Články / Articles (KAE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Antchev, G.
Aspell, P.
Atanassov, I.
Avati, V.
Baechler, J.
Barrera, C. Baldenegro
Berardi, V.
Berretti, M.
Bossini, E.
Bottigli, U.
Bozzo, M.
Bruce, R.
Burkhardt, H.
Cafagna, F.S.
Catanesi, M.G.
Csanád, M.
Csörgö, T.
Deile, M.
De Leonardis, F.
D´Orazio, A.
Doubek, Martin
Druzhkin, D.
Eggert, K.
Eremin, V.
Ferro, F.
Fiergolski, A.
Garcia, F.
Garcia Morales, H.
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Giani, S.
Grzanka, L.
Hammerbauer, Jiří
Heino, J.
Helander, P.
Isidori, T.
Ivanchenko, V.
Janda, Martin
Karev, A.
Kašpar, Jiří
Kopal, J.
Kundrát, Vojtěch
Lami, S.
Latino, G.
Lauhakangas, R.
Linhart, Richard
Lindsey, C.
Lokajíček, Miloš
Losurdo, L.
Lo Vetere, M.
Rodríguez, F. Lucas
Macrí, M.
Malawski, M.
Mereghetti, A.
Minafra, N.
Minutoli, S.
Mirarchi, D.
Naarranoja, T.
Nemes, F.
Niewiadomski, H.
Novak, T.
Oliveri, E.
Oljemark, F.
Oriunno, M.
Österberg, K.
Palazzi, P.
Passaro, V.
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Procházka, Jiří
Quinto, M.
Radermacher, E.
Radicioni, E.
Ravotti, F.
Redaelli, S.
Robutti, E.
Royon, C.
Ruggiero, G.
Saarikko, H.
Salvachua, B.
Scribano, A.
Široký, Jan
Smajek, J.
Snoeys, W.
Stefanovitch, R.
Sziklai, J.
Taylor, C.
Tcherniaev, E.
Turini, N.
Vacek, Václav
Valentino, G.
Welti, J.
Wenninger, J.
Williams, J.
Wyszkowski, P.
Zich, Jan
Zielinski, K.
First determination of the ρ parameterat at √s = 13 TeV: probing the existence of a colourless C-odd three-gluon compound state The TOTEM experiment at the LHC has performed the first measurement at √s = 13 TeV of the ρ parameter, the real to imaginary ratio of the nuclear elastic scattering amplitude at t = 0, obtaining the following results: ρ = 0.09 ± 0.01 and ρ = 0.10 ± 0.0... |
Bergmann, Benedikt, Ludwig
Azzarello, Philipp
Broulím, Pavel
Burian, Petr
Meduna, Lukáš
Paniccia, Mercedes
Perrina, Chiara
Pospíšil, Stanislav
Tlustos, Lukáš
Wu, X.
Detector response and performance of a 500 μm thick GaAs attached to Timepix3 in relativistic particle beams The performance and response of a Timepix3 detector with a 500 μm thick GaAs:Cr sensor layer was investigated in different radiation fields. The sensor resistivity was ρ 109 Ω cm. Fitting different modified Hecht functions, which take the small pixel effect into account, the m... |
Dachs, F.
Alozy, J.
Belyaev, N.
Bergmann, B. L.
Beuzekom, M. van
Billoud, T. R. V.
Burian, Petr
Broulím, Pavel
Campbell, M.
Chelkov, G.
Cherry, M.
Doronin, S.
Filippov, K.
Fusco, P.
Gargano, F.
Heijden, B. van der
Heijne, E. H. N.
Konovalov, S.
Cudie, X. L.
Loparco, F.
Mascagna, V.
Mazziotta, M. N.
Meduna, L.
Pernegger, H.
Ponomarenko, D.
Pospíšil, S.
Prest, M.
Rembser, C.
Romaniouk, A.
Savchenko, A. A.
Schaefer, D.
Schioppa, E. J.
Sergeeva, D.
Shchukin, D.
Shulga, E.
Smirnov, S.
Smirnov, Y.
Smolyanskiy, P.
Soldani, M.
Spinelli, P.
Strikhanov, M.
Teterin, P.
Tikhomirov, V.
Tishchenko, A.A.
Vallazza, E.
Vorobev, K.
Zhukov, K.
