Název: Diversity management: comparison, the best practices of Visegrad countries
Autoři: Eger, Ludvík
Egerová, Dana
Jiřincová, Milena
Petrtyl, Jan
Plevný, Miroslav
Bitterová, Miriam
Lančarič, Drahoslav
Peterka, Andrej
Pisoňová, Mária
Savov, Radovan
Hajós, László
Czeglédi, Csilla
Cseh Papp, Imola
Rozwadowski, Jerzi
Wójcik, Jacek
Citace zdrojového dokumentu: EGER, Ludvík et al. Diversity management: comparison, the best practices of Visegrad countries. Plzeň: Nava, 2012.
Datum vydání: 2012
Nakladatel: Nava
Typ dokumentu: monografie
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/6063
ISBN: 978-80-7211-420-7
Klíčová slova: diverzita;management diverzity;občanská společnost;výzkum;případová studie;Česko;Slovensko;Polsko;Maďarsko;Visegrádská skupina
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: diversity;diversity management;civil society;research;case study;Czechia;Slovakia;Poland;Hungaria;Visegrad countries
Abstrakt: The publication presents outputs of research project: “Diversity management, comparison, the best practices of Visegrad countries” that was supported by the Visegrad Fund (Project No: 21110193 – scientific exchange and research). Coordinator of the project was the University of West Bohemia (CZ) and partners were: the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (SK), the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SK), the Szent István University in Gödöllő (HU) and the West Pomeranian Business School in Szczecin (PL). The main purpose of the project was to increase networking and cooperation among faculties focused on human resource development. International team realized planned research study: comparison of diversity management in Visegrad countries. There are chapters focused on diversity in the Czech Republic, in the Slovak Republic, in Hungary, and in Poland that were prepared by professionals from each of the V4 nations. As the conclusion we present the commented analysis of the topic, and comparison of the subject matter (diversity) within the V4 countries (in years 2011–2012). The analysis and comparison were made by members of the international team. The next important objective of the project was to create case studies – examples of the best practices. The main purpose of this part was to demonstrate successful ways that give us answer to question: How to effectively implement diversity management ideas into practice? And of course, another aim was to create new source of information for students and professionals. The project also promotes the concept of Visegrad co-operation. Co-operation among proj-ect partners and research activities are ongoing on bilateral and multilateral levels. Presented results underline that diversity management should be understood in its development from the strategies of equality up to the concepts perceiving diversity and its application not only for business activities but also for the development of the civil society in general. And at the same time the national and regional context must not be forgotten.
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Monografie a kolektivní monografie / Monographs and collective monographs (KMO)

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