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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
Franta, David
Integrovaná výuka českého jazyka, slohu a literatury na gymnáziu. Návrh koncepce

This doctoral thesis covers the problem of integration of lingual, stylistic and communicative and literary components of the school subject Czech language and literature. In the theoretical part, the discourse of the extent of autonomy in these components of the subject is analyzed,&#x...

Pokorová, Markéta
Proměny židovské tematiky v české literatuře \nl{}a její didaktické aspekty

The thesis is based on Reader- Response Criticism as its principles are lately used in the Czech literature classes. The students (co-creators of the texts) as well as the teachers (facilitators) deal with a new task in the learning process; to accept complex author's toke...

Kuba, Martin
Dialogická forma v textech starší české literatury do roku 1400 \nl{}(se zvláštním zřetelem k dramatu)

The study is focused on the character of the Dialog in the historical context of the European literature. We will compare the dialogic form in the texts produced with aspiration for some literary qualities and the texts with plain informative intentions, typical for the Philos...

Pánková, Vladimíra
Český psychologický román v literární výchově na střední škole

The objective of this dissertation is to characterise the psychological novel as a genre including its developmental changes, to didactically transform this scientific information into the literary education curriculum for secondary schools (mainly Czech grammar schools) and to propose constructivist&...

Königsmarková, Jana
Didaktické transformace proměny poetiky K. Biebla na přelomu 40. a 50. let v širším kontextu socialistického realismu

The doctoral thesis called The didactic transformation of the change of Konstantin Biebl's poetics at the turn of the 1940s and 1950s in the wider context of socialist realism is composed of two main areas of study. The former, a literary-historical part, was published und...

Sachrová, Kateřina
Umělecký styl ve výuce češtiny pro jinojazyčné mluvčí

The aim of this dissertation is to describe the potential of the poetic style in Czech as a Foreign Language education. We analysed the textual content of teaching materials and then described the role of stylistics in Czech as a Foreign Language teaching including the us...

Kaiserová, Stanislava
Jiří Gruša - autor bilingvní a vícejazyčný

The thesis herewith introduces Jiří Gruša as a Czech and German writer of texts embelished with multilingual features. Literary multilingualism has been presented according to the latest reasearch. It has been considered a reflection of multilingual and multicultural society, but primarily&...

Zelenková, Věra
Činnost českých spisovatelů v období Protektorátu Čechy a Morava a výklad této problematiky v hodinách literární výchovy

The dissertation is divided into two main parts: literary-historical and didactic. They are preceded by a shorter chapter related to the methodology and philosophical position of the researcher, based on which the material gained has been processed. The aim of individual chapters is...

Boccou Kestřánková, Marie
Jevištní tvar jako jedna z možných metod výuky češtiny pro cizince

This thesis examines theatre pedagogy (MJT) which utilizes elements of theatre to achieve language-teaching objectives (i.e., the development of language skills and communication competency for foreigners learning Czech as a second language). This includes not only a presentation of the method&#x...

Lukášová, Jitka
Analýza příčin neporozumění v řečové dovednosti poslech \nl{}s porozuměním v češtině jako cizím jazyku

The dissertation thesis analyses the process of listening comprehension with a special focus on causes of misunderstanding in Czech as a foreign language based on the material of Slavish language users. It summarizes the branch development from the sixties of the 20th century with&...

Spěváčková, Martina
Synonymie ve vyjadřování žáků základní školy

Our main objective was to assess the pupils` ability to use synonymous expressions, available within the Czech lexical system, in creative writing assignments. Through an analysis of sixty writing compositions, we obtained 7071 occurrences of lexical units. Lexical units were divided into&#x...

Chýlová, Helena
Purismus 20. století z hlediska jazykové výchovy

The thesis presents a topic which is actual even in our current time period, analyzes influence of language purism in language education in Czech language. Firstly there are defined and characterized types of language purism and its short history in Czech language including overvie...

Málková, Jitka
Mluvený projev učitele ve výukové komunikaci na 2. stupni základní školy

The work provides an actual view of communication at school with the effort to contribute to the actual state of knowledge in this field. It deals with the spoken Czech language presented by teachers during the time of school courses, especially in education dialogues. The...

Šíp, Martin
Historický román 60. let ve výuce literatury na střední škole

This doctoral thesis aims to characterise the development of the Czech or Czechoslovak historical novel of the 1960s and to describe its application in the teaching of Czech literature at secondary school. In the first - theoretical - part, the characteristics of historical p...

Bubeníčková, Petra
Autorská nonsensová pohádka v učivu literární výchovy na ZŠ

The thesis is focused on the issue of nonsense fairy-tale in literary education curriculum at elementary schools. The theoretical part firstly deals with the definition of the term nonsense; it further focuses on the genesis of nonsense fairy-tale in Czech literature and theory of&...

Königsmarková, Andrea
Metody rozvoje učitelské a žákovské kreativity ve vyučování českému jazyku na gymnáziu - se zaměřením na komunikativní dovednosti. Tvůrčí aplikace diachronního přístupu k jazyku

The presented dissertation presents the grounds and opportunities for creative application of diachronic approach to language in native language (or foreign language) teaching with special focus on deepening and improving of communication skills of students. The main goal of the thesis is&#x...

Radváková, Věra
Interpretace textu na gymnáziu

The PhD thesis named Interpretation of Texts in Czech Grammar Schools was written in pursuance of the curriculum The Specialisation in Pedagogy in the study program The Theory of Education in Czech Studies. The object of our research was the interpretation of texts as a m...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17