Zeman, Jan
Srovnání českých a německých učebnic matematiky pro gymnázia In this article, we would strive to present a survey on the Czech and German textbooks for secondary grammar schools. We compare the way, the textbooks present particular topic of functions, and show the differences in subject and form. The aim would be on the application... |
Knetlová, Anna
Pantograf I chose this subject because I like engineering and pantograph is interesting. Also from the Physics, my favorite subject, is Mechanical lever on the pantograph. My goal is to produce a usable pantograph for teaching, which can also be produced in the workshop with the us... |
Gioldasis, Spiridon
Digital games as an educational tool key factors for a succesfull integration Our first impression on digital games is that they are a "waste of time" oreven "sources of danger". However, digital games require from users to develop special skills to accomplish puzzles, levels or goals. Being at the same time extremely engaging and entertaining... |
Bambasová, Kateřina
Analýza multimediální učebnice s ohledem na její strukturu This dissertation is dealing with a structure of multimedia textbooks. The task is divided into two parts – theoretic and practical. In the theoretic part we deal with the multimedia, the kinds of the multimedia textbooks, and the transformation of the technologies into the ed... |
Kůs, Martin
Kůs, Tomáš
Realizace projektu Buggy The article contains description of realization of buggy, like student project, through this project students get experiences and realistic view on realization of design, so they will be able share experience to other students through the manufactured vehicle. |
Kačeriaková, Michaela
Krnáčová, Martina
Huľová, Zlatica
Poznávanie stredovekých technických zručností v ranej edukácii Authors in the post are dealing with the technical skills in the Middle ages. The intention is to highlight the possibilities of using knowledge from the development of techniques in the processing of the proposals for the activities, which are meant for children in early ... |
Vlková, Iva
Interdisciplinární vztahy mezi předměty "fyzika" a "technická výchova" na ZŠ Technical education, or work activities, as the subject is otherwise called, is an inseparable part of the elementary education curriculum. Within the Framework Educational Programme, the content of the subject is defined in the educational area Man and the World of Work, which con... |
Kaufnerová, Gabriela
Projekt "Děti pomáhají dětem", anebo, rozvoj manuálních dovedností pomocí výukových projektů The article introduces ways of developing manual skills of pre-school children and elementary school children through educational projects. The main subject focuses on a project called “Children Help Children,” which has been implemented with 5th grade pupils in elementary school in Horsovsk... |
Adamcová, Romana
Tvořivost a dovednost žáků 1. stupně ZŠ v 21. století This article deals with testing the level of non-verbal creativity and testing the level of manual skills of primary school children. The Urban’s test of figural thinking and Honzikova’s test of psychomotoric skills were chosen as testing methods. |
Dušková, Miroslava
Nástavec na francouzskou hůl Práce pojednává o možnosti využití nástavce na francouzskou hůl. Tato pomůcka poskytne uživateli lepší stabilitu, nejen při chůzi, ale i jako opora v mnoha situacích. Po prostudování historie berlí a jejich využití v současné době, jsem se rozhodla tuto pomůcku aplikovat v praxi. S... |
Vladař, Čeněk
Nové náměty technické výchovy s ohledem na mezioborové vztahy My diploma thesis is dealing with new suggestions of technical education with consideration to interdisciplinary relations. Focus of my qualification work is based on my approbation to higher classes of elementary schools. The theoretical part is dealing with history of this subject,... |
Lyakhova, A.
Vinarchik, E. A.
Defensive mechanisms The article deals with psychological defense mechanisms and their beginnings. |
Saveljeva, N. G.
Lagaeva, A.
Creation of tactile cards at the manual skills lessons in a special school for the children with severe speech disorders The article deal with creation of tactile cards (pictures) for the children with severe speech disorders. The aim is to describe the creation process of the tactile cards for the children with severe speech disorders. |
Zhukova, I. O.
Ukhina, N. A.
Making "me books" with child with violation of intelligence There are an effective tandem of development of communicative abilities and improvements of small motility of pupils with violation of intelligence at lessons of manual skills told in this article. Teacher`s organizing help play important role in the course of formation of communicative... |
Barsukova, O.
Filatova, O. V.
Art-therapy as a method of correction of the emotional sphere of the personality of the people who have suffered acute violation of cerebral circulation The topic of this article – art-therapy as a method of correction of the emotional sphere of the personality of the people who have suffered acute violation of cerebral circulation. The main purpose of the study: to study the characteristics of art therapy as a meth... |
Dušková, Miroslava
Simbartl, Petr
Lidové stavby The article deals with the construction of a Log building. Timbered building model can work activities serve as a useful learning tool. For the building of the house is used carpentry – lap joint. The pupil must work precisely to complete the construction. He also recogni... |
Beneš, Martin
Výuková opora pro základní školu: automatické vedení vlaku Teaching Assist for Primary Schools - Automatic train management deals with the creation of a teaching support in a printed, multimedia form accompanied by a physical model. Teaching support is based on distance support, which can be used in full-time teaching at elementary school.... |
Tuček, Daniel
Praktické využitie embedded systémov Embedded systémy sa dostávajú bližšie k našim životom. Dnes už skoro v každej domacnosti nájdeme nejakú aplikáciu rôznych embedded systémov. Práca chce poukázať na praktické vyzužitie embedded systémov pre osobné účely, presnejšie predstaví dve stroje vytvorené autorom pomocou spomýnaných systémov.... |
Kostolanský, Lukáš
Multimediální podpora vzdelávania Príspevok poskytuje informácie o multimédiách a ich využití vo vzdelávaní. Cieľom príspevku je poskytnúť informácie o praktickej časti diplomovej práce Multimediálna podpora vzdelávania. Praktická časť práce sa zaoberá problematikou tvorby obsahu e-learningového kurzu podporujúceho tvorbu multimediálnych pomôcok... |
Petrishscheva, V.
Filatova, O. V.
Mandala as a method of art-therapy, ensuring stabilization of emotional states of preschoolde children The topic of this article is the use of the mandala as a method of art therapy, which helps to stabilize the emotional states of preschool children. The main purpose of the work is to describe the process of creating a mandala by children. |
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