Broum, Tomáš
Malaga, Miroslav
Šimon, Michal
Froněk, Michael
Sensor systems for automation in industry 4.0 The paper presents a basic analysis of applicable active sensing systems for use in automated manufacturing equipment and robotics. The paper is divided into sensor and vision solutions and briefly describes inductive sensors, magnetic sensors, ultrasonic sensors and optical sensors (conventional... |
Rybnikár, Filip
Kačerová, Ilona
Hořejší, Petr
Šimon, Michal
Ergonomics Evaluation Using Motion Capture Technology—Literature Review Due to the increasingly high proportion of manual activities in production processes, there is a constant risk of musculoskeletal disorders or work-related injuries. The risk of these problems is exacerbated by the trend towards an ageing working population. European legislation is pressing&... |
Broum, Tomáš
Hořejší, Petr
Malaga, Miroslav
Grzona, Pierre
Competencies of Industrial Engineers for Implementing Augmented Reality Metadata Systems The paper focuses on the use of augmented reality (AR) by industrial engineers, especially for determining the necessary competencies required for its use. Industrial engineers are not inherently programmers. Nevertheless, augmented reality is a modern trend in their field, especially in rel... |
Malaga, Miroslav
Broum, Tomáš
Šimon, Michal
Froněk, Michael
Industrial robotics as an important part of modern production automation This paper focuses on industrial robotics, highlighting it as an important part of modern manufacturing automation. First, the paper focuses on manufacturing automation more generally, highlighting its importance, pros and cons. This is ... |
Zoubek, Michal
Šimon, Michal
Poór, Peter
Overall Readiness of Logistics 4.0: A Comparative Study of Automotive, Manufacturing, and Electronics Industries in the West Bohemian Region (Czech Republic) Industry 4.0 brings technologies of automation, the use of collaborative robots, and modern advanced warehousing interconnected with digitization of all steps of the production process, not excluding logistics. Internal logistics vary in different product types. Due to the specification of the... |
Lochmannová, Alena
Šimon, Michal
Hořejší, Petr
Bárdy, Marek
Reichertová, Stanislava
Gillernová, Klára
The Use of Virtual Reality in Training Paramedics for a Mass Casualty Incident This paper presents the design of a virtual reality learning module inspired by the exercises of healthcare professionals and its limitations as a result of action research carried out by the authors’ collective. The module is implemented on a car crash scenario as a emergency... |
Woźniak, Waldemar
Sąsiadek, Michał
Jachowicz, Tomasz
Edl, Milan
Zając, Paweł
Studies on the Mechanical Properties of C45 Steel with Martensitic Structure after a High Tempering Process This article describes the studies of the mechanical properties of the martensitic structure of C45 steel, obtained as a result of heat treatment. This steel was subjected to high tempering, within the temperature range of 500÷700°C (every 50°C) and for various exposure times, from... |
Kačerová, Ilona
Kubr, Jan
Hořejší, Petr
Kleinová, Jana
Ergonomic Design of a Workplace Using Virtual Reality and a Motion Capture Suit Musculoskeletal disorders are some of the most frequent manual work disorders. Employers worldwide pay high costs for their treatment and prevention. We present an innovative method for designing an ergonomic workplace. This method uses new technologies and supports not only ergonomics, but&... |
Martirosov, Sergo
Bureš, Marek
Zítka, Tomáš
Cyber sickness in low‑immersive, semi‑immersive, and fully immersive virtual reality It is known that virtual reality (VR) experience may cause cyber sickness. One aspect of VR is an immersion or otherwise sense of presence, the sense of feeling oneself in a virtual world. In this paper an experiment which was conducted in order to find the link ... |
Poór, Peter
Zoubek, Michal
Šimon, Michal
Proposal of a Tool for Determining Sub- and Main Dimension Indicators in Assessing Internal Logistics Readiness for Industry 4.0 within a Company Key elements of Industry 4.0 are the digitization of products and production, enterprise information systems, robotic workplaces, communication infrastructure, and of course, employees. Industry 4.0 transforms production from stand-alone automated units to fully integrated automated and continuously optimized... |
Pekarčíková, M.
