Diplomové práce / Theses (KKE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 106
Krejčí, Miroslav
Limity použitelnosti konstrukčních materiálů pro aplikace MSR (Molten Salt Reactor - GEN IV.)

This thesis contains an introduction to the problems of reactors IV. generation. Their basic description, corrosion problems and proposed structural materials. In the next part the thesis deals with evaluation of structural materials.

Volf, Michal
A study of reciprocating compressor valve dynamics

This master thesis is focused on one-dimensional study of reciprocating compressor valve dynamics. For this purpose, a tool was developed, which is used to qualitatively evaluate the individual aspects of valve dynamics as well as their interaction. A mathematical model, which is implem...

Novák, Martin
Numerická simulace mikroturbíny pro ORC cyklus

This Master's thesis introduce a reader to a problematic of turbomachinery and its own placement into the technology background. After that it describes simplified theory of ORC and types of turbines applied in these cycles. A practical part of the paper is focused on nume...

Rogova, Elena
Kondenzační parní turbína s přihříváním

Heat circulation of steam turbine including regeneration and flow path of steam turbine are processed in this diploma thesis. This work contains theoretical part for realization of the proposal of condensing steam turbine. The drawing of turbines section is also a part of this ...

Shyryayev, Volodymyr
Protitlaková parní turbína

The goal of this diploma thesis was to design a backpressure steam turbine to supply a town of 50 000 inhabitants with heat and electricity. This paper contains thermodynamic design and basic structural calculation of the steam turbine.

Hrych, Lukáš
Návrh podávacího mechanismu pro zařízení na likvidaci čidel neutronového toku a termočlánků

The diploma thesis deals with the design of a feed mechanism, precisely feed device for a machine eliminating the used neutron flux detectors and thermocouples. The device is designed specifically for detectors used at the Temelín nuclear power plant.

Hůlka, Petr
Návrh funkčního P&ID strojovny průmyslové parní turbíny 40MW s teplofikací se zaměřením na uzavřený chladicí okruh

This Master thesis is focused on creation of P&ID for machine room of 40WM industrial steam turbine for heating industry. In the machine room there are low-pressure and high-pressure heaters (LPH & HPH) and 2 district water heaters. The P&ID shows pipelines, valves and&...

Kortán, Pavel
Numerická simulace odstředivého ventilátoru s dozadu zahnutými lopatkami oběžného kola

The thesis contains CFD numerical calculation of the radial fan. The theoretical part describes the introduction to the theory of fans, their properties and aerodynamic characteristics. Following is an introduction to the CFD calculation and description turbulent models. The main part is...

Hurda, Lukáš
Large eddy simulation of turbulent flow around a low pressure gas turbine blade

This thesis dissert on assessing the solvers for fluid dynamics simulation of an incompressible turbulent flow in a low pressure turbine cascade using the Large Eddy Simulation. Simulations are carried out using high performance massively parallel computing facilities. The flow characteristics&#x...

Müller, Patrik
Příspěvek k výpočetnímu hodnocení přírubového spoje sevřené trubkovnice výměníku tepla

This thesis is focused on strength calculation of the flanged joint-tight tubesheet. Analytical calculation is compared with FEM analy-sis that has been carried out in Ansys software. This calculation also includes thermal state of the joint. Furthermore, the selection of suitable gasket...

Schmidt, Filip
Přepočet turbíny na změněné parametry s retrofitem NT dílu turbíny

This diploma thesis deals with the steam turbine retrofit. The thesis explains process of retrofit design and methods used for retrofit design. In practical way the thesis shows heat balance calculation of the cycle and a design of the flow path. Actual design of the stea...

Němeček, Jiří
Tlaková ztráta ostrohranných otvorů

This master thesis includes the calculation of pressure drop of sharpedged orifices focusing on liquids and gases. The influence of relative thickness, the ratio of flow areas and the ratio of pressure was analyzed.The next part is focusing on design of experimental &#...

Sova, Jan
Návrh funkčního P&ID strojovny turbíny 250 MW se zaměřením na tlakové ztráty v regeneračních odběrech

This diploma work is focused on design of process and instrumentation diagram of steam turbine. Next part contains calculation of pressure drops in steam extraction pipelines for low pressure heaters. The calculation is executed in different ways. First calculation is with pressure inde...

Janouškovec, Pavel
Návrh a výpočet výměníku tepla sůl - sůl 570 MW v primárním okruhu MSR (max. teplota 720 st C) včetně tlakových ztrát, typ se segmentovými přepážkami klasickými v mezitrubkovém prostoru. Fluoridové sole dle Th cyklu. Konstrukční materiál MONICR.

This work is based on high temperature primary heat exchangers for MSBR reactors systems. Also describes properties and behaviour of molten salts and using structural materials for high temperature applications. Primary Shell and Tube exchanger is designed with classical segmental baf...

Pašek, Ladislav
Technika prostředí haly pro výrobu automobilových komponentů

This thesis describes the design of Heat ventilation and air conditiong equipment for a real project of a changes of use of an industrial hall . The theoretical part contains requirements of the technology and calculations according to relevant standards for proper equipment sizing...

Škach, Radek
Analýza nenávrhových stavů nízkotlakého stupně průmyslové parní turbíny

This thesis deals with the analysis of the off-design states of a low pressure stage of a steam turbine. The low pressure stage is analyzed in four states, where three of them are off-design states. The flow calculation of the states was made by using internal softwa...

Pavlíček, Petr
Rekonstrukce experimentálního zařízení pro vyšetřování aerodynamických vazeb turbinových lopatek

This thesis is focused on the reconstruction of an experimental equipment for determining of flutter of prismatic blades, located at the laboratory of KKE. Firstly two posible methods of evaluation of flutter are presented the first is based on the evaluation of aerodynamic b...

Noga, Tomáš
Návrh uspořádání primárního okruhu MSR s minimálními tlakovými ztrátami. Požadavek: Výkon 1000 MW, pracovní teploty 600 - 720 °C, sole dle ALISIE

This master's thesis contains description of individual reactor types, which are divided into generations. The thesis thoroughly describes primary circuit of Molten Salt Reactor (MSR), its integral composition, components etc. There are computations of pressure drop in the primary circuit, wh...

Čekovský, Marek
Výpočet výměníku tepla pro americký návrh primárního výměníku reaktoru MSBR s použitím nové metodiky výpočtu a použití jiných fluoridových solí. Zadané hodnoty: 570 MWt, pracovní teploty 600 - 720 °C, sole dle ALISIE

This thesis solves the problems of high temperature heat exchanger with conventional segmental baffles of structural material MONICR, using as a heat transfer medium used fluoride salts according Alisia. Diploma Project also describes important material properties of these materials. Thesis inclu...

Litványi, Ondrej
Výpočty tlakových ztrát v homogenním MSR s použitím rozložení zdrojů energie a směsi solí dle ALISIE

this thesis addresses the issue of salt mixture flow through the reactor type MSR includes a calculation of pressure loss of fluid from input to output from the reactor

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 106