Diplomové práce / Theses (KTO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Slavíček, Lukáš
Využití obrobkové sondy pro inprocesní měření na NC stroji The diploma thesis is focused on the design of solutions for in-process measurement with a workpiece probe on an NC machine for Streicher, spol. s r.o. Plzeň. The proposals concern two different components. For each part one implementation of the design fo... |
Tušl, Ladislav
Inovace vnitřního systému chlazení vrtacích nástrojů s využitím 3D tisku The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. As part of the theoretical part, there is an insight into the issue of the internal system of cooling drilling tools with the use of electronic information sources. Findings from the analysis of the... |
Thurnvald, Petr
Problematika zbytkových napětí u 3D tištěných kovových součástí This thesis dissert on the issue of residual stresses in 3D printed tool steel MS1. The aim of the thesis is to analyse these stresses by two different methods for samples printed with the default parameters for the printer used and a second set of parameters modifie... |
Truhlář, Jan
Systém automatického broušení The thesis disserts on design, construction, and implementation of a system for the automatic grinding of parts from aluminum extruded profiles. A custom mechatronic force control system was designed for the manufacturing system. A technical-economic evaluation was conducted to assess the fe... |
Sládek, Ladislav
Variantní studie zvýšení výroby společnosti SH Weld s.r.o. This thesis presents three possible options for the development of SH Weld s.r.o. The variants were complied on the basis of capacity calculations based on the production plan for the next 5 years. Investment, SWOT and vehicle tracking analyses were done for the variants, the&... |
Haruda, Jan
Inovace systému Ball-And-Socket pro radiální naklápěcí ložiska The thesis contains proposals for innovations of the Ball and Socket system for radial tilting segments. The innovation consists in the design of a suitable abrasion resistant coating layer in an attempt to reduce the coefficient of shear friction. Subsequent verification of the co... |
Schwarz, Jan
Zhodnocení přesnosti měření na bezkontaktních měřicích zařízeních The diploma thesis contains a comparison of non-contact measuring devices. It compares their quality and accuracy of measured data. At the same time, part of the thesis is devoted to the comparison of results in two different programs. |
Skála, Petr
Projekt racionalizace manipulace s materiálem The aim of the work is to design a new warehouse layout by utilizing material storage in pallet racks and rationalizing material handling. Another point is the proposal of a new material tracking system and an extension for a palletizing robot. |
Procházka, Jan
Možnosti opravy kovových komponent pomocí 3D tisku The aim of the work is to repair a thermally and mechanically worn part using additive manufacturing. The repair consists of conventional machining and subsequent welding (coating) of the worn part using metal 3D printing. The aim of this work is to test whether this repa... |
Lust, Dominik
Možnosti uplatnění 3D korekce nástroje a její aplikace The thesis deals with the analysis of 3D tool correction and postprocessor modification. The aim is to modify the postprocessor for the selected machine in order to make the 3D tool correction work. The test of the generated NC program using the modified postprocessor is ... |
Lukáš, Adam
Zjištění vlivu úhlu hřbetu na trvanlivost řezného nástroje The thesis deals with the influence of the clearance angle on the durability of the cutting tool when machining titanium alloys. Their properties are discussed with emphasis on the machining characteristics and the resulting tool wear. Furthermore, a survey of suitable cutting materials... |
Kruliš, Martin
Optimalizace NC kódu při obrábění tvarových ploch The goal of the work is the practical verification of the behavior of the optimized NC program, which will be optimized using the Eureka for Chronos software during the real machining of a part with a complex shape. Another goal of the thesis will be to investigate... |
Kroužecký, Vít
Problematika výroby tištěných tenkostěnných dílů z materiálu 316L This thesis investigated the production of thin-walled sealing combs using SLM technology from 316L material. The mechanical and chemical properties were analyzed, and issues with deformations and defects were addressed. Optimization of printing parameters, preheating of the printing platform, and... |
Belšán, Jakub
Projekt manipulace s odpady a jejich zpracování The aim of the thesis was to design new feedstock and processing technology for the biogas plant in Vejprnice, while maintaining the existing biogas and electricity production. The thesis analyses the current state of the plant, the technical equipment, and the applicable waste leg... |
Bábík, Lukáš
Návrh dispozičního řešení laboratorních a výrobních prostor The aim of the thesis is to analyse the current state of the hall in Chotíkov and the laboratory in Příšov. Analysis of material flows and design of a variation solution for both tasks (Příšov and Chotíkov). Three layout designs for Chotíkov are presented in the thes... |
Pražák, Jan
Air enthalpy difference measurement method uncertainties The general target is to perform an analysis of the measurement system for capacity testing by using the air enthalpy method. After that the uncertainty will be calculated based on available data. The measurement and calculations are performed on the indoor side of the system |
Kryštof, Vojtěch
Návrh modulárního upínacího přípravku pro automatizovanou výrobu The diploma thesis deals with the design and construction of a machining fixture for automated production with the presence of a robot from the beginning of development to the final design. It is a fixture for hook KHSW-13. Subsequently, three variants of fixture for the ... |
Tesař, Lukáš
Návrh metodiky zhodnocení vybraného pracoviště The diploma thesis contains a proposal of methodology for the evaluation of the selected workplace from the point of view of the individual factors of ergonomics, health and safety, and environmental protection. Appropriate devices are used to obtain data and the data is further... |
Ruml, Vít
Návrh registru rizik na vybraném pracovišti dle požadavků ISO 45001 This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of assigned workplace, identification of potentially risky security aspects. Based on them is proposed register of healt and safety aspects, from which are selected undesirable aspects. These are further analyzed and for each of them are... |
Kučera, Petr
Návrh přípravku pro zmenšení pracovního prostoru pro zařízení EOS M290 The goal of this diploma is to limit the working space of the machine for specific printing tasks and thus minimize the amount of input material needed for printing on medium-sized machines, i.e. the most widespread 3D metal printers. The systematic development of a reduced... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra technologie obrábění / Department of Machining Technology
- 265 diplomová práce
- 86 2020 - 2024
- 179 2012 - 2019