Číslo 2 (2019) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Beshajová Pelikánová, I.
Vaněk, P.
The Nonconductive Sputtered Thin Film Layer The work is focused on topic of dielectrics layers prepared by thin film layer technology, specifically by sputtering. Set of samples of thin film capacitors was prepared. Samples differ by different conditions of preparation of dielectric layer. Dielectric layers were deposited by sput... |
Bouřa, A.
Simple and affordable circuit for energy harvesting applications The paper presents a circuit structure that can be used as an energy harvester. It is intended for photovoltaic panels (PV) or other sources of energy that can provide enough voltage level but that can source only low currents. The circuit is able to accumulate the e... |
Búran, M.
Řezníček, M.
Application of the wirebonding technology in the hot wire anemometry The study deals with the possibility of using wire-bonding technology in hot-wire anemometry. In general, anemometry deals with measuring the velocity and the direction of flow. In the case of hot-wire anemometry, the sensors with hot wire. In this work are inscribed information ab... |
Hirman, M.
Steiner, F.
Optimization of apertures shapes in stencil for eca printing to connecting of smd components on pcbs This paper deals with the influence of different apertures shape in stencil on mechanical shear strength, electrical resistance and insulation distance. In the experiment, the SMD chip components 0805 were assembled on flexible substrate by electrically conductive adhesives (MG 8331S, CA 315... |
Hrubý, L.
Pavlík, M.
Power Supply for Space Applications The following work deals with design of a switched mode power supply. In this essay, there is a basic description of analyzes that are required for space design. Also there is a selection of devices which could be used in final device. The SMPS will be designed ... |
Hurban, M.
Szendiuch, I.
Smart sensors – another foundation for Industry 4.0 Production of electronics gets more and more complex every day. This situation requires all possible information about the production process. Not only information about the components, but also about the machines and their status. New industrial revolution, the so-called Industry 4.0 is... |
Michal, D.
Hirman, M.
Řeboun, J.
Improvement of thick printed copper substrates solderability by formic acid This paper deals with solderability of thick printed copper substrates using formic acid vapours in combination with vacuum soldering technology. The topic of low void, preferably void free joints in the field of electronics is important, because of rising demand in high-power applicati... |
Janůš, T.
Low Power Wide Area as a technology for Internet of Things Internet of Things (IoT) is gradually becoming a part of everyday life. However, the development of such applications is complicated for several reasons, such as usability in hard-to-reach locations and associated power to the equipment, equipment durability, and many others. The main r... |
Kadlečíková, M.
Kolmačka, M.
Breza, J.
Vančo, L´.
Elimination of the Leakage Inductance of the Primary Winding of an Impulse Transformer for a Contact-less Temperature Gauge We continue in reconstruction of the temperature meter with optical transmission of temperature reading in the HF CVD reactor. The parasitic inductance causes degradation of the transformer. The issue is solved by including a non-dissipative snubber that recuperates the energy from the ... |
Kulha, P.
Chitturi, N.Ch.
Plasch, M.
Kastner, J.
Kurzmann, J.
Mühlberger, M.
Fechtig, D.
Inkjet-Printed Capacitive Sensors and Electronic Structures The paper summarizes activities of the research company PROFACTOR in the field of functional inkjet printing of capacitive sensors and their usage as a human to robot interface and as a fluid level sensor directly printed on a 3D object. Printing processes and techniques are... |
Lenger, T.
Pietriková, A.
Livovský, Ľ
Nonstandard unidirectional lamination for Face down technology This research is focused on analysing mechanical properties of materials which can be used for lamination of multilayer PCBs with embedded components by face down technology. Mechanical properties were analysed by 3-point bend test on various types of substrate material. Materials with ... |
Mach, P.
Polanský, R.
Aplikace vodivých lepidel z pohledu termomechanických vlastností Specimens prepared from the electrically conductive adhesive with isotropic electrical conductivity ECOSOLDER AX20 (AMEPOX) have been inspected using thermomechanical analysis (TMA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry (TGA) and additionally also by infrared s... |
Martínek, Petr
Husák, Miroslav
Basic Example of Applying Effective Component Selection Method When designing electronic circuits from discrete components, the finite number of component values in E series of preferred numbers is the limiting factor. For example, the E24 series contains just 24 component values per decade. If accuracy of the proposed circuit is required, use... |
Novák, J.
Janíček, V.
Teplý, T.
Bouřa, A.
Husák, M.
Foit, J.
IoT applications utilizing excess heat in electrical lighting fixtures The development of IoT instrumentation will always be strongly influenced by the properties of the power supply system. A large number of IoT nodes creates a danger of extra expenditures when changing the battery. For this reason, the development of supply nodes tends to prefe... |
Novák, Lukáš
Šteffan, Pavel
Fast process detection of the chemical elements This paper describes a Fast mapping of the material composition via Sci-Trace devices. The measurement method is used LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) for detection of the chemical elements. The method of fast mapping is implemented in the program LabView. In the paper i... |
Sorokina, Kristina
Bušek, David
Dušek, Karel
Electrochemical migration of lead-free solders and Ag-based electrically conductive adhesives in NaCl solution In this article, the electrochemical migration of lead-free solders and electrically conductive adhesives with an Ag content of more than 70% was studied by using a water drop test in NaCl solution. The results of solder pastes were compared with the results of electrically co... |
Teplý, T.
Janíček, V.
Bouřa, A.
Novák, J.
Husák, M.
Energy consumption optimization for thermal energy harvester applications This paper demonstrates the concept of node consumption reduction for IoT applications. The main emphasis is placed on the autonomy of the whole device, which must be independent of external power supply. That is why energy harvesting based on temperature principle is used for ... |
Veselý, P.
Dušek, K.
Bušek, D.
Sedláček, J.
Bortel, R.
Hospodka, J.
Development of Low-Cost Solder Paste Hand Dispenser In prototyping and piece-production, stencil printing of the solder paste is expensive, and with the use of the stencil, it is not possible to react fast on changes in the design. Therefore, automatic or manual dispensers are used. This work aimed to develop a low-cost di... |
Znbill, Z.
Boušek, J.
Thermoelectric generator in low thermal gradient operation A simple thermo-generator was designed using inexpensive manufacturing processes and available materials. Manufacturing processes include screen printing, vacuum deposition, surface plasma activation by dielectric barrier discharge, and modified PEDOT deposition methods. A simple and reliable DC / DC ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Publikace FEL / Publications of FEL
- Electroscope
- Ročník 2019
- 19 2019