Název: External publishing
Autoři: Plan4all
Datum vydání: 11-kvě-2011
Nakladatel: Plan4all
Typ dokumentu: zpráva
URI: http://wiki.plan4all.eu/wk/images/3/31/D9.9.3_External_Publishing.pdf
Klíčová slova: publikace;projekty;Plan4all
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: publications;projects
Abstrakt: The Sub task “External publishing” T 9.5 “concerns the participation and the presentation of project’s results in conference/journal of spatial planning and SDI”(DoW p. 65). These activities are to be developed at European and national level. This Deliverable D.9.9.3 includes the list of papers published in the period from November 2010 until April 2011, the list of papers delivered for publication but still under publication or revision by editors and the list of presentations delivered in the same period. For the complete lists and updates see: List of publications (http://wiki.plan4all.eu/wiki/Publications, List of presentations (http://wiki.plan4all.eu/wiki/Presentations)
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Zprávy / Reports (KGM)

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Použijte tento identifikátor k citaci nebo jako odkaz na tento záznam: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/6220

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