Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2016 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Nazarova, L.
Education of children handmade works in the labor lessons in the third class of special (correcttional) school of VIII kind The theme of this article is instruction in work with textile materials on hand labor lessons in a special (correctional) school of VIII kind. The main objective of the study is to describe the progress of the lesson when dealing with textile materials. |
Muršak, Anže
Postolova, Biljana
Bezjak, Jožica
Jančevski, Janko
Projectwork: flood protection Poplavna zaščita Today floods represent a threat to many urban areas. People have always preferred to construct homes along watercourses or near the sea, in lowland areas which are threatened by floods. Among these areas we can also find the south west part of Ljubljana, where a lot ... |
Murínová, Dominika
Medveďová, Eliška
Huľová, Zlatica
Didaktické 3D učebné pomôcky na poznávanie reálií Slovenska v ranej edukácii Práca oboznamuje s drevenými didaktickými pomôckami určenými k poznávaniu reálií Slovenska. Uvádza príklady rôzneho využitia týchto pomôcok v primárnom, ale i predprimárnom vzdelávaní. Popisuje spôsob výroby a ponúka možnosti ich využitia podľa zamerania. |
Lyakhova, A.
The development of creative capabilities by the technique of manufacturing the dolls Tilda on manual labor lessons at 5th grade The theme of this article is the development of creativity abilities by the technique of manufacturing the dolls Tilda on manual labor lessons at 5th grade. The main goal of the research is to describe the structure of the craft lessons, creating Tilda dolls. |
Lomnička, Zdeněk
Lunix: vesmírná logistika (desková hra) LUNIX is a board game with a motif of cosmic transportation. The aim of the game (and also the players) is transporting consignments (and fulfill the contracts) in the changing surroundings of space. This process is implemented in the game as a principle of continuous cha... |
Lhoťanová, Anna
Webová detektivní hra "Záskok na 221B Baker street" ―Stand in 221B at Baker Street‖ is a multimedia project that shows, how various forms of multimedia content can be interconnected in a functional complex – a web game. The game is inspired by the board game ―221B Baker Street‖ in which the player’s task is to so... |
Láska, Jiří
Základní technologické postupy tváření ve výuce technických předmětů na ZŠ This diploma thesis deals with classification of techniques (mainly working, forming, casting and welding) and also the making bending device. The goal of this thesis is to describe the procedure and utilization own bending device, to make technical documentation and to construct the... |
Lagaeva, A.
The scrapbooking technique usage at the manual skills lessons for the children with severe speech disorders The article deals with the scrapbooking techniques usage at the manual skills lessons for the children with severe speech disorders. The aim is to describe the methods and techniques of scrapbooking, which can be used at the lessons of manual skills for children with speech-la... |
Kuželovský, Lukáš
Unity 3D: tvorba výučbových materiálov Táto práca sa zaoberá aplikáciou systémov virtuálnej reality v edukácii a tvorbou didaktických materiálov prostredníctvom vývojového prostredia UNITY 3D a využitia frameworku spolupracujúcich systémov, za dodržania didaktických zásad a požiadaviek. Navyše taktiež pojednáva o možnej didaktickej technike špeciali... |
Kupilíková, Martina
Robotika ve výuce na 1. stupni ZŠ The article introduce usage of robotics in education at primary schools. It describes the actual applications for robots Dash and Dot. It focuses on description of both robots. The description is extended by photos. At the end are shown examples of usage in education |
Kozák, Peter
Kryl, Milan
Elektromagnetický vlak The paper should be used for example to a simple explanation of how electromagnetic field works, or how students could use it as school supply. There is also a demonstration of the use of newly burgeoning technology of 3D printing, where pupils using appropriate software ... |
Kovářová, Pavlína
Kruhový xylofon s tvary The subject of my work is a demonstrative model of a circular xylofone with the shapes. The product was made of wooden components, glue was used as fasteners. It is possible to demonstrate acoustic phenomena, basic colors and shapes or strength of materials on the product. |
Kopecký, Miroslav
Reštaurovanie historického rádioprijímača Práca sa zaoberá reńtaurovaním historického rádioprijímača a postupmi ktoré museli byť použité aby bol radioprijímač zachovaný a postupne obnovený do pôvodného stavu. |
Komineas, Theodoros
Tassopoulou, Antonia
Use of open educational resources (OER) in ASPETE: students´ attitudes, awareness and benefits The Open Educational Resources (OER) primarily address and find applications in the educational field as a useful multifunctional "tool", which focuses on the production, use and feedback of learning resources, free access and open digital publication of abundant academic material, of... |
Kocourková, Zuzana
Pivec, Jakub
Robopošťák This thesis deals with the construction and programming of a static post robot. It is made of the set LEGO® Mindstorms® NXT 2.1 and it simulates sorting and distributing of sent mail. In the article we also focus on the possibility of using the model in the clas... |
Kloptsova, Olga
Using situational problems in the study of economic organization in the technological training of high school students Using situational problems in the study of economic organization in the technological training of the students for the profession "Commercial Agent" in the Municipal autonomous educational institution "Interschool city training centre No. 2" Vladimir (Russia) is reflected in the gi... |
Kavlík, Richard
Inteligentní světelná křižovatka This application includes the design and realization of the intelligent traffic lights which can be used for example as an instructional tool for teaching programming and traffic education at primary schools. The intelligent traffic lights is controlled by a signalling device. The model... |
Jašíčková, Adéla
Recyklací a pozitivním přístupem k novým, krásnějším výrobkům, aneb, Nový rozměr pracovních činností na základní škole The Bachelor thesis is written on the basis of today's environmental issues and the trend of production of useful and decorative products, which are created from used things, components which would normally be thrown out. This is a set of product design , which are ma... |
Ivanovna, K.
Mastering technology of production of toys from felt pupils with mental deficiency The topic of this article - to master the technique of manufacture of felt toys by students with intellectual disabilities. The main objective of the study is to examine the development of creative abilities of children with intellectual disabilities. |
Militsopoulos, Christos
Sakellariou, Panagiota
Armakolas, Stefanos
Cloud services in teachers´ education: a theoretical approach in Greece Technology and its products change very quickly and become more and more accessible. This will lead education in the upcoming years to be accessible by everyone, teachers and students, in cooperation and learning anywhere, locally and globally. The classroom of the future will prob... |
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