Katedra antropologie / Department of Anthropology
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Poslední příspěvky
Tengler, Marek
Zločin a trest: Deviantní chování a sociální kontrola ve videohře EVE online The work is focused on the study of deviant behavior and forms of social control in online video games, specifically the EVE Online game, in the format of a video game monograph. It is based on participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and analysis of the game ... |
Prágrová, Pavlína
Genderové role a soukromý prostor The theme of this thesis is gender roles in private space. It focuses on the possibilities of changing normative ideas about gender roles. Through a poststructuralist perspective and a feminine lens, it focuses on agency in private space, with an emphasis on the space of ... |
Šínová, Jana
Tafonomická analýza ve studiu pohřebního ritu na pohřebišti epišňůrového kulturního komplexu v Loděnici The diploma thesis is focused on the taphonomic analysis of the Late Eneolithic burial site from Loděnice near Opava. The thesis summarizes the current knowledge about burials at the end of the Eneolithic in Moravia and Czech Silesia and describes the theoretical basis of... |
Ngo, Tran Thuy An
Způsoby zabraňující plýtvání jídla ve vietnamské kultuře z hlediska antropologie jídla This research explored how the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic minimizes food waste through anthropological methods such as informal interviews, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation. The study revealed that respect for food and hospitality are deeply ingrained in Vietname... |
Štíbr, Filip
Pojetí smrti v mezigenerační perspektivě This bachelor thesis focuses on the intergenerational concept of death and coping with it. The aim of the thesis is to explore how different generations perceive and interpret death and how cultural and historical context influences this process. The thesis analyses research and th... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- 419 bakalářská práce
- 209 diplomová práce
- 94 2020 - 2024
- 534 2012 - 2019