Číslo 2 (2012) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dvořáková, Věra
Motivace jako jádro ovlivňování pracovní výkonnosti zaměstnanců organizací Motivation is one of the key managerial activities. Strategic plan for the development of human resources is an important part of the strategic plan of the organization. Practice shows that motivated employees showing greater willingness to work for your business, engage in ... |
Bagieńska, Anna
Modeling knowledge workers competences In a knowledge-based economy, economic development does not depend on several economic sectors but on all sectors that must intensively use knowledge in processes of production and rendering of services. The purpose of this work is to analyze the competences of a knowledge... |
Čmelíková, Zuzana
Čmelík, Ján
Diagnostika organizačnej kultúry The aim of this article “Diagnosing Organizational Culture” is to reason the need for diagnosing organizational culture for improvement of organizational effectiveness. Authors introduce approach to diagnosing organizational culture, which is based on the competing values framework. This ... |
Krištofová, Zuzana
Eger, Ludvík
Výzkum úspěšných implementací diverzity managementu v České republice The demographic changes in the society together with globalization of the labour market show the necessity of diversity management as a consequence of the changing workforce structure. In the European Union, our nearest multicultural environment, the question of diversity has become... |
Rolková, Monika
Participatívny štýl riadenia - slobodné riadenie zamestnancov In the classic style of managing employees are used rewards and punishments as the main tools for motivating people. The result usually is that employees are doing exactly what they should do and nothing more - in order to avoid punishment and to gain reward. ... |
Klupáková, Hana
Charakteristiky kariérních konceptů Aim of the paper is to organize the main career concepts characteristics. It was used the method of secondary data analysis and comparison of authors. Sub group of characteristics were define by using method of deduction. Subsequently, were compared both concepts (traditional... |
Jarošová, Jana
Organizational development and employees perspectives in financial administration career pathway While the government sector has been an excellent employer in the past, the image of government employment has suffered significantly in the last years. As a result, many talented workers have preferred private sector to government service. Now some steps should be taken... |
Šik, Vladimír
Supervize jako nástroj řízení a podpory kvality v oblasti pomáhajících profesí The author in his work deals with the interpretation possibilities of supervision as an effective tool in the management and quality support services in the helping professions. In the introductory part of glosses and defines terminology related to the concept of supervision ... |
Egerová, Dana
Integrovaný talent management - nové paradigma pro talent management The current uncertain business environment drives the need for new approaches that enable the organisation to deal successfully with changes both today and in the future. In this context the concept of talent management has become one of the priorities for organisations and&... |
Vrchota, Jaroslav
Březinová, Monika
Smolová, Jaroslava
Odpovědnost jako klíčová kompetence This article aims to compare the responsibilities of managers and university students. This comparison is performed by formulating a hypothesis and subsequent authentication using the Wilcoxon test, where answers from both of the groups are compared. In conclusion, the article summari... |
Eger, Ludvík
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- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economy
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- 2012
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