Číslo 1-2 (2013) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Čábalová, Dagmar
Podroužek, Ladislav
Specifi ka přírodovědného vzdělávání v primární škole se zřetelem k projektové a kooperativní výuce In this work the authors discuss changes in the content, concepts and procedural aspects of teaching science education in primary school. Science education is viewed here in the historical context and in terms of current changes in the curriculum. |
Kaufnerová, Veronika
Vágnerová, Petra
Sinice a řasy v učebnicích pro základní a střední školy The aim of this study was to analyse curricular documents and biology textbooks for primary and secondary schools in relation to Cyanobacteria and Algae. According to analyses methodological guidelines for teachers were prepared with actual taxonomical system and position of Algae... |
Kout, Jiří
Doporučení pro mikroskopická cvičení z hub na základních a středních školách A practical part of education about Fungi is executed mainly by microscopy of Agaricus , yeast-plants and some moulds at the high school. This contribution off ers more suitable materials for observation of reproductive structures of Ascomycota and Basidiomyc... |
Bellová, Renata
Melicherčíková, Danica
Riešenie reálnych problémov bežného života vo vyučovaní prírodovedných predmetov The article presents partial results of the research, which is focused on the current state of science teaching in Slovak schools. The results of research are evaluated here, according to which we investigated the application of tasks addressed to the problems of every ... |
Gáperová, Svetlana
Michalčinová, Simona
Gáper, Ján
Ontogenéza slnečnice ročnej na praktických cvičeniach z biológie na stredných školách The aim of our work was to observe and analyse anatomical changes in the vegetative organs of Annual Sunfl ower ( Helianthus annuus ) during the juvenile phase in the ontogenesis. Light microscopic observations were regularly c... |
Chocholoušková, Zdeňka
Kaufnerová, Veronika
Vlach, Pavel
Biologie všedního dne |
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