Title: Bezpečnostní problematika Malacké úžiny
Other Titles: Security issue of Strait of Malacca
Authors: Dolejšková, Kateřina
Advisor: Šanc, David
Referee: Cabadová Waisová, Šárka
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: diplomová práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/10390
Keywords: Malacká úžina;Singapur;Malajsie;Indonésie;hrozba;doprava;bezpečnost;pirátství;terorismus
Keywords in different language: Malacca strait;Malaysia;Indonesia;Singapore;security;threat;piracy;terrorism
Abstract: Malacká úžina patří k nejdůležitějším místům světa v námořní dopravě. Země, které přes Malackou úžinu dovážejí a vyvážejí, jsou závislé na bezpečnosti plavby průlivem. V Malacké úžině se vyskytuje mnoho hrozeb, které označují aktéři závislý na volném proplutí úžinou. Hlavními hrozbami jsou terorismus, pirátství, znečištění životního prostředí, nelegální obchod a pašování. Aktéři subregionu Malacké úžiny označují jako hlavní hrozbu ztrátu suverenity nad oblastí.
Abstract in different language: This thesis analyzes the threats in the Malacca Strait. These threats affect not only littoral states in the Malacca Straits, but also threaten states which the channel uses for maritime navigation. The analysis focuses on threats and measures against these threats. These littoral states indicate same themes in the Malacca Strait, which include terrorism, piracy, natural disasters, maritime collision, robbery and loss of sovereignty in national waters. It turns out that there is a big difference between Singapore approach to cooperation and other states in the Malacca Strait. Singapore seeks cooperation especially with the littoral states and is open to cooperation, especially within ASEAN and the Western powers. Malaysia and Indonesia cooperate together and with Singapore, but is very concerned about the loss of national sovereignty. For this reason, they prefer cooperation on the basis of financial contributions, technological development and training interventions at sea. Having a look at the countries which use the Malacca Strait to shipping, it can be found that they indicate a slightly different threat than littoral states. They agree with threats such as terrorism, piracy, and others, however unlike the littoral states are afraid of closing the strait, it would have enormous consequences for these countries. For these reasons, they try as much as possible to cooperate with the littoral states to ensure security in the Strait. For example, Japan provides to littoral states financial injection to improve the ensuring security in the Strait. Another finding of this analysis is that there is a balance of power between China and the USA. These states try to provide security in the Malacca Strait and to defend its national interests, especially energy security. This analysis concluded that the perception of threats in the Malacca Strait varies by securitization actors. However, the action against these threats from the different actors is very similar - mainly resulting in cooperation, even though this is done in favor of different national interests.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Diplomové práce / Theses (KAP)

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