Název: Analysis of innovative challenges
Autoři: Beyer, Clemens
Wasserburger, Wolfgang W.
Bergheim, Runar
Brūns, Pēteris
Charvát, Karel
Dvořák, Miroslav
Horák, Petr
Neuschmid, Julia
Stelian, Dimitrov
Zannetti, Norma
Datum vydání: 16-lis-2009
Nakladatel: Plan4all
Typ dokumentu: zpráva
URI: http://www.plan4all.eu/extractor/fileReader.php?file=d2-2-analysis-of-innovative-challenges.pdf
Klíčová slova: prostorová data;interoperabilita dat;datová infrastruktura
Klíčová slova v dalším jazyce: spatial data;data interoperabilita;data infrastructure
Abstrakt: Plan4all is a European project dealing with spatial planning data interoperability, har-monisation and Spatial Data Infrastructure building. The project is organised in nine work packages (WP), which are further structured into several tasks. This deliverable presents the results of task 2.2 which is part of WP2 – the state of the art analysis – and has the objective to analyse latest developments and innovative challenges in SDI building for spatial planning in Europe. The objective of this deliverable is to assist to pilot partners deploy their infrastructure in WP6.1, to prepare recommenda-tion for possible platforms. The deliverable use results of other two deliverables D 2.1 ―Identification of leading regional and local administration in building SDI for spatial planning‖ describing the detailed situation in single European countries (the report provides a general survey on SDI and spatial planning data in each partner country) and D 2.3 ―INSPIRE Requirements Analysis‖, which analyses requirements coming from INSPIRE directive. The results are based on an analysis of information about relevant software classified according a framework for software classification based on INSPIRE architecture, spataial planning needs and a collection of best practice projects.
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Zprávy / Reports (KGM)

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