Applied Electronics 2019 Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ždánsky, Juraj
Valigurský, Jozef
Influence of Distributed SRCS Architectures on Dependability and Safety of Realised Safety Functions Incessantly extending possibilities of safety PLCs allows usage not only in process level control but also in higher level of control. It means, that complex distributed control systems can be created. In case that safety functions are realised by these systems, architecture of con... |
Ždánský, Juraj
Medvedík, Milan
Performing safety functions to monitor the protected area using a light curtain In many applications, a light curtain is used to detect the intrusion of a human (or other protected object) into the danger zone. After detecting the interruption of the light curtain, a safety function is activated to bring the danger zone into a safe state (non-human).... |
Wagner, Philipp
Wilhelm, Thomas
Sailer, Andreas
Analyzing Multi-core Timing Effects on Control Systems via Co-simulation In the automotive industry, the integration of different functions is a challenging and transdisciplinary task. The effects caused by the timing behavior of discrete controllers on the control plant need to be understood during development. In this paper we show how co-simulation of... |
Veřtát, Ivo
Dudáček, Luděk
Multidimensional Cross Parity Check Codes as a Promising Solution to CubeSat Low Data Rate Downlinks Simple cross parity check codes have been well known for decades in the areas of magnetic recording and radiation-hardened memory in space applications. However, the computational power requirements of higher dimensional cross codes mean that priority has been given to different forward ... |
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai
Cojocaru, Victor
Katashev, Alexei
Multi-Criterial Assessment of the Uniformity of the Electrical Potential of Micro-Films We propose a method of characterization and assessment of the uniformity of the surface properties of samples based on a set of derived parameters. Local (sliding window) variance, Allan and Hadamard variances and centers of potential for measurement lines are used to assess the... |
Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai
Chirps for radar based on reciprocal time, essential discontinuities and chaotic generators We introduce and analyze a set of essentially discontinuous functions, based on multiplicative inverse of the time, which are usable as chirp signals. An advantage of these chirps is that they can be chosen from a large class to allow multiple radar operators to use each&... |
Štork, Milan
Pinker, Jiří
Weissar, Petr
Adaptive Control System for Autonomous Vehicle Path Following Autonomy in vehicles is a rapidly expanding technology that is of interest in many major car companies. Autonomous driving enables safer journeys by removing human error in driving, as well as reducing driving time and fuel consumption by optimizing the engine and brake actuation.&... |
Štork, Milan
Novák, Jaroslav
Brož, Pavel
Cardiac Mathematical Models for Exercise Testing on Treadmill Ergometer Cardiac output (CO) is a key parameter in the assessment of cardiac function, and its measurement is fundamental to the diagnosis, treatment, and prognostic evaluation of all heart diseases. In this paper the linear and nonlinear models for noninvasive estimation of CO are presente... |
Štork, Milan
Mayer, Daniel
Modified Tellegen Principle Used for Power and Energy Systems Modeling The paper deals with a problem of modeling of dynamic systems. The proposed approach to the problem solution is based on modified Tellegen’s theorem well known from electrical engineering. The novelty of this approach is that it is based on the instantaneous power calculation ... |
Skarolek, Pavel
Lettl, Jiří
Tracking Deadtime Algorithm for GaN DC/DC Converter The presented method automatically adjusts the deadtime of gallium nitride (GaN) transistors in half-bridge to increase the efficiency. This removes the need of manual measuring and setting the deadtime of the finished converter. The developed algorithm was tested and compared with the ... |
Sido, Jakub
Konopík, Miloslav
Deep Learning for Text Data on Mobile Devices With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is becoming a significant phenomenon in our lives. As with many other powerful tools, AI brings many advantages but many risks as well. Predictions and automation can significantly help in our everyday lives. However, sending our... |
Scharfenberg, Georg
Elis, Luděk
Hofmann, Gerhard
New Design Methodology – Using VHDL-AMS Models to Consider Aging Effects in Automotive Mechatronic Circuits for Safety Relevant Functions In this paper a design method for mechatronic functions in an early design phase under consideration of the requirements of functional safety is proposed [14]. The goal of the method is to discover threats for the safety goals and to prove or optimize the diagnostic mecha... |
Pichlík, Petr
Evaluation of Phase Shift in Electric Drive by Kalman Filter for Wheel Slip Control Slip controller is an essential part of the locomotive controller because it enables maximum force transfer and increases the service life of the locomotive parts. The modern slip controllers try to determine actual adhesion parameters and set the required tractive force to avoid s... |
Petržela, Jiří
Circuit Equivalent to Rucklidge System This short report describes completely analog circuit realization of the so-called Rucklidge equations. Design process is systematic and supported by a circuit-oriented numerical analysis (bifurcation diagrams and Lyapunov exponents) and real experimental verification via the oscilloscope screenshots. Oscillato... |
Peniak, Peter
Bubeníková, Emilía
Validation of IoT secure communication gateway for constrained devices This article deals with the challenge how to secure communication of constrained embedded devices via the Internet of Things protocols. The main focus is paid on a secure communication gateway, which is designed to enhance the security level of communication for constrained devices.... |
Niedermaier, Matthias
Fischer, Florian
Merli, Dominik
Sigl, Georg
Network Scanning and Mapping for IIoT Edge Node Device Security The amount of connected devices in the industrial environment is growing continuously, due to the ongoing demands of new features like predictive maintenance. New business models require more data, collected by IIoT edge node sensors based on inexpensive and low performance Microcontroller... |
Mischie, Septimiu
Pazsitka, Robert
Designing a MSP430 Bootloader This paper presents implementation of a serial bootloader for a MSP430G2553 microcontroller. It is implemented in assembly language and it is written in the information area of the microcontroller memory by using any usual tool for flashing. Then, the source of the application can&... |
Matoušek, David
Brtník, Bohumil
Rationalisation of the Fibonacci Charge Pump This paper focuses on the practical aspects of the realisation the Fibonacci charge pump (FCP). The main attention is dedicated to the study of the influence of clock frequency and the capacitance of the used capacitor to key parameters of proposed FCP. This studying is p... |
Kubík, Zdeněk
Skála, Jiří
Electromagnetic Interference from DC/DC Converter of Photovoltaic System This paper is focused on electromagnetic interference from DC/DC converter of photovoltaic system for home application. This converter produces disturbances in a wide frequency range. According to international standard CISPR 11, the frequency range for disturbance measurement could be divided... |
Kovář, Pavel
Puričer, Pavel
Morong, Tomáš
Šturc, Filip
Digital Up and Down Converter for High Performance VHF and UHF transceiver The Digital Up and Down Converter (DUC/DDC) is a basic building part of the professional digital mobile transceiver. The paper presents DDC/DDS for dual mode professional VHF/UHF transceiver developed for railway radio. The transceiver complies ETSI standards for NFM and Digital... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikace ZČU / UWB Publications
- Sborníky ZČU / UWB Proceedings
- Applied Electronics
- 41 2019