Koutný, Tomáš
Physiological reconstruction of blood glucose level using CGMS-signals only Patient with diabetes must regularly monitor blood glucose level. Drawing a blood sample is a painful and discomfort experience. Alternatively, the patient measures interstitial fluid glucose level with a sensor installed in subcutaneous tissue. Then, a model of glucose dynamics calculates b... |
Hruda, Lukáš
Kolingerová, Ivana
Váša, Libor
Robust, fast and flexible symmetry plane detection based on differentiable symmetry measure Reflectional symmetry is a potentially very useful feature which many real-world objects exhibit. It is instrumental in a variety of applications such as object alignment, compression, symmetrical editing or reconstruction of incomplete objects. In this paper, we propose a novel differentiable... |
Dvořák, Jan
Káčereková, Zuzana
Vaněček, Petr
Hruda, Lukáš
Váša, Libor
As-rigid-as-possible volume tracking for time-varying surfaces Surfaces evolving through time are hard to analyze without prior knowledge of the represented deforming shape. Topological noise introduced by inaccuracies during surface capture and reconstruction renders the estimation of time-consistent correspondence an ill-posed problem. It has previously been sh... |
Chmelařová, Dana
Fiala, Luděk
Dostal, Martin
Lenz, J
Intensive computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation in persons with multiple sclerosis - results of a 12-week randemized study Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate neuropsychological rehabilitation using a 12-week computer program to assess if it had an eff ect on improving cognitive functions and to identify methods that can be used to measure this eff ect. The aim of this study i... |
Jiřík, Miroslav
Hácha, Filip
Gruber, Ivan
Pálek, Richard
Mírka, Hynek
Železný, Miloš
Liška, Václav
Why Use Position Features in Liver Segmentation Performed by Convolutional Neural Network The calculation of liver volume is primarily based on Computed Tomography. Unfortunately, automatic segmentation algorithms based on handcrafted features tend to leak segmented objects into surrounding tissues like the heart or the spleen. Currently, convolutional neural networks are widely used ... |
Skala, Václav
Karim, Samsul Ariffin Abdul
Kadir, Evizal Abdul
Scientific Computing and Computer Graphics with GPU: Application of Projective Geometry and Principle of Duality The paper presents connection between Plucker coordinates and geometric algebra. Efficient method convenient for GPU is presented. |
Heigl, Michael
Anand, Kumar Ashutosh
Urmann, Andreas
Fiala, Dalibor
Schramm, Martin
Hable, Robert
On the Improvement of the Isolation Forest Algorithm for Outlier Detection with Streaming Data In recent years, detecting anomalies in real-world computer networks has become a more and more challenging task due to the steady increase of high-volume, high-speed and high-dimensional streaming data, for which ground truth information is not available. Efficient detection schemes applied ... |
Skala, Václav
Optimized line and line segment clipping in E2 and Geometric Algebra A new optimized algorithm for line and line segment clipping in E2 based on geometric algebra for is presented. It uses homogeneous coordinates for representation. |
Šmolík, Michal
Skala, Václav
Majdišová, Zuzana
3D vector field approximation and critical points reduction using radial basis functions Vector field simplification aims to reduce the complexity of the flow by removing features according to their relevance and importance. However, the important features as critical points with a large range of influence should be preserved. We present a new approach for vector field... |
Martínek, Jiří
Lenc, Ladislav
Král, Pavel
Building an efficient OCR system for historical documents with little training data As the number of digitized historical documents has increased rapidly it is necessary to provide efficient methods of information retrieval and knowledge extraction to make the data accessible. Such methods are dependent on optical character recognition (OCR) which converts the document imag... |
Dostálek, Libor
Šafařík, Jiří
Multi-factor authentication modelling Context. Currently, institutions and companies face massive cyber-attacks. Attacks are always focused on some authentication weakness that is part of a particular authentication protocol. In the event of an attack, it is necessary to respond flexibly to the weakening of authentication mechan... |
Vařeka, Lukáš
Evaluation of convolutional neural networks using a large multi-subject P300 dataset Deep neural networks (DNN) have been studied in various machine learning areas. For example, event-related potential (ERP) signal classification is a highly complex task potentially suitable for DNN as signal-to-noise ratio is low, and underlying spatial and temporal patterns display a large... |
Fiala, Dalibor
Bornmann, Lutz
Reference publication year spectroscopy (RPYS) of computer science papers from Eastern Europe Purpose: The current article presents the results of a case study dealing with the historical roots of Eastern European researchers in computer science. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on an analysis of cited references stemming from a collection of around 80,000 co... |
Karim, Samsul Ariffin Abdul
Saaban, Azizan
Skala, Václav
Ghafar, Abdul
Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy
Balean, Dumitru
Construction of new cubic Bézier-like triangular patches with application in scattered data interpolation This paper discusses the functional scattered data interpolation to interpolate the general scattered data. Compared with the previous works, we construct a new cubic Bézier-like triangular basis function controlled by three shape parameters. This is an advantage compared with the existing s... |
Ali, Fatin Amani Mohd
Karim, Samsul Ariffin Abdul
Dass, Sarat Chandra
Skala, Václav
Saaban, Azizan
Hasan, Mohammad Khatim
Hashim, Ishak
New cubic timmer triangular patches with C¹ and G¹ continuity The construction of the proposed cubic Timmer triangular patch is based on the main idea of the cubic Ball and cubic Bezier triangular patches construction. Properties if the proposed approach were verified experimentally. |
Moravec, Václav
Macková, Veronika
Sido, Jakub
Ekštein, Kamil
The Robotic Reporter In The Czech News Agency: Automated Journalism And Augmentation In The Newsroom The use of automated journalism, also known as robotic journalism or artificial intelligence journalism, became an established practice in English-speaking countries less than ten years ago. Narrative Science and Automated Insights developed creative software that automatically generates reports. Several... |
Dvořák, Jan
Maňák, Martin
Váša, Libor
Predictive compression of molecular dynamics trajectories Molecular dynamics simulations help to understand the complex behavior of molecules. The output of such a simulation describes the trajectories of individual atoms as snapshots of atom positions in time. Many compression schemes were developed to reduce the amount of data needed for... |
Kolovský, František
Ježek, Jan
Kolingerová, Ivana
The ε-Approximation of the Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problem Solution for All Departure Times In this paper, the shortest paths search for all departure times (profile search) are discussed. This problem is called a time-dependent shortest path problem (TDSP) and is suitable for time-dependent travel-time analysis. Particularly, this paper deals with the ε -approximation of profile... |
Vomáčka, Tomáš
Kolingerová, Ivana
Maňák, Martin
Kinetic locally minimal triangulation: theoretical evaluation and combinatorial analysis Kinetic data structures represent an extension to ordinary data structures, where the underlying data become time-dependent (e.g., moving points). In this paper, we define the kinetic locally minimal triangulation (KLMT) as a kinetic data structure extension to the locally minimal triangulation... |
Modenese, Luca
Kohout, Josef
Automated Generation of Three-Dimensional Complex Muscle Geometries for Use in Personalised Musculoskeletal Models The geometrical representation of muscles in computational models of the musculoskeletal system typically consists of a series of line segments. These muscle anatomies are based on measurements from a limited number of cadaveric studies that recently have been used as atlases for creati... |
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- Katedra informatiky a výpočetní techniky / Department of Computer Science and Engineering