Trendy v podnikání 2022 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Zahoran, Pavol
Žižlavský, Ondřej
Industry 4.0: Opportunity or threat to controlling? The gradual introduction of automation, robotization, digitalization, and other elements of Industry 4.0 into business processes also has implications for the work of controllers and the organization of controlling departments. The literature review divides the impacts into three main area... |
Vocke, Thorsten
Gangur, Mikuláš
The impact of artificial intelligence in the finance sector and its chances Since Artificial Intelligence has entered almost all parts of the industry, the finance sector is highly influenced by Big data and Artificial Intelligence. For the article, the following research question has been formulated: “What are the key success factors to implement AI... |
Valentová, Martina
Agriculture 4.0 - theory and practice Agriculture is one of the basic building cornerstones of human civilisation. Like other human activities, agriculture has undergone changes over the centuries and has evolved with human knowledge. This paper addresses the issue of the latest stage of agricultural development, which... |
Skřivan, Lukáš
Vývoj inovačních aktivit malých a středních podniků v České republice a Evropské unii Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the driving force of the economy in the European Union (EU), providing the majority of jobs and accounting for more than half of value added among all businesses. Support from national and European institutions in the field of rese... |
Semerád, Pavel
Brauner, Roman
Babuněk, Ondřej
Semerádová, Lucie
The electronic record of sales as an effective tool for fair compensation payments to entrepreneurs The electronic record of sales is a tool used by 17 Member States in the European Union. Yet the Czech Republic has decided to cancel the measure introduced in 2016 without providing any replacement. Since its introduction, electronic record of sales has been a pol... |
Pokorný, Jan
Risk management: případová studie penzijní společnosti Pension companies represent an essential element in the diversification of pension systems. Risk plays an integral part in their management, which is the focus of risk management. The contribution aims to present the risk management issue focused on actors and the application... |
Petrenko, Olesya
Brunátová, Miluše
Menšiková, Veronika
Applying SWOT analysis for effective project management in higher education: a case study from the University of West Bohemia It takes planning and consideration to adjust the project management system in higher education in order to distribute resources effectively. Previous research in project management in Czechia (e.g. Vacek & Ircingova, 2014) highlighted the importance to strengthen project management ... |
Pavlák, Miroslav
Kostikov, Eva
Praktické aplikace studentských podnikatelských nápadů (příklad konkrétního projektu) A trend of connecting theory with practice is evident in today ́s education. Cooperation with students in the preparation of business projects creates an opportunity for practice-oriented teaching. The goal is to support the creative and innovative thinking of the young generatio... |
Nosková, Marta
Business intelligence v praxi českých podniků The article discusses the attitude toward Business Intelligence Systems by the sample of medium- sized enterprises in the Czech Republic. In more detail, the aim of the article is to determine the level of data processing in the Czech enterprises, as well as ... |
Mattern, Kay
Investigation of possible influences on the different development of registration numbers of electric vehicles within europe In Europe and other regions of the world, climate policy targets and concrete measures for the reduction of climate-damaging greenhouse gases have been defined in recent years, partly as a result of the Paris UN Framework Agreement, partly as binding and legally anchored,... |
Matoušková, Dana
Digital marketing and its relation to the business This paper is a descriptive literature review of digital marketing in business. Firstly, a theoretical overview including the definition of digital marketing and a brief history of its development in the business sector was presented. It was established that digital marketing has... |
Málek, Jiří
van Quang, Tran
S&P 500 and cryptocurrency market risk measured by standard deviation, var and cvar: a comparison study VaR and CVaR are effective quantitative measurements of market risk. These measures can quantify the risk of unexpected changes within a given period. In this paper, we examine the market risk of the US stock market index S&P 500 and cryptocurrencies bitcoin and rip... |
Lajtkepová, Eva
Rozpočtové určení daní a kraje The regions were established by the Constitutional Law No. 347/1997 Coll. The income of regions mainly includes transfers from the state budget and transfer of shared taxes. The Act No. 243/2000 Coll. determines the share of the regions in the state-wide collected taxes, ... |
Kupec, Michael
Personalizace internetu jako marketingový trend The market is a key entity that sets the pace of change in various areas of business, not least marketing. The changes that have been taking place in the market over the last three decades mean that marketers need to stay up-to-date and in step with the... |
Kristl Volfová, Monika
Egerová, Dana
Využítí virtuální reality ve vzdělávání pracovníků v oblasti bezpečnosti práce a ochrany zdraví: přehled literatury One of the top priorities of any company is to solve problems related to occupational safety. Significant investments are made to reduce work-related risks, including training employees in safety procedures. Today, technological advances and the widespread adoption of visual technology... |
Kouřil, Radovan
Relation of business process management and digital transformation - literature review Digital transformation, digitization, or business process management are terms often mentioned by academics and practitioners. Nowadays, the world could hardly function without any digitization. Together with business process management, it helps companies to increase their accomplishment in the... |
Kopecký, Jakub
Žižlavský, Ondřej
Srovnání přístupu různých autorů k metodě Objectives and Key results This paper's purpose is to compare different authors' approaches to setting, monitoring, and evaluating goals using the objectives and key results (OKR) method. The article is based on a literature review of available sources related to OKR. First, the individual components of O... |
Komorousová, Veronika
Jakubíková, Dagmar
Specifika marketingového strategického plánování v sektoru veřejné osobní dopravy – případová studie vybraného podniku Due to the current development of the environment, new opportunities are opening up for public passenger transport. Along with this, strategic marketing management, especially the planning stage, is becoming more important. The aim of the article is to point out the specifics of th... |
Jaderná, Eva
Udržitelnost očima českých spotřebitelů Sustainability is a crucial part of managerial decision on a strategic, and operational level. Businesses follow principles of sustainability, and seek to declare the sustainability externally, and support of sustainable behaviour day by day, too. They develop sustainable products or ... |
Hes, Aleš
Šálková, Daniela
Valůch, Martin
Retail support using modern marketing communication tools Currently, sales support within marketing communication is taking shape in comprehensive forms, which are becoming an influential determinant of customer behaviour and the retail environment. The changes brought about by digitization in the field of communication put the consumer in a differ... |
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