Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KBS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 220
Mašiková, Gabriela
Události v Íránu v 80. letech 20. století a jejich pozadí

The Bachalor Thesis is focused on issue of the Iranian history in 80s of the last century and it specializes in local conflicts and affairs. It deals with issues of power, armed conflicts and political scandals. The thesis considerably refers to diplomatic relationships between...

Pospíšilová, Miriam
Ariel Šaron

The topic of my bachelor´s thesis is Ariel Sharon. This thesis describes in the first part his family and the key events from all his life up to his death in 2014. In the second part of this thesis it deals in the form of literary research with the imp...

Pinkasová, Nikola

The assyrian king Assurbanipal reigned during the Neo-Assyrian Empire. The work deals with life, war expeditions, construction activities the king and the famous library of Assurbanipal in Nineveh.

Svobodová, Rosalinda
Izraelská bezpečnostní bariéra

My bachelor's thesis is focused on describing the Israeli security barrier. In summary, it discusses the situation in Israel and Palestine before the building of the barrier. It gives the reader an inside look at the social and political issues that arose during the buildi...

Rudiš, Martin
Mamlúcká architektura Káhiry

This thesis deals with one of the most characteristic elements of the Mamluk architecture the dome. During the periods foregoing the Mamluk era members of the egyptian ruling class started to prepare their personal burrial place while living and the dome became the specific&#...

Tlumacova, Daniela
Staroasyrsky obchod

In this work I described Old Assyrian trade. In the first chapter I looked briefly at the geography, political situation and history of the Assyria and Anatolia. Then I looked at some Assyrian trading colonies in Anatolia and this chapter was followed by information on tr...

Waltová, Alena
Nabonid a jeho úloha v historickém vývoji Mezopotámie

Bachelor thesis deals with the last king of Babylonia, who finished the period of babylonian independence while its successor state became Achaemenid Persia with Cyrus the Great. Chaldean sovereign tried to consolidate his empire with his reign and religious reform and unify its re...

Zárubová, Monika
Marocká súfijská hudba

This thesis deals with the topic of moroccan sufi music and present two mystical brotherhoods Aissawa and Hamadsha. It describes their most important rituals, their musical tradition and used instruments. It outline how these brotherhoods face current issues and influences, commercializatio...

Hrdlovičová, Aneta
Aššurnasirpal II.

The work is about describing of king Ashurnasirpal II. and his the government. Ashurnasirpal was considered one of the most important but also most cruel kings Neo-Assyrian Empire. The work describes the government, the territorial gains, military and architectural skills, some architectural...

Soukeníková, Vanda
Mocenská centra iráckého režimu v době vlády Saddáma Husajna

The work aims to identify and characterize the political power centers in Iraq at a time when the political process significantly contributed to Saddam Hussein and then especially from his presidency from 1970 until 2003, whether it will be a different individual or political ...

Laňka, Tomáš
Chrámový komplex v Baalbeku

Temple complex in Baalbek is one of the biggest monuments of European architecture and some would even dare to say that the complex itself is an embodiment of superlatives. The first part of my thesis presents characteristics of Baalbek and its history since early days up...

Vasilková, Veronika
Egypťania ocenení Nobelovou cenou a ich reprezentácia vo svete

This paper is dedicated to description of important life events, main work and its influence of Egyptian Nobel prize laureates. It is also focused on reactions and opinions which are connected with work of these laureates. Attention is also paid to the introduction of Nobel´s&...

Vaňková, Michaela
Život a dílo Taha Husaina a jeho přínos arabské literatuře

The aim of this thesis is to introduce the life and work of Taha Husin. This thesis describes the background of literary creating in the epoch of the cultural Renaisannce in Egypt, the life and the main literary works of the author. The thesis deals with the con...

Viktorová, Klára
Umajjovský chalífát v al-Andalusu

Muslims were present in Spain for almost eight centuries, from 711 to 1492. Their entry to the peninsula meant a significant change that affected the whole country. Despite their small number of troops, they soon managed to occupy the entire Iberian Peninsula and subdue its&#x...

Váchal, Vladimír
Opium v Iránu

I focused my bachelor thesis on the subject of opium in Iran. Opium is the main product of Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum), which is famous and popular for its stimulant effects on the human body and in the past it was used in medicine very often. Actual medici...

Rosenbergová, Lucie
UNRWA a situace palestinských uprchlíků na území Sýrie během syrského konfliktu

This bachelor´s thesis deals with the issue of Palestine refugees in Syria during the Syrian civil war and considers the quality and the extent of assistence of UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) in Syria, also conce...

Polívková, Michaela
Braslavští chasidé

The aim of this bachelor study is history and teaching of Breslover Hasidim. The Breslover Hasidim are a group of Eastern European Hasidism. The group was established in Podolia, the region of the present south-west Ukraine. The Breslover Hasidim was named after the city Bresl...

Smolová, Adéla
Magie ve starověké Mezopotámii

This work is about magic in ancient Mesopotamia and about persons or supernatural creatures who practised it. The work also deals with the important ritual texts and other tools which were necessary to use during the magic rituals.

Ouhrabková, Adéla
Čeští vojáci v Afghánistánu a koncept etnicko-náboženského stereotypu

I focused my bachelor thesis for Czech soldiers in Afghanistan and how they perceive religion and citizens and if their opinions are stereotyped. I got their opinions through questionnaires and interviews. The work is divided into several parts. First part is focused to the th...

Patrovský, Štěpán
Islámské rodinné právo v Egyptě.

Bachelor thesis relates to family law in Egypt. In the work is mentioned current legislation and the legislation of President Muhammad Morsi. The main part of the bachelor thesis is a questionnaire, which corresponds to the preselected hypothesis. In the bachelor thesis is mentione...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 220