Title: Aggression against Ukraine: Failure of the International Criminal Justice?
Authors: Matoušková, Anna
Citation: KNOLL, Vilém, HABLOVIČ, Jakub a kol (eds.). Naděje právní vědy 2022: Právní věda v praxi, Plzeň 25. listopadu 2022, s. 381-390.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: konferenční příspěvek
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/55435
ISBN: 978-80-261-1217-4
978-80-261-1216-7 (brožovaná vazba)
Keywords: akt agrese;trestný čin agrese;Mezinárodní trestní soud;zvláštní tribunál pro trestný čin agrese;jurisdikce
Keywords in different language: act of aggression;crime of aggression;International Criminal Court;special tribunal for the crime of aggression;jurisdiction
Abstract in different language: On March 2, 2022, during its 11th Emergency Special Session, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution that condemned the aggression by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. A resolution expected to be followed by further, specific steps. Ensuring accountability for the crime of aggression committed by the members of the leadership of the aggressor State would be one of them. However, gaps in the international criminal justice system still exist, which make the way forward difficult. The key organ of this system, the International Criminal Court, regarding the crime of aggression, is limited by its narrow jurisdictional framework. The present article first explains the limits of the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction. Subsequently, methods of the establishment of a special tribunal for the crime of aggression are outlined and structured into two categories based on the involvement of the United Nations in the process. First, it describes the possibilities, advantages, and risks of attempting to draft and conclude an agreement between Ukraine and the United Nations on the establishment of a special tribunal. Furthermore, it outlines alternative ways without the direct involvement of the United Nations
Rights: © Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Appears in Collections:Naděje právní vědy 2022
Naděje právní vědy 2022

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