Mladá politologie
Recent Submissions
Walach, Václav
Sociálně vyloučené lokality mezi stigmatizací a sekuritizací: výzkumná re-orientace The research project presented here emerges from my long-term interest in the meaning of security in relation to socially excluded localities. These places have become a hot spot in the Czech Republic, as their partly Romany populations are accused of the higher rates of crimi... |
Vorlová, Tereza
Kulturní diplomacie v USA a Rusku po konci studené války Cultural diplomacy had witnessed the greatest boom after the Second World War, when it became a full-fledged part of foreign policy on both sides of the Iron Curtain. This project addresses the question - what changes occurred in the understanding of cultural diplomacy with th... |
Naxera, Vladimír
Krčál, Petr
Úvodní strany |
Stulík, Ondřej
Jednorozměrná demokracie: případová studie „Otevřené společnosti“ K. R. Poppera – koncept a možnosti This work offers new point of view on the Popper´s work with regard to a phenomenon of democracy based on the conservative-republican position. The main goal is to deconstruct the libertarian interpretation of Popper´s social philosophy posed by the Austrian school, which has creat... |
Paul, Jan
Výzvy etnografického výzkumu pracovní migrace v současné ruské společnosti The social microworlds where the migrants live often come through the states, the borders and through the continents. Therefore it would be naive to assume, that with their transition to the new environment their original family bonds, cultural and religional traditions will automatical... |
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