Diplomové práce / Theses (KHV) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 211
Gallas, Dominik
Britsko-zulská válka

The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the Anglo-Zulu War, which took place from January to July 1879. At the beginning of the thesis, the author focuses on the historical perception of the war, as well as on the issue of examining the colonial conflict. Furt...

Brodská, Petra
Prezentace československo-sovětské spojenecké smlouvy v roce 1943 v protektorátním, exilovém a slovenském tisku a jejich srovnání

The thesis deals with the Czechoslovak-Soviet alliance treaty formed on December 12, 1943 in Moscow from the point of view of historical propaganda and its reflection in the protectorate, Slovak and exile press. It elaborates in more detail the connections between the positions of&...

Sýkorová, Kristýna
Mýtus rakouské oběti po druhé světové válce

The thesis deals with the view of Austria as the first victims of the rampages of Hitler's Germany and whether it is justified to use the connection first victim. The thesis is divided into four chapters, which are subsequently divided into sub-chapters for better orientat...

Janský, Lukáš
Československé opevnění a přípravy na nacistickou invazi

In the 1930s the security situation in Europe started to worsen rapidly. Czechoslovakia, threatened especially by Germany, had to find a way for its protection. This was to become a line of permanent fortifications, stretching along the borders. The aim of the presented thesis ...

Šaroch, David
Osvobození Filipín během druhé světové války

Thesis on the Philippine campaign of 1944 and 1945, during which the Allies liberated the Philippines from the Japanese. The work is devoted to the main battles for the archipelago, including the biggest naval battle of all time, which is known as the Battle of Leyte ...

Taušner, Ladislav
Německo-britské námořní soupeření před první světovou válkou

In the period before the outbreak of war in 1914, German-British relations developed dynamically from basically friendly to mutually rival. One area that contributed to the dramatic transformation was the rivalry in naval armaments between the two countries. The aim of this paper i...

Hřivna, Antonín
Operace Seelöwe

The submitted diploma thesis analyzes the birth and gradual origin, planning and preparation of the amphibious operation codenamed Sea Lion, which was to take place in September 1940, but was postponed indefinitely and subsequently never carried out. The author mainly examines the dispu...

Frolík, Jiří
Probuzení spícího obra: Japonský komiks v druhé polovině 20. století

This work is about the famous japanese comic book author, Osamu Tezuka. Tezuka was one of the most influental creators in the Japan and helped pave the way for the future manga authors. The work focuses both on his personal life and his creations. Because he was ...

Novotný, Michal
Spojené státy a ukončení japonské izolace

The aim of this Master's thesis is to examine the role of the United States on the end Japanese isolation. The main attention is paid to Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry and his expedition, which was sent to Japan in 1853 in order to establish diplomatic and tra...

Abrešek, Pavel
Cesta ke vzniku Komunistické strany Československa na stránkách československého tisku

The thesis deals with the establishment of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia on the pages of selected Czechoslovak print media. First, the situation in the First Czechoslovak Republic is outlined, i.e., its origin, political system; a considerable part is also devoted to political&#...

Hutta, Petr
Politické důsledky potopení parníku Lusitania.

The main topic of Diploma thesis is the reaction of the United States of America after sinking of the steamer Lusitania. Also describing reaction of United states policy, public and press. Briefly describes the international impact of the sinking. The beginning of the two peri...

Tauber pokoradiová, Marcela
Život Josefa Berana po nástupu komunistického režimu v Československu

The diploma thesis entitled "The Life of Josef Beran after the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia" will deal mainly with the life of Josef Beran and his fate, which was marked by communist rule in Czechoslovakia. First, the life of Josef Beran before the Communist Pa...

Chaloupka, Jan
Britské královské námořnictvo (1908-1914)

This Master's thesis aims to analyse the term of the two last First Lords of Admiralty before First World War. This period, defined between the years 1908 and 1914, was in Royal Navy significantly influenced by changing international situation, significant technological progress and...

Kotva, Aleš
Cesta k britsko-japonské alianci

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the reasons that led Great Britain and Japan into conclusion of an alliance agreement in January 1902. The thesis in this regard takes into account some attention to Japan's development since the beginning of Meiji era, but emphasi...

Topinková, Zuzana
Československé pohraniční pásmo a jeho ochrana v úseku hranice se Spolkovou republikou Německo v letech 1961-1989

The thesis focuses on the protection of the Czechoslovak border area in the section with the Federal Republic of Germany in the years 1961-1989. The aim of the present thesis is to analyze the state of the border zones, the organization of the Border Guard and the&#x...

Krejcar, Matyáš
Mexicko-Americké vztahy za první světové války

This Theis describes relations between Mexico and the United states of america during the second half of 19th century, the mexican revolution and the first world war. The period of reign of Porfirio Díaz and the first half of mexican revolution is important becouse of con...

Kačírek, Petr
Vznik Polského státu a utváření jeho východních hranic v letech 1918 až 1921

In the renewal of the Polish state in 1918 culminated in the efforts of several generations of Polish elites to gain independence for the Polish nation. The First World War became a catalyst for events and its results became one of the basic preconditions for concrete...

Šipla, Václav
Postoj Spojených států na konferenci v Ženevě o Indočíně v roce 1954

The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyze the attitude of the Eisenhower administration towards Indochina in the first half of 1954. The United States found itself in the situation at the beginning of the same year, which it tried to prevent in previous years....

Zmrzlý, Jiří
Slovenská armáda a bitva u Lipovce a její odraz ve slovenském tisku

This diploma thesis is called: The Slovak Army and the Battle of Lipovec and its reflection in the Slovak press. The diploma thesis tries to reflect the views on the battle, the effect of reports of the battle in the press on society, the use of the Battle ...

Novák, Karel
Hrdelní ortely uložené Mimořádnými lidovými soudy Plzeň a Klatovy v letech 1945 až 1947

The thesis is a survey of the Czechoslovak retribution judiciary, specifically of the activities of extraordinary people's courts in Plzeň and Klatovy in the years 1945 to 1947. The analysis of the files of 60 capital punishments, which these courts passed in this period s...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 211