Číslo 1-2 (2017) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Rajlová, Lucie
Blanka Jedličková – Ženy na rozcestí: divadlo a ženy okolo něj 1939–1945 (2016) |
Novotný, Jakub
Tarik Sabry – Cultural encounters in the arab world: on media, the modern and the everyday (2010) |
Palečková Tauberová, Martina
Marek Jakoubek (ed.) – Teorie etnicity: čítanka textů (2016) |
Samec, Tomáš
Tenký led vědecké instrumentality: reflexe zkoumání dluhu v kontextu bydlení |
Bednárová, Lenka
„A co když se to slije?“: vyrovnání se s výzkumným terénem |
Lazzarotti, Marco
To be or not to be: a few reflections on ethics, anthropology and the enlightenment |
Kliková, Jana
Brunclíková, Lenka
Dumpster diving: mezi etikou a zákonem The aim of this paper is to reflect on the ethical dilemma of researchers who encounter illegal activity during their research, or of researchers who are particularly interested in this kind of activity. The inspiration comes from research that we are currently &... |
Vorlíček, Radek
„S odlišností se nekamarádíme“: sociální exkluze žáka se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v základní škole The purpose of this article is to provide insights into the lives of children in an elementary school classroom in the Slovak Republic. Special atten- tion is paid to the social position of pupils with spe- cial educational needs. The text also includes a... |
Lukášová, Eva
Kdo do Barmy nepatří?: skupinová identifikace členů občanské společnosti v Barmě Over 135 ethnic groups live in Burma. Eth- nic groups demand some level of self-governance from the central Burmese state. Ethnic identification is strong in Burma, and so is criticism of the authori- tarian political regime. On the other hand, there is an &... |
Musil, Daniel
Barrettův bůh: problémy reprezentacionalistického přístupu ve studiu náboženství Justin L. Barrett in his 2008 article “Why Santa Claus is not a god” argued that a collection of a few basic representational content features can ex- plain why a god concept can become the centre of widespread religious beliefs and practices. In this a... |
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