Trebuňa, P.
Kliment, M.
Edl, Milan
Rosocha, Ladislav
Transformation the logistics to digital logistics: Theoretical approach In connection with Industry 4.0, professional publications are mostly focused on the introduction of new technologies, research of new and intelligent materials, etc. which mean evolution compared to the present. However, it is also necessary to focus on the implementation of the produc... |
Martirosov, Sergo
Hořejší, Petr
Kopeček, Pavel
Bureš, Marek
Šimon, Michal
The Effect of Training in Virtual Reality on the Precision of Hand Movements The main point of the work was to use virtual reality to discover its benefits on training, specifically on the precision of hand movements in specific settings, and then evaluate its effects both for virtual reality and the transfer of the results to the real world. ... |
Kubr, Jan
Novikov, Konstantin
Hořejší, Petr
Kleinová, Jana
Krákora, David
Connecting a virtual production and a PLC This article deals with the implementation of virtual manuals for mass production workplaces in the automotive industry. The aim is to conduct a pilot study as a source for future research and the possibility of connecting virtual instruction manuals to production systems. A system... |
Zoubek, Michal
Poór, Peter
Broum, Tomáš
Basl, Josef
Šimon, Michal
Industry 4.0 Maturity Model Assessing Environmental Attributes of Manufacturing Company The primary purpose of this article is to present a maturity model dealing with environmental manufacturing processes in a company. According to some authors, Industry 4.0 is based on characteristics that have already been the focus of “lean and green” concepts. The goal of th... |
Zoubek, Michal
Šimon, Michal
The Framework for Logistics 4.0 Maturity Model with a Specification for Internal Logistics We understand the maturity of an industrial enterprise in the context of the fourth industrial revolution as the state of the of internal and external conditions that support basic concepts of Industry 4.0 such as vertical and horizontal integration of production systems and enterp... |
Zoubek, Michal
Poór, Peter
Broum, Tomáš
Šimon, Michal
Methodology proposal for storage rationalization implementing principles of industry 4.0. In a technology – driven warehouse The main topic of the paper is storage rationalization. Specifically, the proposal of a methodology related to the rationalization of storage systems in warehouses of industrial companies. The methodology emphasizes the new concept of Warehouse 4.0, including Industry 4.0 warehouse applications... |
Pekarčíková, Miriam
Trebuňa, Peter
Kliment, Marek
Edl, Milan
Rosocha, Ladislav
OPTIMIZATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL JIGS FLOW IN AUTOMOTIVE USING SOFTWARE MODULE TECNOMATIX PLANT SIMULATION Production must be adapted to the needs of the product structure while meeting the economic requirements of low cost. As processes will be monitored, managed and optimized in near real-time, decentralization of decision-making processes will also increase. Due to the heterogeneous structure&... |
Kalvas, František
Váně, Jan
Basl, Josef
Postoj vedení strojírenských podniků v Plzeňském kraji k pracovní síle v kontextu zavádění Průmyslu 4.0 The article investigates the attitudes of the management of medium and large engineering companies in the Plzen region to their workforces, and attempts to estimate the extent to which the advent of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) poses a threat to ordinary employees. A questionnaire survey... |
Hořejší, Petr
Šimon, Michal
Novikov, Konstantin
A Smart Factory in a Smart City: Virtual and Augmented Reality in a Smart Assembly Line Increasingly, the smart city space is requiring a reconceptualization of forms and factors of production, including factories and their place in the smart city space. Factories have always been a part of the city and many people spend a significant part of their lives there.... |
Broum, Tomáš
Šimon, Michal
Safety requirements related to collaborative robots in the Czech Republic |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta strojní / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Katedra průmyslového inženýrství a managementu / Department of Industrial Engineering and Management