Transition radiation measurements with a Si and a GaAs pixel sensor on a Timepix3 chip Growing energies of particles at modern or planned particle accelerator experiments as well as cosmic rayexperiments require particle identification at gamma-factors (𝛾) of up to∼105. At present there are no detectorscapable of identifying charged particles with reliable efficiency in this range... |
Akbarov, R.A.
Nuruyev, S.M.
Ahmadov, G.S.
Ahmadov, F.I.
Tyutyunnikov, S.I.
Sadigov, A.Z.
Mammadov, R.
Holík, Michael
Berikov, D.
Kopatch, Yu.
Scintillation readout with MAPD array for gamma spectrometer In this study, we present the gamma-ray detection performance of LYSO, YSO(Ce) and BGO scintillators read out by a 9 ch. micropixel avalanche photodiode (MAPD) array with a high pixel density (PD) and photon detection efficiency (PDE). The array with an active area of 11,5x11,... |
Nuruyev, S.
Ahmadov, G.
Sadigov, A.
Akberov, R.
Ahmadov, F.
Holík, Michael
Kopatch, Yu.
Performance of silicon photomultipliers at low temperature The performances of silicon photomultipliers with different structures are investigated at low temperature.The first sample is a micro pixel avalanche photodiode with deep buried pixel structure from Zecotek Photonics Inc. The second and third ones are multi-pixel photo counters with a surfa... |
Bergmann, Benedikt, Ludwig
Billoud, Thomas Rémy Victor
Burian, Petr
Broulím, Pavel
Leroy, Claude
Lesmes, Catarína
Mánek, Petr
Meduna, Lukáš
Pospíšil, Stanislav
Sopczak, Andre
Suk, Michal
Relative luminosity measurement with Timepix3 in ATLAS The capability of Timepix3 detectors installed in ATLAS to measure luminosity is evaluated. It is described how noisy pixels are identified and excluded. Two different methods for luminosity determination, i.e. cluster counting and thermal neutron counting are described and compared with eac... |
Burian, Petr
Broulím, Pavel
Bergmann, Benedikt, Ludwig
Tlustos, Lukáš
Ethernet embedded readout interface for Timepix2 – Katherine readout for Timepix2 This paper introduces a readout system for the Timepix2. Firstly, this chip is described and the readout modes are discussed in detail. The new readout system presented is based on the Gigabit Ethernet interface and implements pre-processing, i.e. decoding of the raw pixel data,... |
Broulím, Jan
Chernysheva, E.V.
Gulyaev, S.N.
Gulyaeva, A.V.
Holík, Michael
Kamas, D.
Kliman, J.
Komarov, A.B.
Krupa, Luboš
Mora Sierra, Yesid
Novoselov, A.S.
Opichal, A.
Pechoušek, Jiří
Podshibyakin, A.V.
Rodin, A.M.
Salamatin, V.S.
Stepantsov, S.V.
Vedeneev, V.Yu.
Yukhimchuk, S.A.
Study of neutron-rich isotopes near N=152 shell closure using Timepix type detectors integrated into the mass separator MASHA The MASHA facility [1–3] was developed as a high precision mass-spectrometer for heavy and super heavy elements with masses up to 450 a.m.u. It uses ISOL (Isotope Separation On-Line) method. Its unique properties opens great prospective for the investigation of neutron-rich nuclei produ... |
Orosz, Tamás
Pánek, David
Karban, Pavel
FEM based preliminary design optimization in case of large power transformers |
Pánek, David
Karban, Pavel
Orosz, Tamás
Doležel, Ivo
Comparison of simplified techniques for solving selected coupled electroheat problems |
Broulím, Jan
Ayriyan, Alexander
Hovik, Grigorian
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
OpenCL/CUDA algorithms for parallel decoding of any irregular LDPC code using GPU |
Antchev, G.
Aspell, P.
Atanassov, I.
Avati, V.
Baechler, J.
Barrera, C.Baldenegro
Berardi, V.
Berretti, M.
Bossini, E.
Bottigli, U.
Bozzo, M.
Burkhardt, H.
Cafagna, F.S.
Catanesi, M.G.
Csanád, M.
Csörgö, T.
Deile, M.
De Leonardis, F.
Doubek, M.
Druzhkin, D.
Eggert, K.
Eremin, V.
Ferro, F.
Fiergolski, A.
Garcia, F.
Georgiev, Vjačeslav
Giani, S.
Grzanka, L.
Hammerbauer, Jiří
Ivanchenko, V.
Kašpar, J.
Kopal, J.
Kundrát, V.
Lami, S.
Latino, G.
Lauhakangas, R.
