Hejduková, Pavlína
Zdravotnická zařízení v kontextu reformních změn v ČR Medical facilities as health service providers play a key role in the health system of each country. It is therefore very important to pay attention to them, especially during major reform steps in the health field. Each of the developed countries is facing problems... |
Jurková, Jana
Dopyt na trhu vysokoškolského vzdelávania na Slovensku - vývojové trendy University education market is known as a place, where supply of education meets education demand and as a place, where different subjects of university education are situated (state, commercial subjects, other institutions of school system, institutions of informal education and inst... |
Krajčík, Vladimír
Mikoláš, Zdeněk
Kvalitativní transformace vysokoškolského vzdělávání k posílení profesionálních kompetencí absolventů Basic paradigms of further development of higher education institutions have been recently discussed extensively worldwide, the Czech Republic included. The position and role of high education institutions in developing science, research and competitiveness of the respective country, activities ... |
Pitic, Diana
Drăgan, Mihaela
Pitic, Ştefan Lucian
Practice requirements for university graduates within the field of "international economic affairs", german study line Current research paper gives an overview on practice requirements based on competences for university graduates within the field of “International Economic Affairs”. Obtained results derive from market data gathered while questioning employers regarding the expected use of competences and ... |
Čebišová, Kateřina
Přínosy informačních technologií pro malé a střední podniky The aim of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between the number of soft information technologies used in small or medium-sized company and its financial performance. This task was accomplished via Pearson correlation analysis. Data for this research were... |
Freňáková, Magdaléna
Šoltys, Silvester
Obchodní anjeli ako investori venture kapitálu The main objective of this article was to introduce business angels as venture capital investors. The article contains theoretical basis of business angels, focuses on the history and definition of business angels, their motives of investing, typology and area of interest. As... |
Žižlavský, Ondřej
Vývoj pojetí inovačního procesu podniku At present, innovation is necessary element of economic growth and competitiveness of entrepreneurship as well as it is one of key elements of global sustainable development. This paper represents understanding of an innovation during 20th century and is based especially on the... |
Martinčík, David
Polívka, Martin
Makroekonomické změny současnosti, aneb mnoho povyku pro nic? The article describes the only historical cause of economic development that is people’s desire for a better life, for a greater utility. Macroeconomic changes were still happening in the history and impacted on the manufacturers as a result of this natural human characteris... |
Saniuk, Anna
Current challenges in financial management of production enterprises In this article, the latest challenges of financial management in manufacturing enterprises are presented. The crisis on the world market means that financial management has taken a highly important role in today’s enterprise. Liquidity and strong price pressure has forced producers... |
Kotková, Martina
Vývoj a tendence odchozích přímých zahraničních investic českých podniků This article is aimed at the development of foreign direct investment realised by Czech companies during last two decades. Czech Republic became one of the foreign investors’ targets during economic transformation when inward investments had been all the time exceeded outward inv... |
Diheneščíková, Daniela
Hičák, Štefan
Index IN05 v priemyselných podnikoch na východnom Slovensku In this paper we present our findings from analysis of bankruptcy and creditworthy model. We have used IN 05 index methodology for determining situation in enterprises at East Slovakia. We focused our research at manufacturing industry. We used data of 27 enterprises from... |
Čmelíková, Zuzana
Čmelík, Ján
Etická dimenzia spoločensky zodpovedného podnikania The aim of this article is to emphasize the role of ethics in corporate social responsibility. Authors focus their attention on the importance of stakeholder theory and stakeholder management for appropriate integration of CSR to the structure of organizations of various kinds.... |
Vicianová, Jana
Ekonomická dimenzia spoločensky zodpovedného podnikania v chemickom priemysle At present, there are many concepts as manage the enterprise. The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is a way of corporate governance that takes into account not only business needs but also its environment and society. In addition to this, in past few years... |
Jaďuďová, Jana
Repa, Martin
Spoločenská zodpovednosť v prostredí verejnej správy a samosprávy The authors of the article present the issue of corporate social responsibility of organizations in terms of utilization of the concept of local government. In the sphere of public administrative are the local government in the vital role, because concentrated and guided the... |
Bašistová, Alena
Olexová, Cecília
Stankovič, Lýdia
Spoločensky zodpovedné podnikanie s dôrazom na sociálnu oblasť Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a response to a variety of economic, social and environmental problems. The article discusses about Corporate Social Responsibility, along with analysis of standard ISO 26000:2011 for socially responsible business, we focused our attention mainly on... |
Dvořáková, Lilia
Ohlédnutí za konferencí Trendy v podnikání |
Eger, Ludvík
Úvodní slovo |
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