Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KSA) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ngo, Tran Thuy An
Způsoby zabraňující plýtvání jídla ve vietnamské kultuře z hlediska antropologie jídla This research explored how the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic minimizes food waste through anthropological methods such as informal interviews, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation. The study revealed that respect for food and hospitality are deeply ingrained in Vietname... |
Štíbr, Filip
Pojetí smrti v mezigenerační perspektivě This bachelor thesis focuses on the intergenerational concept of death and coping with it. The aim of the thesis is to explore how different generations perceive and interpret death and how cultural and historical context influences this process. The thesis analyses research and th... |
Součková, Linda
Utváření genderové identity mezi fanoušky K-popu v České republice K-pop is a South Korean music genre that developed during the 20th century as a part of Korean culture. Modern K-pop, which originated in the 1990s, has gained a large number of fans from Europe and the United States in addition to Asian countries. Its popularity has... |
Pořízová, Anežka
Jak naložit s lidským popelem? Rozmanitost, symbolika a způsoby nakládání s lidskými ostatky This thesis investigates the diverse approaches to handling human remains following cremation within the contemporary Czech population. Its primary objective is to systematically explore this diversity within the evolving realm of funeral practices and to elucidate potential explanations for the ... |
Novák, Milan
Přístup vysokoškolských vyučujících k umělé inteligenci The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of social changes and their impact on the academic environment of the Faculty of Philosophy in Pilsen. The study explores the concept of anomie and individual adaptation in a university context with an emphasis on teaching. ... |
Chodová, Anna
Vznik křesťanských sborů po roce 1989: Případové studie Křesťanského sboru v Domažlicích a Křesťanského společenství v Klatovech Religious life before 1989 was pushed from the public sector into the private one. After the fall of communism in Czechoslovakia, the return to free expression of religious life was accompanied by increasing plurality of ideological and religious views. This work will contribute to... |
Novák, Jakub
Graffiti a styl In this thesis I describe the subcultural style of graffiti writers in the contemporary Prague graffiti scene. I draw on the division into dimensions defined by researchers from the British CCCS as: music, visage, slang and performance or ritual. By analysing narrowly focused micro... |
Adamcová, Petra
Poutnice na Svatojakubské cestě: jejich motivace, zkušenosti a nesnáze během cesty The phenomenon of pilgrimage is widespread throughout the world and plays its role in all world religions. Europe experienced the greatest boom in pilgrimage during the Baroque period, including an increase in the number of smaller pilgrimage sites. With the advent of the Enlighten... |
Erretová, Kateřina
Role andělské spirituality a kultury v současné české společnosti The thesis deals with the importance and function of angelic spirituality and culture in today's Czech society. Its aim is to find out and analyse whether and how belief in angels can compete with traditional religions. The theoretical part will be devoted to the explanati... |
Mezhuev, Georgy
Pocit domova v životě ukrajinských uprchlíků This paper focuses on the practices that help Ukrainian refugee teenagers create a feeling of home in Pilsen and analyzes these practices in the broader context of social and political conditions. The study is based on the triadic constellation of home framework and a multisen... |
Fišerová, Magdaléna
Narativní dimenze archeologického terénního výzkumu v České republice: kolektivně sdílená vyprávění českých archeologů a archeoložek The Bachelor thesis will analyze the verbal folklore of archaeologists in the Czech Republic, namely collectively shared anecdotes, rumors and contemporary rumors associated with archaeological field investigations circulating in topical oral transmission, which are part of the collective memory of... |
Hůlková, Petra
New Age a životní styl v moderní době This dissertation describes and interprets the diversity of people who are part of community of the contemporary alternative spiritual movement (New Age). The dissertation is divided into two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part describes to the development, perception and ... |
Vašková, Anna
Sociální a kulturní aspekty psychedelické zkušenosti The bachelor's thesis is devoted to the social and cultural aspects of the psychedelic experience. The aim of my thesis is to find the possible influence of psychedelics on the space where they are used. In the theoretical part, I focus on the notion of psychedelic... |
Fúdorová, Kateřina
Utváření vztahů spřízněnosti v pěstounství The theoretical part of the thesis defines basic concepts related to foster care in the Czech Republic. The practical part aimed to map the process by which kinship bonds are formed and function. I identify similarities and differences in the emerging relationships and emotional... |
Petrův, Alžběta
Dětské exekuce optikou sociální újmy This work aims to characterize and describe the phenomenon of child de depts through the lens of social harm, based on individual stories from respondents. It utilizes the theory of social harm as a foundational theoretical framework that allows for the explanation of causes a... |
Hozmanová, Veronika
Odliv mozků z Libanonu se zaměřením na komunitu libanonských přistěhovalců v ČR The aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce and analyse the situation of a selected group of Lebanese immigrants in the Czech Republic. Specifically, it focuses on the social integration of educated and highly skilled Lebanese who have left amidst the deteriorating economic... |
Novák, David
Pojetí čarodějnic a čarodějnických procesů českou etnografií do r. 1989 The bachelors' thesis deals with the ways of comprehension of witchcraft and the witch trials of the early modern era by the Czech ethnography and historiography from the Central-European Enlightenment era, up until 1989 when it was examined by the normalisation ethnography and ... |
Paterová, Monika
Pojetí daru a reciprocity v současné české společnosti The thesis deals with the concept of gift and reciprocity in the Czech modern society with a focus on intergenerational comparison. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to find out if the gift exchange works the same way in family, among friends and towards strangers. A... |
Mochanová, Adéla
Databáze a dostupnost sbírkových předmětů k výzkumným účelům The bachelor's thesis researches the issue of availability of physical collections and materials for study purposes in person or in online databases. I also examine the change in availability over the years, the database of collections and found unexhibited artefacts and finds. Spec... |
Machová, Adriana
Menstruace z evoluční perspektivy This paper summarizes the evolutionary evidence regarding the menstruation cycle and its possible link with the frequent development of cancer of reproductive organs, especially breast cancer. The number of menstruation cycles varies in different human populations. By compering these frequencies... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra antropologie / Department of Anthropology
- 419 bakalářská práce
- 61 2020 - 2024
- 358 2012 - 2019