Title: Rozpad rodiny v Chicagské sociologické škole a v současnosti
Other Titles: The Family Disorganization at Chicago School of Sociology and the Present
Authors: Kebrlová, Anna
Advisor: Jeřábek Hynek, Prof. PhDr. CSc.
Referee: Kobes Tomáš, PhDr. Ph.D.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
Document type: bakalářská práce
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11025/37643
Keywords: rodina;rozpad rodiny;rozvod;individualizace;emancipace;chicagská sociologická škola;současná sociologie
Keywords in different language: family;family disorganization;divorce;individualization;emancipation;chicago sociological school;contemporary sociology
Abstract: Chicagska sociologicka skola je myslenkovy proud v sociologii, ktery se utvarel od 20. let 20. stoleti na univerzirte v Chicagu. K vyznamnym autorum, jez se zabyvali timto fenomenem, patri zejmena Ernest R. Mowrer a William I. Thomas. Tito autori patri k vyznamnym predstavitelum Chicagske skoly. Ve sve bakalarske praci se zabyvam problematikou rozpadu rodiny z pohledu Chicagske sociologicke skoly a soucasne sociologie. Cilem je reflektovat tento fenomen, jak z pohledu Chicagské sociologické školy, tak současné sociologie. Sepsat poznatky, ktere vedly k rozpadu rodiny tehdy a pomerit je s dobou nynejsi.
Abstract in different language: The Chicago School of Sociology is a school of thought in sociology that has been formed since the 1920s at the University of Chicago. Ernest R. Mowrer and William I. Thomas are among the most important authors who dealt with this phenomenon. These authors are important representatives of the Chicago School. In my bachelor thesis I deal with the issue of family breakdown from the perspective of the Chicago Sociological School and contemporary sociology. The aim is to reflect this phenomenon, both from the perspective of the Chicago Sociological School and contemporary sociology. To write down the findings that led to the family disorganization at that time and to measure them with the present.
Rights: Plný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.
Appears in Collections:Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KSS)

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