Konferenční příspěvky / Conference Papers (KEP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Dlouhý, Martin
Kotlan, Václav
Doležel, Ivo
Indirect induction hardening of thin electrically non-conductive layers A model of indirect induction heating of very thin layers made of electrically non-conductive materials is presented. The model consists of two partial differential equations describing electromagnetic and temperature fields whose distributions are solved numerically. It is applicable for the des... |
Kotlan, Václav
Hamar, Roman
Doležel, Ivo
Modeling of induction-assisted 3D laser printing A mathematical model of induction-assisted 3D printing is presented, providing a tool for design of specified tracks printed on suitable substrates. The model consists of the non-stationary temperature field produced by laser beam and field of deformation produced by continuous adding the... |
Petrášová, Iveta
Karban, Pavel
Doležel, Ivo
Using Surrogate Model for Shape Optimization of Busbar Methodology of shape optimization of the frequency converter blades, which are heated by Joule losses due to nonuniform current flow, is presented. For processing this coupled and nonlinear problem, its full mathematical model is replaced by a suitable equivalent model, on which the... |
Karban, Pavel
Petrášová, Iveta
Doležel, Ivo
The principle of prediction of complex time-dependent nonlinear problems using RNN An approach based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs) is applied to verify the possibility of using surrogate models for the prediction of dynamic nonlinear problems. Modeling complex time dependencies is currently still a challenge, when the structure of the neural network needs to... |
Sodomka, Ondřej
Skřivan, Vojtěch
Jozová, Kateřina
Mach, František
Magnetically Controlled Microfluidic Channels A technological framework for entirely soft microfluidic channels controlled by an external magnetic is pro-posed. The crucial part of the channel is a multilayer structure compounded of a magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) and additional nonmagnetic layers that provide unique properties to the... |
Šroubová, Lenka
Slobodník, Karel
Naxer, Ondřej
Blohmann, Miroslav
Adaptive Model of Battery System Behavior for Electromobility The aim of this paper is to optimize comparative value predicting the remaining electric vehicle's range. The paper deals with the mathematical model for a typical battery system used in electro mobility, in accordance with the real operating parameters, actual battery state, track&... |
Šmucr, David
Vítek, Martin
Mach, František
Pospíšil, Karel
Non-contact Electromagnetic Actuator for a Ball Valve The article deals with the issue of a fully electromagnetic non-contact actuator for a ball valve - a valve controlled by a purely electromagnetic field (direct drive) created by coils (electromagnets) placed outside the operating part of the valve. |
Carvan, Ondřej
Juřík, Martin
Kuthan, Jiří
Vítek, Martin
Mach, František
Electronic Waste Separation Using Magnetic Minirobots The research and applications of miniature robots are rapidly evolving. For robots that move with three degrees of freedom, the in-vivo appears to be the most promising application with the potential to change the paradigm in many fields of study. The applications of miniature ... |
Lapuník, Vojtěch
Juřík, Martin
Vítek, Martin
Kuthan, Jiří
Mach, František
Magnetically Assembled Electronic Digital Materials The concept of digital materials at the boundary of electric circuits and miniature robotics is studied. The main objective is to develop an experimental framework for the automatic assembly of basic electric circuits from the elementary modules. The framework is demonstrated on tiny... |
Karban, Pavel
Petrášová, Iveta
Doležel, Ivo
DC Motor Benchmark with Prediction Based on Mixture of Experts The Mixture of Experts (MoE)–based approach is applied to verify the possibility of using surrogate models for searching the optima of complex multicriteria problems with constraints. This approach can successfully solve problems when the design space is limited by a higher number of... |
Kohout, Jan
Šroubová, Lenka
Simulation of heat transfer and air flow inside the switchboard cabinet Heat transfer and airflow inside the switchboard cabinet of a paragliding flight simulator is modeled with the aim to position its structural parts in the way that prevents them from excessive heating. Heat is produced by losses of electromagnetic origin in some of these parts... |
Kohout, Jan
Šroubová, Lenka
Modeling of the heat transfer in the switchboard cabinet This paper deals with the modeling of a heat transfer in the switchboard cabinet by using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The heat transfer field distribution can be seen from a typical example and discussion of its results. Furthermore, the results of simulations... |
Kotlan, Václav
Hamar, Roman
Slobodnik, Karel
Dolezel, Ivo
Modeling of temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces obtained by additive technique Temperature patterns and hardness of surfaces produced by laser cladding is modeled. The mathematical model includes the description of all important physical phenomena taking part in the process. Experimental ... |
Kotlan, Václav
Doležel, Ivo
Baking of thin electrically non-conductive layers by indirect induction heating A model of baking electrically non-conductive thin layers (paints, lacquers and other covering material) is presented. The process of baking, whose purpose is to protect the metal substrate from unfavourable influences of environmental medium, is realized by indirect induction heating of the... |
Petrášová, Iveta
Karban, Pavel
Forzan, M.
Doležel, Ivo
di Barba, P.
Sensitivity analysis of time of induction heating process on charge parameters A model of determining the time necessary for ln duction heating of a ferromagnetic cylindrical charge to the Curie temperature ls presented, together w:lth findlng lts sensitivity to variable lnput parameters. Whlle the geometry or the lnductor and charge are known together wlth ... |
Kuthan, Jiří
Juřík, Martin
Vítek, Martin
Mach, František
Collective planar actuation of miniature magnetic robots towards individual robot operation Magnetic actuation technique for the collective operation of untethered miniature robots by uniform control input is presented. The technique allows us to actuate multiple robots simultaneously and enables us to prohibit the actuation of selected ones while others are still operated. Non-act... |