Katedra technologie obrábění / Department of Machining Technology
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Slavíček, Lukáš
Využití obrobkové sondy pro inprocesní měření na NC stroji The diploma thesis is focused on the design of solutions for in-process measurement with a workpiece probe on an NC machine for Streicher, spol. s r.o. Plzeň. The proposals concern two different components. For each part one implementation of the design fo... |
Tušl, Ladislav
Inovace vnitřního systému chlazení vrtacích nástrojů s využitím 3D tisku The diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. As part of the theoretical part, there is an insight into the issue of the internal system of cooling drilling tools with the use of electronic information sources. Findings from the analysis of the... |
Thurnvald, Petr
Problematika zbytkových napětí u 3D tištěných kovových součástí This thesis dissert on the issue of residual stresses in 3D printed tool steel MS1. The aim of the thesis is to analyse these stresses by two different methods for samples printed with the default parameters for the printer used and a second set of parameters modifie... |
Truhlář, Jan
Systém automatického broušení The thesis disserts on design, construction, and implementation of a system for the automatic grinding of parts from aluminum extruded profiles. A custom mechatronic force control system was designed for the manufacturing system. A technical-economic evaluation was conducted to assess the fe... |
Sládek, Ladislav
Variantní studie zvýšení výroby společnosti SH Weld s.r.o. This thesis presents three possible options for the development of SH Weld s.r.o. The variants were complied on the basis of capacity calculations based on the production plan for the next 5 years. Investment, SWOT and vehicle tracking analyses were done for the variants, the&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- 265 diplomová práce
- 245 bakalářská práce
- 148 2020 - 2024
- 362 2012 - 2019