Diplomové práce / Theses (KHV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Mastný, Josef
Mezinárodní politika ve vztahu k finsko-sovětskému konfliktu 1939-1944. The student will prepare a thesis on International Politics in relation to the Finnish-Soviet conflict 1939-1944. The Winter War, which took place in 1939-1940, caused considerable anxiety in a world torn by European war, and the great powers showed a tremendous degree of solidarit... |
Sudová, Veronika
Účast československé hokejové reprezentace na mistrovství světa v ledním hokeji v roce 1969. Even after the death of Stalin and Gotwald, the era of communist show trials did not end. Nevertheless, the strict regime was gradually being loosened. After five years, the last hockey players arrested after the above-mentioned trials were released. At the same time, Czechoslovaki... |
Stránský, Michal
Okolnosti a události, které formovaly čs. dobrovolníka v programu zvláštních úkolů The subject of this thesis is a program of clandestine parachute operations organized by the Czechoslovak government-in-exile during WWII. The aim of this thesis is a detailed analysis of key factors that formed an unorthodox military concept which used espionage, intelligence, sabotage ... |
Fait, Jan
Boj s bolestí. Anestezie a analgetika ve druhé polovině 19. století The aim of the thesis is to analyze the development of anaesthesia and pain management in the second half of the 19th century, to explain how important milestone in medicine it was and also to emphasize the role of key figures in this uneasy journey to the found... |
Mikoláš, Jakub
Kulturní nabídka pro zaměstnance Škodových závodů v Plzni během Protektorátu Čechy a Morava This thesis aims to provide a summary of the cultural activities that were available to the employees of Škoda Works (Škodovy závody) during the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Specifically, it focuses on the "Pestré večery" events, which were entertaining evenings offering&#x... |
Valíčková, Eliška
Ladislav Lábek a Kroužek přátel starožitností The thesis will be dedicated to the Kroužek přátel starožitností pro Plzeň a okolí. The KPS was founded in 1909 and its aim was to save old monuments in Pilsen at the beginning of the 20th century. The thesis also focuses on the person of Ladislav Labek, one... |
Janovec, Tomáš
Vesmírný program USA a SSSR v letech 1957-1975 The thesis is an analysis of the space race between the US and the USSR. The year 1957 can be marked as the beginning of the rivalry, when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite into space. The emphasis is on the course of the competition. The&... |
Panková, Petra
Vývoj biologických zbraní ve 20. století Research on modern biological weapons was initiated by Japan in the 1930s, which conducted it on the territory of Manchuria. Japanese research involved experiments with human subjects who were exposed to various types of pathogens. Field tests were first conducted in closed locations,&#... |
Bůcha, Adam
Masarykův léčebný a výchovný ústav pro zmrzačené v Plzni The diploma thesis deals with the working of the Masaryk Medical and Educational Institute for Crippled in Pilsen during the interwar era. It focuses mainly on the working of individual departments of the institute - the healing, the educational and the artisanal departments. Next,... |
Tauscherová, Andrea
Československá obec sokolská 1918-1948 The thesis is focused on a general analysis of the activity of Sokol movement since 1918 to 1948. It deals with the flourishing of Sokols after World War I to suppressing after 1948. The main aim of the thesis was describing of development of Sokol movement in t... |
Novák, Vít
Britsko-americké vztahy během americké občanské války The topic of this thesis is an analysis of the British Empire's relations with both belligerents in the American Civil War of 1861-1865. The main focus is on diplomatic negotiations, the Trent Affair, the intervention crisis in the fall of 1862, and other critical moments.... |
Komorousová, Kateřina
Pohraniční stráž na česko-bavorské hranici v letech 1948-1989 This thesis focuses on the activities of the Border Guard on the Czech-Bavarian border in the years 1948-1989. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the system of state border protection, to describe the individual engineer and technical resources of border security and to ... |
Roj, Michal
Československý odboj na Středním východě a v Africe s důrazem na Československý pěší prapor 11 - Východní This thesis deals with the Czechoslovak foreign resistance in the Middle East and Africa in 1940-1943. The aim of this thesis is to present the formation and combat deployment of the Czechoslovak Infantry Battalion No 11 - East and partly also the 200 Czechoslovak Light A... |
Uldrychová, Michaela
Okolnosti útoku na Pearl Harbor v historické perspektivě: Vyšetřování a konspirační teorie This thesis will examine the circumstances surrounding the attack on the American base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The student will examine the topic under study in terms of its aftermath and its transformations in historical memory. Therefore, she will focus on the&#... |
Hazuková, Sára
Výsadkové skupiny zahraničního odboje v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava v letech 1941-1942 The subject of the research of this qualification work is focused on activity of airborne groups of the foreign resistance in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in the years 1941-1942. The work is divided into four main chapters and several other subchapters. Those chapte... |
Král, Kryštof
Rozvoj motorismu v Habsburské monarchii mezi lety 1897-1914. The aim of this thesis is an analysis of the basic issues of the types of drives used in vehicles in individual segments of transportation, with a focus on evaluating their positives and negatives and then presenting a comprehensive picture of the development of motoring ... |
Ledvinová, Lenka
Mlynáři a jejich socioekonomická pozice v občanské společnosti (1850-1938) This thesis briefly deals with the history of milling as such and then focuses on the analysis of the socio-economic position of millers in society, specifically in the towns of Janovice nad Úhlavou and Sušice. The aim of the thesis is to confirm the more abundant in... |
Vodička, Josef
Cesta Osmanské říše do první světové války The aim of the thesis is to analyse the political development of the Ottoman Empire in the period before the First World War and to determine causes of its alliance with Germany and its subsequent active involvement in the conflict. The thesis aims to assess to what&... |
Holý, Marek
Úpadek a konec samurajské vrstvy v období Meidži ve druhé polovině 19. století The aim of master's thesis is to analyze the end of samurai class in Meiji period in Japan with the focus on main personality. Author's aim is to explore social status of samurai and valorize reasons of the decline of samurai. Author deal with privileges of s... |
Šik, Michal
Mediální a historiografický portrét George Armstronga Custera The master's thesis analyzes perception and portrayal of George Armstrong Custer in the United States press and historiography. The thesis is chronologically divided into ten chapters dealing respectively with essential aspects of Custer's changing image since the 19th Century to the ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra historických věd / Department of Historical Sciences