Lindsey, C.
Lokajíček, M.V.
Losurdo, L.
Lo Vetere, M.
Lucas Rodríguez, F.
Macrí, M.
Malawski, M.
Minafra, N.
Minutoli, S.
Naaranoja, T.
Nemes, F.
Niewiadomski, H.
Novák, T.
Oliveri, E.
Oljemark, F.
Oriunno, M.
Österberg, K.
Palazzi, P.
Passaro, V.
Peroutka, Zdeněk
Procházka, J.
Quinto, M.
Radermacher, E.
Radicioni, E.
Ravotti, F.
Robutti, E.
Royon, C.
Ruggiero, G.
Saarikko, H.
Scribano, A.
Smajek, J.
Snoeys, W.
Sziklai, J.
Taylor, C.
Tcherniaev, E.
Turini, N.
Vacek, V.
Welti, J.
Williams, J.
Ciesielski, R.
Elastic differential cross-section measurement at √s = 13 TeV by TOTEM The TOTEM collaboration has measured the elastic proton-proton differential cross section dσ/dt at √s = 13 TeV LHC energy using dedicated β ∗ = 90 m beam optics. The Roman Pot detectors were inserted to 10σ distance from the LHC beam, which allowed the measurement of... |
Filgas, Robert
Malich, Milan
Kuwahara, Toshinori
Broulím, Jan
Holík, Michael
Sakal, Morokot
Murata, Yu
Tomio, Hannah
Gohl, Stefan
Pineda T., Johan M.
RISEPix - A Timepix-based radiation monitor telescope onboard the RISESAT satellite Rapid International Scientific Experiment Satellite (RISESAT) is a small Japanese experimental Earth-observing, science and technology demonstration satellite. One of the scientific instruments onboard is a miniature radiation monitor telescope RISEPix with two Timepix detectors, developed and built at the... |
Broulím, Jan
Broulím, Pavel
Burian, Petr
Holík, Michael
Mora Sierra, Yesid
Pospíšil, Stanislav
Solar, Michael
j-Pix — a multiplatform acquisition package for Timepix3 We present a newly developed modular and multiplatform acquisition and control package dedicated for high performance Timepix3 pixel detector. The software package was originally developed for operation at ATLAS experiment. Afterwards, it was further extended as an independent package for general... |
Veřtát, Ivo
Dudáček, Luděk
Multidimensional Cross Parity Check Codes as a Promising Solution to CubeSat Low Data Rate Downlinks Simple cross parity check codes have been well known for decades in the areas of magnetic recording and radiation-hardened memory in space applications. However, the computational power requirements of higher dimensional cross codes mean that priority has been given to different forward ... |
Štork, Milan
Pinker, Jiří
Weissar, Petr
Adaptive Control System for Autonomous Vehicle Path Following Autonomy in vehicles is a rapidly expanding technology that is of interest in many major car companies. Autonomous driving enables safer journeys by removing human error in driving, as well as reducing driving time and fuel consumption by optimizing the engine and brake actuation.&... |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Brož, Pavel
Cardiac Mathematical Models for Exercise Testing on Treadmill Ergometer Cardiac output (CO) is a key parameter in the assessment of cardiac function, and its measurement is fundamental to the diagnosis, treatment, and prognostic evaluation of all heart diseases. In this paper the linear and nonlinear models for noninvasive estimation of CO are presente... |
Štork, Milan
Mayer, Daniel
Modified Tellegen Principle Used for Power and Energy Systems Modeling The paper deals with a problem of modeling of dynamic systems. The proposed approach to the problem solution is based on modified Tellegen’s theorem well known from electrical engineering. The novelty of this approach is that it is based on the instantaneous power calculation ... |
Scharfenberg, Georg
Elis, Luděk
Hofmann, Gerhard
New Design Methodology – Using VHDL-AMS Models to Consider Aging Effects in Automotive Mechatronic Circuits for Safety Relevant Functions In this paper a design method for mechatronic functions in an early design phase under consideration of the requirements of functional safety is proposed [14]. The goal of the method is to discover threats for the safety goals and to prove or optimize the diagnostic mecha... |
Kubík, Zdeněk
Skála, Jiří
Electromagnetic Interference from DC/DC Converter of Photovoltaic System This paper is focused on electromagnetic interference from DC/DC converter of photovoltaic system for home application. This converter produces disturbances in a wide frequency range. According to international standard CISPR 11, the frequency range for disturbance measurement could be divided... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications