názvy: Practical applications of student business ideas (example of a concrete project)
Autoři: Pavlák, Miroslav
Kostikov, Eva
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: ŠLECHTOVÁ SOJKOVÁ, O. (ed.) Trendy v podnikání 2022, Plzeň 2023, s. 237-246.
Datum vydání: 2022
Nakladatel: Faculty of Economics University of West Bohemia
Typ dokumentu: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/54515
ISBN: 978-80-261-1129-0
Klíčová slova: spolupráce se studenty;obchodní model;projekt ambasadorských lékáren
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: cooperation with students;business model;project of ambassador pharmacies
Abstrakt v dalším jazyce: A trend of connecting theory with practice is evident in today ́s education. Cooperation with students in the preparation of business projects creates an opportunity for practice-oriented teaching. The goal is to support the creative and innovative thinking of the young generation, which is so important in the current conditions of the global economy, digitalization, green economy and Industry 4.0. At the University of Finance and Administration in Prague, cooperation with students also includes involving them in analytical work at the companies where these students - self-payers - are employed. Teachers at VŠFS play the role of a mentor and a consultant in solving some specific and challenging problems. This article is also based on such collaboration. This article is focused on the project of the so-called "Ambassador Pharmacies" with special attention which is paid to cooperation among selected pharmacies and sales representatives of a pharmaceutical company.For the purpose of this article, the students' analytical work was concentrated in the area of updating part of the business model. The analyzed organization is a pharmaceutical company that has been operating in the Czech Republic for more than 10 years and employs more than 100 people. The project of „Ambassador Pharmacies“ is based on the idea of making products visible at the point of sale, i.e. at pharmacies, and increasing product recommendations by pharmacists, leading to an increase in existing sales with the lowest possible costs spent on this activity. Due to the requirements for the scope of the article, a very brief description of some parts of the business model is presented only.
Práva: © Authors of papers
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Trendy v podnikání 2022

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